Dangerous question to ask Challenger.
Anyhooo, the Germans, who almost ruled the world, had hands on engineers.
They would drive the race cars and even fly a V1 bomb (had guidance problems).
America was built on the principals that Tony talks about, the current way of doing things is killing us.
Kinda like the saying, you can give a man a fish to eat (formal education), or teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time, (hands on education).
I don't know if I mentioned this before:
A wise Jesuit who taught a GU, father Schoenberg (SP), bonified photographic memory, wrote many books, said once, "When I was young you could teach collage kids 80% of the the worlds knowledge in four years, now your lucky if they know 10%.
It's not the teachers fault, nor the students, it is just the "data base" of the world is that BIG!
In some ways, even somewhat specialized, you really will only know very little about a whole lot of stuff.
Just wish the teachers would pass this along to there students, (NOT ALL) just most.
Most teachers do spend alot of time making sure there "self esteem" is VERY healthy witch, subsequently, compounds the problems.
No I'm not a english professor, however, I always loved it when they would marval at abusive use of grammer skills by some nut, I mean some poet. Well life gose on.....