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Thinking of selling aziza for a c63 amg!!!!

aziza z

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I dont think I have seen any z that doesnt have race history, and that also isnt a restored series one car bring more than about 12k. Maybe others have. People ususally end up getting more money by parting out there performace cars. I would keep the z, so you wont look like every other yahoo out on the road, but rather you would be unique.

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  BurnoutZ said:
If it makes f and f 4 it would be possible...



If they are buying it because it was in a movie, they are buying it for the wrong reason. There are better reasons I would buy this z car. For one it could out run most super cars.


Oh btw, yes i have ran against a c63 in aziza. It didnt keep up. But it was very quick and looks so sexy in the rear view mirror haha.


What the hell is wrong with me....

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Here's how I see it.

There can be hundreds of C63 AMG's, but there's only ONE Aziza. EVER there will NEVER be another aziza. once it's gone, it's gone, and what you get to replace it, is a fancy expensive suit that a bunch of other guys are also wearing.


Why not keep the fancy suit that no one in the world has?


but that's the reason why no matter what I go through trying to get my car to run good, I will never sell her. My blood, skin, fingerprints, will be engraved on her till the day she dies. That car has become an extension of myself. Selling it would be like cutting off my own limb.

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  m4xwellmurd3r said:
Here's how I see it.

There can be hundreds of C63 AMG's, but there's only ONE Aziza. EVER there will NEVER be another aziza. once it's gone, it's gone, and what you get to replace it, is a fancy expensive suit that a bunch of other guys are also wearing.


Why not keep the fancy suit that no one in the world has?

My sentiments exactly. Aziza has more character than the C63 could ever hope to have. Keep it.
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Well Matt as far as the sale of Z cars goes I've had mine for sale for awhile now and I am asking what I consider a bargain basement price for it ($10k) and although I have some interest I have not seen anything serious yet. Yours is certainly more street friendly than mine but I still feel that the current economic situation has lowered peoples willingness to spend that kind of money on a toy which is what "most" of the Z's on HybridZ are.


Good luck



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two things in my opinion....


1. it's an automatic...YUCK!!


2. aside from insurance and gas....think about repairs on that bad boy. the rotors alone on that thing are going to dig deep into your pockets.


sweet car but i'd take a Z over it ANY DAY...

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So heres what ive figured.



I just drove aziza tonight. God thats a hell of a feeling. 3rd and 4th gear pull is ridiculous. And if i sell it i figure ill miss that 1-2-and part of 3rd gear cant hook worth crap feeling. And I think you guys are right. Although the c63 is sexual (thats the only word to describe it), it is truly one of a kind. I get guys in Ferrari's, bentlys whatever cars giving me thumbs up.



So bottom line: THE CAR ISNT FOR SALE. It was a stupid idea to consider it. 18k? **** no!


However I will get myself a c63 toy (when the time is right), cause i am completely out of my mind. And i think the key to buying that car will be to simply restore my other z cars, and sell them when the time is right.


One day, I will have both cars in my garage. That day might not be for a long time, but at least I wont regret selling the red rocket.



(btw im test driving a c63 at flechers maneana)

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You might get $15K if the right buyer tripped over you... If you think otherwise, you're dreaming.


These cars are hard to sell. Those who want them can't afford them. Those who can afford them can also afford a lot of other cars...


And someone mentioned "parts" replacement... Yea, thats the beautiful thing about newer technology, and especially european technology... It doesn't break nearly as often or require replacements.


Sell your Z and buy another car and you'll just realize what many of us know... There are a LOT of other "nice" options out there... And a lot of them have just as much soul.



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I can't get past this comment...


Every single car I've owned has been modified, including my Corvette, and now my Porsche 911 Turbo. It's on my lift right now awaiting parts to replace the damage done at the track...I know of many guys who own benzs, Ferraris, Lambos, Vipers, Vettes, Aston Martins, and in particular some very expensive Porsches. All of which that are modified by their owners and to levels that are simply in a class all their own.


This notion that owning something modern and/or exotic should be looked down on is pathetic and insulting to a host of us who choose to be car guys, not just Zcar guys.


ScottyGNZ said it best when he sold his Z and moved into a 2nd Gen RX7... There are things the ZCAR does well for an intended purpose, or maybe at a specific time in one's life. Doesn't mean it will be all things to all people, always. Further, from every newer and high tech car I've owned, I've been able to steal ideas and transfer them to Zcar projects I'm involved with developing.


Closed minds close doors to new opportunities... Don't close yours.



  biohazard53188 said:
If you buy some other car it just looks like you are some spoiled rich kid. You have and amazing Z (which I assume gets the ladies) dont let it go.
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Do what makes you happy. I'm thinking about selling my Z after I finish it in the next few weeks, Its the car I wanted a few years ago but now I'm a different person with different needs and views. Its sad that Ill have worked on it for nearly 4 years just to sell it but that's life, and my priority's are different now. I personally would like to snag an Is300 5 speed its a nice car and near my price range if I can get some dough for my Z.

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"Its not getting what you want, its wanting what you got!" I can't believe I am quoting Sheryl Crow! Does that make me less of a man?


Anyway, I think what the rich kid comment was trying to communicate was that there is a stigma with high end cars. Those that can't afford them have this love/hate thing going on. They love the cars, but have a kind of jealous hatred for those that can afford them. Sad to say, but it happens a lot.


If I could buy a new Z06, I'd be all over that. . . and I would still modify it :)

Since I can't, I love the feeling I get building a decent machine on a shoestring budget. Keep dreaming, its healthy. Just don't base your happiness on the "if I had it, I'd be happy" syndrome! I say keep it for now. You can even graduate it toy status when you get a comfy sedan, or minivan! Yes, I sold my monster Jeep Cherokee for a minivan, but I keep dreamin'!

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I agree, do what you want. Sell or not sell, either way.


Now this is my rant and I'm sure I'll get flack on it, but why a Sedan? I don't care how fast, modern, lowered, whatever is done, it's still a grocery getting womens car. I hardly waste a glance at them.


Get the BMW. At least it has lines.

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