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OMFG, will it ever end?


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Its been raining in New England for a whole month now. We have had a few days that the sun came out breifly and quikly went right back to rain.Its so depressing, even someone from Seatle that was visiting, said they couldnt wait to get home for better weather.Forecast is rain thru the holiday weekend, I wonder how much a ticket to Jamaica is this time of year.Its a good thing I dont own guns...it could get messy.

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I am convinced that the Northeast is now officially a rain forest. The slugs are getting HUGE. The frogs are everywhere, insects are taking over, indigenous trees are dropping leaves from too much rain. I bet I can start growing banana trees.


Don't bother looking at the forecast. It's mostly cloudy with showers and a slight chance of brief sun, to raise the humidity levels.


I have a tough time keeping the house from rotting.


You know it's bad when the house rots faster than the Z!

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Its SUPPOSED to be frickin hot where you are.Its NOT supposed to rain the entire month of june and now well into July here. I havent even uncovered my boat yet. My dock is ready to float away. I'm trying to think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...

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I live on the MA/NH border, Nashua is one mile away.For some reason, its been voted " Best Place to Live" in the US, more than once. It cant be the WEATHER, its pouring down right now.If it would stop for just a little while, I could mow the mushrooms , I mean the lawn.

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Look at the bright side....I bet your lawm is lush and green!


Mine sure as hell is!


I am convinced that the Northeast is now officially a rain forest. The slugs are getting HUGE. The frogs are everywhere, insects are taking over, indigenous trees are dropping leaves from too much rain. I bet I can start growing banana trees.


Don't bother looking at the forecast. It's mostly cloudy with showers and a slight chance of brief sun, to raise the humidity levels.


I have a tough time keeping the house from rotting.


You know it's bad when the house rots faster than the Z!

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Look at the bright side....I bet your lawm is lush and green!


Mine sure as hell is!


Yeah I can't keep up with cutting mine, stupid rain! The only evenings when it ISN'T raining I have to cut the lawn.


The weekends have been crap up here too. It'll be nice the odd day throughout the week and rain on the weekend. Hasn't been much of a "summer" so far. Hell, late April was nicer when we had two weeks straight of warm temps and sun.

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Bottom line...it blows. And it just so happens to lie in the only time period EVER where my Z doesn't have a garage bay. She has seen more rain in the past few weeks than she has in her entire lifetime. FML.


And when the rain is heavy, it will pool up in the passenger floor board....REALLY FML.

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