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My Dad had an accident


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:cry:After telling my Dad to be more careful with his table saw, and years of watching him have many close calls.....he finally did it! Cut off his full index finger and his middle finger down to the top knuckle on his left hand. The rest were beat up but OK.


What a drag! He has been building his house for 3 years now and when nearly at an end he rushed to cut a few pieces of .5" trim......without the guard and with the blade at full height.


Just a word of precaution...dont let it happen to you. Please work safely and smartly! :cry:

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15 years ago, I was helping my dad trim out the bathroom of the house we just finished building. The skillsaw pulled the wood under it along with his hand and severed three fingers about 95% through. I was about to faint. They were hanging off his hand, the walls were splattered with blood, and we packed his hand in ice and called the ambulance. They were able to re-attach with micro surgery. They were never the same but at least most of the fingers were saved.


Good luck to your dad and speedy recovery.

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By "guard", you mean that thing every master carpenter, and craftsman chucks, because it gets in the way? :lmao:


I still have mine somewhere... :lmao:


Hope he heals well and tell him to take plenty of whatever they perscribe! He'll need it, along with a stiff shot of the Macallan! :2thumsb:



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Haven't seen a table saw with the guard installed in a very long time. It can get a little hairy when you are using a table saw to cut a curve without the fence.


Hope he heals up nicely and doesn't lose too much functionality in his hand.

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Oh ya!... he is on meds and pretty spacy...and bumed out. Thanx for all your kind words.


As far as the blade guards go....I know, I have removed mine as well. But if you see how my pop uses his table saw you'd undestand why I've have made a fuss over him removing it. Coffee in one hand..a smoke in the other with the dog running around him on a rope.....and he's is always rushing......not sure why as he is retired????


It was bound to happen but unfortunate it finally did.

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I have a delta capenter saw, no blade gaurd.

Worse thing that happened with me was a kick back and the block of wood flew by my head and dented the garage door. Scary.

I use my fingers as a push stick all the time, I know dumb.

Heck I don' even have a slider. Knocking on wood.

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Wow Jerry, that is just terrible.


I didn't have nearly the result yoru Dad did, but I injured one of my fingers with a table saw a few years ago. Took a good chunk off the end, lukily it healed somewaht normal.


Ever since then I am always extra observant where ALL my digits and extremities are, when using a lot of tools. Just today I was using a chain saw and tried to use only the bottom of the blade most of the time, because everytime I had to use the top I could just see it catching and kicking towards me. Lukily it didn't.


I hope your Dad heals quickly, the pain can be unbearble, but he'll have to deal with something I haven't, that being the lack of digits after the healing. From talking with people that have had similar injuries, the mental healing can take a very long time, because now he will need to get used to not having those fingers that he's had for most of of his life.

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I think that taking your time when making cuts is more important than any automatic guards or safety features. Moving too quickly can cause costly and sometimes painful mistakes. I have been lucky so far but a close friend of mine got himself with a chopsaw by moving too quickly.

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sorry to hear about your dad jerry, that sucks.


iv been swaping out my L24 for an L26 this weekend and i thought the massive blood blister i got was a PITA lol. i hope he heals up well mate

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They couldnt save his finger...it got mashed up in the blade pretty bad. His neighbors found it about an hour later when they came to clean up, it got thrown to the side in the accident.......placed it on ice and drove it to the hospital which is about half an hour away. The severed end was just to badly damaged and I believe the length of time may have played a role.


Great neighbors he has...benefits of living in the country...great people! They are cutting the grass, walking the german sheperd and helping out with everything. Makes it a lot easier.

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Jerry - Sorry to hear this that is tragic and a tough lesson learnt. We have all taken lots of chances with cutting wheels, angle grinders, saws etc...and we do not realize how we place ourselves at such excessive danger until its too late and something happens.


Our best to your dad.


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