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Okay, You guys will have to forgive me for asking, but What is this Seafoam stuff I've heard about on here? What is it good for? Are there different types? Are there any things I should look out for while using it, and lastly where do I get it, My Autozone said they'd never heard of it.




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Some guys swear by the stuff....personally, I've used it with mixed results. You can put it in your tank when you fill up, or dump it straight into the intake system with the engine running.


Best result I got was putting 2 cans into a full tank on my 2000 4Runner (110,000 miles). It improved the mileage by 1-2 mpg.

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best injector cleaner I ever used was by that "redline" same maker of water wetter, also an amazing product.. but i had an 86 300zx na, ran pretty ruff, as in on 5 cylinders, but i was idleing at a car wash (washing my car)... when a large group of the local import owners showed up... they gave me a little prevocation( come on burn em whheeewww, that sorta thing) well I noticed it was idling smooth as silk... hmmmm lets see... so as I pull out, I slam the clutch down(clutch punch so to speak... I might be the only person who does it...) in second gear, while holding it to the floor and it revved sooo nicely, lit em up from one side to the other! almost went all the way around, but I stayed on my side of the road, a good 50+ foot burn out (easily 50 feet, easily)the car was never the same after that day, litterally the best running na nissan motor I ever did see, ran like a top.....


had to give my personal experience as to why I love the $h!t outta that stuff..... if that isn't proof of it working, oh and a bottle can be used as 12 seperate tanks.... but can be used in concentration, i was scared at first after I added it and saw the things on the side to show how much to add.... but I was happy with the end results!!!!!!!


okay I just searched for it, there are apearently 2 types, its the pinkish one, not the SI-1...... just had to clear it up

Edited by stprasinz
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  stprasinz said:
but i had an 86 300zx na, ran pretty ruff, as in on 5 cylinders, but i was idleing at a car wash (washing my car)... when a large group of the local import owners showed up... they gave me a little prevocation( come on burn em whheeewww, that sorta thing) well I noticed it was idling smooth as silk... hmmmm lets see... so as I pull out, I slam the clutch down(clutch punch so to speak... I might be the only person who does it...) in second gear, while holding it to the floor and it revved sooo nicely, lit em up from one side to the other! almost went all the way around, but I stayed on my side of the road, a good 50+ foot burn out (easily 50 feet, easily)the car was never the same after that day, litterally the best running na nissan motor I ever did see, ran like a top.....


What does this run-on sentence have to do with Seafoam or Redline? You forget to mention the part where you used one of the two products before trying to show off.

Or maybe you did mention it and I just missed it since it's impossible to read what you write without proper punctuation.

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Guest Rolling Parts
  Pharaohabq said:
Okay, You guys will have to forgive me for asking, but What is this Seafoam stuff I've heard about on here?


Just a solvent. Use if needed.

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I used it in a 2000 Toyota Tacoma and a 1993 Nissan pickup. I bought it at Autozone. If the one you went to did not know what it was. Don't go there, It was 9.99 a can. I only used 1 per vehicle. Basically. The Idea is to clean the carbon deposits out. First, have the vehicle cool, that way you don't warp any valves or anything pouring room temperature liquid onto burning hot engine internals. Start your engine with your brake booster vacuum line disconnected (or any similar vacuum that goes into the intake and will run down all intake runners) use a funnel and pour 1/3 the can into the line slowly, it will choke out the vehicle if you use to much (having a helper to keep it running can be good) IMMEDIATELY turn the engine off, this can be done by flooding the engine with what you have left of the 1/3. Then let it sit for 10 minutes. In the mean time. Put a second third in the oil, directly in through the filler cap. Then what you have left into the gas tank. After the vehicle has sat for that 10 minutes after the first 1/3 you start the vehicle and let it run for a bit (around another 10 minutes). Then take it driving, There will be ALOT! of smoke. It seemed to work alright. I think if I used 2 cans it would have turned out better. If I do it again I will do it a full can in the tank. 1/2 can in the booster, 1/2 can in the oil. You are free to experiment. The thirds method is what is recommended by the manufacture, it is a 100% petroleum product, I'm sure it causes cancer, just like everything else does. It did increase performance a little. Worked better than the cheap injector cleaners you can buy. I will make a video when and if I do it to the z.

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i used redline. poured in the whole bottle. idled at the car wash (about 4 gallons after i put it in) it cleaned a clogged injector. it went from choppy bumbled to smooth and clean, as in a clkogged injector began to fire. and of course I show off... why drive a 2 seater sports car... I figured i'd say the best injector stuff Iv found, I have tried many brands. That car I think I ran... well many different kinds, that stuff actually worked, I just figured i'd have to get a set of injectors, then low and behold.... that stuff cleaned er up... And I suck at grammar so what... skip my run ons next time, save yourself the trouble

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  stprasinz said:
i used redline. poured in the whole bottle. idled at the car wash (about 4 gallons after i put it in) it cleaned a clogged injector. it went from choppy bumbled to smooth and clean, as in a clkogged injector began to fire. and of course I show off... why drive a 2 seater sports car... I figured i'd say the best injector stuff Iv found, I have tried many brands. That car I think I ran... well many different kinds, that stuff actually worked, I just figured i'd have to get a set of injectors, then low and behold.... that stuff cleaned er up... And I suck at grammar so what... skip my run ons next time, save yourself the trouble


How much did it cost? Most of this stuff, seafoam and apparently redline and whatever else actually ends up working is really worth the money to spend 10 bucks.

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Well have try every injector cleaner exept Seafoam. The product that workrd for me and is hard to find is DURA LUBE Discount parts used to sell it not any more. It unclug my injector or injectors in about 10 to 15 mins onmy ZXT. I have used all others including red line but not Seafoam. I am thinking that my problem with clog injector is because I removed the injector fan i don't know but dura lube really works.

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  Kris.Is.Awesome said:
I've seafoamed every vehicle I've had.


Every time, same story. Smoother idle, more 'pep'. I love the product!


Yea, like I said, its worth the 10 bucks for a can. I did see noticable difference, especially in the Nissan pickup. The Toyota has a sender unit going bad so the idle is still to high.

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  Kris.Is.Awesome said:
I've seafoamed every vehicle I've had.


Every time, same story. Smoother idle, more 'pep'. I love the product!



I owned a Miata that had a terrible clicking sound from the valves and I used seafoam. Put in about half the bottle from one of the vaccume lines and let the car sit for about 10 minutes.. after that drove it around the block and had my "batman" moment with the smoke screen. IT WAS GREAT! The car ran better too! haha..


but seriously. for under 10 bucks you can't complain. It adds vitality to the car!

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  p-factor said:
Those who have used it and experienced benefits, are you using it just in the gas tank or oil, or a combination of the two? I'm a bit leery of adding it straight to the intake.


I understand the idea of saying, really, should this go into my intake. That's why you do it with a cool engine to avoid any problems. Its so the carbon gets cleaned out of the intake ports and the innards of the intake side of the head.

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