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Everything posted by Brad-ManQ45

  1. Bar and Plate is best - the end tanks look okay too. I'd say if it fits and you get a good price, go for it, if you don't mind getting RAPED on the shipping.
  2. Exactly waht 280Zen said PLUS: I am 50 years old and was as idealistic - maybe even more so than most my age when I was a teen. I was at Woodstock - I was a Hippie. I was on my own from age 16. I narrowly missed Vietnam, but would have gone if called. I lived through all the protests, watching people raise a great cry and hue vie rhetoric that didn't hold water, and today is still being done by anyone hoping to gain support from people either unwilling to think for themselves, too ignorant to, or just plain lazy. Bush is not wishy washy and not poll driven like the Democrats are... Bush inherited the economy (which Clinton and the Democrats ruined). I STILL like what Arnold said - basically - 'If you think you can spend your money better than the government can, you're a Republcan'. The last three Republican presidents have taken decisive and effective action against our enemies, while the Democrats have given away our self respect through either inaction or - dare I say it (in the case of Carter) - misfeasance. Carter is STILL a bleeding joke (I'm from Georgia and knew it BEFORE he was president - he was bad enough then and only lasted one term before the rest of the US wised up - too bad they have short memories). This man took the idea for Habitats for Humanity from someone else and claimed it as his idea. Reganomics is undoubtedly the cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nobody wanted to screw with us when Regan was in office. Sadam learned not to screw with us when the first Bush was in office. He learned Clinton was just a fat womanizer with no decent foreign policy and no backbone - indeed, the only bone he has been proven to have was serviced many times by people other than whom he wed. G.W. Bush has once again shown our enemies (and let me state that radical Muslims will ALWAYS be our enemies - because they rely on ignorance, dogma and hate to sustain their beliefs) that we are not to be messed with. That said, I firmly believe that the only people fit to lead our government are the people intelligent enough NOT TO WANT TO. The freedom to do business is what elevated this country above all others in the last 150 years. There is no doubt that big business is what won WWII for the side of - dare I say it - GOOD, as opposed to an ideaology that embraced bigotry, hate and genocide. It was our ability to outproduce our enemies that enabled our us and our allies in WWII to defeat the Axis Powers, and our ability to outspend the Soviet Union brought its' collapse - all because of big business. To anyone who was adult in the late 70's and early 80's, the fact that we were able to do that after what Carter and his fellow Democrats did to our economy is a testament to Regan and his economic advisors. To put it another way - when Regan took over, home loans were in the 10 to 13 percent range. By the end of his 2 terms, they were around 7 percent. You young people do not have the benefit of having lived long enough to see through rhetoric and posing - and possibly too lazy, and ignore the history that is eay enough to research, if one simpy took the time. I am totally disgusted by everything that Kerry represents a a politician - wishy-wasy, no backbone- a coward and traitor. Ther is NOTHING in his past in either the military or as a representative of the people that leads me to believe he is any kind of a leader. Indeed, the entire Democratic campaign boils down to - "Whatever Bush is for, we're against". This is absolutely ludicrous. If that's the best they can do, then they don't deserve to win. The sad thing is that they just might, because the Democrats can always rely on people that pay no attention to history, don't read much, are basically ignorant, and let's not forget a vast number of their supporters - the people who rely on an 'entitlement form of government' - let's ay it as it rally is - too lazy to get out of the house and work because it is so easy to collect their welfare check. Our country is allready at the point where less than 50% of the people directly generate the $ that the rest of the people rely on to live. All of the people that fall in the later category are government workers, the military and those on welfare. We all know that the military has been pared down over the years. Republicans and Democrats are both interested in making government bigger - the Republicans less so than Democrats. The rest of that larger percentage is the great number of people that the Democrats rely on to support them - the people to whom the 'entitlement form of government' is their livelhood - and this percentage keeps increasing. Wake up and smell the roses people - the vast majority of the people are just too lazy or ignorant to do the math, the research, learn the history, to govern themselves, which is why our founding fathers founded NOT a democracy but a REPUBLICAN form of government, and why the electoral college was and still is a good idea. Even though one of the 2 basic reasons that were support for the electoral college in the beginning has disappeared - lack of communication - the other - the almost certainty that popular (and uniformed/ignorant) vote could cause a real travesty in an election is still with us. Remember - the electoral college DOES NOT have to cast its' votes the way the people do - this was yet another example of the foresight our forefathers had, along with our constitution and Bill of Rights to insure that we would carry on. I find it very rare when the easiest way to do something is also the best/most permenant way to do it. Everything I have gotten, I got on my own, through the grace of putting myself through school and working. I've never had anything handed to me, and I absolutely despise the Democrats efforts to make more and more people dependent on government largesse for a living. I'm sure this will be no part of your essay, but perhaps it should be... OK, I'm done.
