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California back roads


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Not to hijack this thread... but how about putting together a list of fun canyon roads for the members. I'm not very familar with many canyon roads but the one I've been on is Tonner Canyon Road off the 57 Freeway in the Brea area. If you go east it dumps you into Chino Hills.



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Ok from driving on Highway 9 atleast once a day for a year, that is not highway 9. it never gets that small, but i could be some of the side roads off of skyline blvd, i grew up within a 5 mile range from highway 9 for most of my life, its a awsome road that i test all my vehicles on!

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Not to hijack this thread... but how about putting together a list of fun canyon roads for the members. I'm not very familar with many canyon roads but the one I've been on is Tonner Canyon Road off the 57 Freeway in the Brea area. If you go east it dumps you into Chino Hills.


Tonner Canyon Road is in Whittier off the 605/60 fwys. Its a good but short road and I've wrecked there before. Motorcycles race on it Sunday nights. Carbon Canyon Road is the road you're thinking of and its too crowded with traffic 90% of the time to be of any fun.


Locally in SoCal there's too much traffic to really enjoy any of the good mountain roads (Angeles Crest, Ortega Hwy, Glendora Mountain Road). Central California has some good roads that are relatively free of traffic.


Hwy 58 between Atascadero and Taft.

Foxen Canyon Road near Los Olivos.

A number of farm roads near Shandon.

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  johnc said:

Locally in SoCal there's too much traffic to really enjoy any of the good mountain roads (Angeles Crest, Ortega Hwy, Glendora Mountain Road). Central California has some good roads that are relatively free of traffic.


You have to get up early to have fun. There is a group of us (Z's and other cars) that meet up every Sunday morning to go to breakfast at Newcombes Ranch up Angeles Crest Hiway. We meet up at the New Sports Chalet store at Angeles Crest and the 210.



Art Rinner

75 280Z

73 240ZT

83 280ZXT

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I didn't watch the video, but I'd have to suggest that it is a bad idea to post video of yourself breaking the law. I can only assume that "tearing it up" means that some laws were broken.


Like John, I've had a bad crash in a canyon. Mine was actually the incident that started me autoxing. Once I actually got to an autox and had an instructor teaching me what to do I was amazed at how much I had to learn and how little I actually knew. Track days are even more of an eye opener. I look back at what I was doing in the canyons and I'm just grateful that I lived through it.


I always always always went very late at night. I was a night owl for one, but you can also see traffic coming a hell of a lot better at night. You'll see the headlights even on a blind corner way before you'd see the front of a car in the day, and you'll usually get glimpses of headlights way off in the distance to let you know someone else is on the road. Of course the late night theory once left me climbing out of a steep ravine on a moonless night at 3:30 in the morning.

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Back in high school a group of friends and I with 240sx's would play the game and do the late night canyon runs. I say play the game because almost everytime someone would crash and avoiding a wreck was the game. I have to admit at the time it was exciting. Friendly compitition, testing you and your cars capabilities but, the crashes were too real and came too frequently we had to quit. We all realized that a cheap thrill like that wasn't worth dying/hurt, pain and suffering from a wrecked car that we all work so hard for.


So we all took it to the track and like Jon mentioned realized we knew very little about driving.


Now i'm not going to say I don't drive canyon roads anymore because I do enjoy a nice daytime drive once in a while. However I would never drive the 8/10-10/10 like I used to when I was dumb.


If your in the Socal area my fav's are:


Sand Canyon aka little tujunga cnyn rd. - lots of banked turns, high and low speed sections, low traffic


Angeles Crest (going towards the Antelope valley and wrightwood)- predictable high speed turns, well paved. lots of CHP and bikes


Bouquet and San franquito Cnyn - moderate to low speed turn. decreasing radiuses


Then you have Mt. Wilson, Glendora Mt. road, La tuna Cnyn, and then the Malibu area cnyn which branches into so many including the infamous stunt rd.

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What's funny is that before I started autocrossing and road racing I would drive "fast" on canyon roads and the car would be out of shape in a lot of spots and I would be working hard to go "fast." After a few years of autox and road racing I've driven the same canyon roads, more comfortably and with the car in shape on its side of the road, and I cover the same distance in much less time.


Smooth is fast and a lot of that comes from knowing when to go fast and when to go slow.

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Most of it looks like Hwy 9 or some road way out there--it gets very dark and narrow in some places, but there is also section of grassy hills that looks a lot more East Bay. The scene keeps switching, so these are probably from different locations.



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