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$24K Z on Craigslist

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That Z is a travesty and makes me sad. I much prefer a primered project car to that poorly conceived bondo trap. That ad is just as rough...how hard is it to learn how to spell? Figures that the owner that 'designed' that bucket can't spell.

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I dig the stripes and side pipes but that roof scoop is fugly. Leave that to the rice burners...




Huh? Aren't all Japanese / Asian cars "rice burners"? Maybe you mean "ricers"...even Domestic cars can be "riced out" :mrgreen:

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No doubt a nice car, "appraised" value is judgmental. He's probably super flexible on price. But is looking to attract quality buyers by having a price that high. We all know what you have in a car ($), isnt usually what it would sell for....... especially Z's

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It certainly is not my cup of tea. Someone phrased it best when they said something about the car being far less because most people aren't going to have the same taste in mods as this guy and they take into account how much it will cost to change it. In my opinion, we're looking at a real value of $18k someone might be willing to pay for something as unique as that but, since he's not likely to find a buyer that wants exactly that but does want a Z in good shape and has similar qualities, he can expect closer to $13k or $14k.

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I think this car is probably extremely nice and probably has great craftsmanship. But the design and overall look of the car is a little dated in my opinion. If you dropped it a few inches, put some nicer wheels it, add front and rear bumpers, and get rid of that roof scoop it would look pretty sweet.


But if someone were to buy a car like this the buyer would have to love the design as well. Especially at that price.

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At least he took care of the car. You guys are bagging him like he completely made a travesty out of the project. I've seen alot worse although those examples weren't finished they obvious were going down the wrong path to begin with. I don't agree with the price, but overall the car is not bad at all; minus the scoop and side pipes. I'll take the stripes.

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