  3. http://www.westechperformance.com/pages/Tech_Library/Popular_Engine_Specs/dimensions.html I'm thinking Buick Stage II 455 w/aluminum heads - a little wider than Olds but narrower than Caddy, all other dimensions same or smaller than Olds or Caddy. Stage I's were AWSOME - the Stage II heads were INCREDIBLE!
  4. Actually, for ultimate handling, 8" is better than 7" fot a 225/50 tire. The wider the rim the more stable the tread in cornering - but make sure you stay within the tire manufacturer's guidelines. Michelin recs 7-8.5" rims, so 8.5 would be best for handling, at the expense of ride....
  5. I'm not a fan of the ytont emd either, but I DO like the proportions and size og yhe new one compared to the C5. My personal favorite though was the looks of the '73 convertible.
  6. Au contraire - the Caddy engine would fit quite nicely - not much bigger than the 350...
  7. You will need it for the heater too...
  8. 200R4 has the advantage of lower numerically speaking 1st gear that the TH400 and 4L80e have - when you/ve got a lot of torque and a light car, it helps...
  9. I used the oners from MSA - polyurethane w/integral bump stops.
  10. .93 5th gear? What rear axle you runnin'?
  11. Basically, the TH350 and 700R4/4L60/4L60E share the same 1st 3 gear ratios, with the later having overdrive and sharing the same clutch packs for 1st and 2nd gear... The TH400 and 4L80E share the same gears with the later having an overdrive. Separate clutch pack for each gear, which is why it stands up to torque longer.
  12. Need analog cluster, wiring harness, temp sender, defrost switch for guages. Got manual parts from Z-Barn for A/C...
  13. Personally, I lijed Arnold's observation: 'If you think you can spend you money better than the government, you're a Republican.' (This may be paraphrased but is very close) I do not like the Democrats 'endowment philosophy' used yo buy the votes of the un and under educated.
  14. Don't forget that Modern Motorsports also has the VENTED 4X4 setup that allows you to keep your stock hubs - all the advantages of better caliper AND Vented Disc for a lot less than that $1000.
  15. I will agree with everyone who said get it out of the engine compartment. I would also like to add that the shorter the tubing between the filter and the turbo the less chance for air to pick up heat. As far as being in front of the intercooler, I don't see that as much of a problem, because for the most part, on the street, the intercooler is like a heat sink for the air passing through it, when you are off boost it will cool down again, and we just aren't on boost that long for the small amount of blockage that a filter causes to be a big issue. JMHO, but if someone has empirical evidence contrary to this, I would like to be enlightened.
  16. Much easier to polish off car - quicker too.
  17. #1 is easy - boost is lower in lower gears because there isn't as much load. #2 I'm not sure of...
  18. Had a brand new '75 Yamaha RD350 for 40 days and 4400 miles 'til a Lincoln Town car ran a light WAY LATE - off duty cop on a Kawasaki 400 said - no way to see him coming (popped over a hill), and thought I couldn't get out alive. No more bikes...
  19. I would think that 18 psi w/stock turbo would be the limit - is not lower - the HEAT being created at that point is phenomenol. Do some searches - someone is in the 12's on the stock turbo - see what he maxes at. Anything less than 65% efficiency is asking for trouble. If you were tolimit your RPMs to ~4000 with 20 lbs boost you'd be okay, but above tay yo would reach TPODR. Heck, you would have to chabge injectors before you can max out the stock turbo (providig you have an intercooler). I run 10 and sometimes spike to 15 Psi with a T3/T4 S trim compessor and clipped turbine with stock injectors - no intercooler, no ping. If I want more out of it, I'll have to go MS or SDS and bigger injectors asnd an intercooler first - then change the turbo.
  20. http://www.angelfire.com/extreme/280zxt/
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