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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Love the gumption of that little boy! Needs to lay off the bacon just a bit though.
  2. He is an interesting point, how do you compete when surrounded by cheaters. There are many things I've quit, due to cheaters. When it is corrupt from top to bottom, the toll on personal integrity is daunting. The beehive thing would be a good idea, but alas, having been pounded in Catholic schools and parents that "your both at fault no matter who started it" did take it's toll. No busting on Catholics, just needed that for frame of reference. OK?!
  3. Hummm. To post or not to post... Naw, seems like there is good enough people helping. Yes, I see the irony in a no post posting.
  4. I hope jimmy dean saw that, bet they thought it was a hoot as well.
  5. Maybe crud finally blocked enough passages from scaling freeing itself when coolant was not present. Happens in plumbing all the time. Good job.
  6. I bought a turbo fly for 50, shipped on wanted parts from z-ya. Cost about 100 to lighten, 189 for beck arnly clutch assembly (shucks) and..... way cool. The fly and pressure plate were balanced. Day to do the swap in sub zero temps in my drive way. Later I filled it up with royal purple.
  7. I think a description that would appease more HybridZers would be thus: The number before the W is the SAE weight the oil behaves like when cold. The number after the W is the SAE weight the oil behaves like when hot. 10W40 acts like cold 10 wt oil when cold, and acts like hot 40 wt oil when hot. Kinda, it would seem to be more accurate to say the first number represents a lower thickness at startup, witch is good but still high, and the second number represents a high thickness at operating temp of 212. (keeping in mind they all are very close at operating temp and even closer at 312.
  8. Is it me or your stock lights not on.... I like the led in hatch;)
  9. Not saying felpro rocks or anything, however, they have lines of rtv drawn on there head gaskets, and it not high temp copper. Drax, hope everything holds up for ya:)
  10. Sorry to hear about you luck, nice find though.
  11. It will be the same flywheel and pressure plate size for the t5 anyways. Just saying, if you have an na just keep it untill you blow it. If it is in good shape that will be a long time, also it should give you longer gears. Good job on finding out those details, just trying to save you a buck or two, is your na box good? Also that turbo/2+2 fly is 240mm. BTW, tail shaft as well.
  12. How did you end up with sooooo much karma, D, rock on!
  13. There needs to be a law allowing societally transgressive idiots to be culled from the human herd whilst in someone's home unannounced and uninvited without repercussions upon the culler... Used to be, now we are more civilized,,,,I think. "Ted Nugent is my Hero" Yep.
  14. Ya well, funny thing is, he is not that old. Some day he may be president, or king of the world, depends on how board he gets!!
  15. Looking forward too reading what you find. May the force be with you. Or maybe pressure;)
  16. Looks like you got your self a nice project their! Have you considered replacing the seats with something nicer. Probably cost less.
  17. No police bashing. Nothing better then just hearing a shot gun load a round to get someone to drop a load! Rounds don't go to far but they would hear the blast(s) and think twice!!! He did have home security, the DOG! What would have happened if that dog was not making a ruckus! Time for doggie to get a rare stake!
  18. Have you checked spark by pulling a plug? Check all connectors involved.
  19. How will you get the old oil out now......teehee.
  20. I know this is mundane at this point, did you check u-joints in the back? One of those possibilities of over thinking, due to new part. Just a 2ct. thing
  21. What's that stuff, Prussian blue? Put the head on with out gasket, check for gaps. Dude, so sucks! Your sitting on one of those problems, brand new gaskets suck?, or machine work sucks, both are new!!! One of the worse problems. This assumes you actually put in any or all of the head bolts, and torqued any or all of the bolts;) or that you did not bottom out the bolts, or hydraulic them, etc... Or you put on the head gasket correctly, not sideways or any thing;). Trying to add levity since 05.
  22. Try to find the oil without the energy conservation tag on the seal. These oils are of the older generation. There is some write ups on cam break-in, in lue of the oil problems of today, I'm not sure if they apply, as much. Don't go on just what I say, search this one, I don't want to be wrong in ANY way. Posting in the l6 sub fourm would yeild better results, me thinks.
  23. ^^Agreed, thanks Braap. Yes give new member forum a shot, somehow I think you may find someone to help.
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