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Everything posted by woldson

  1. This was too funny not to share!! My wife walked into the den and asked > "What on the TV?"> > I replied "Dust".> > And that's how the fight started...> > > ************************************************************************> > A woman is standing nude, looking in the> bedroom mirror.> > She is not happy with what she sees and> says to her husband, 'I feel horrible.> > I look old, fat and ugly. I really need> you to pay me a compliment.'> > The husband replies, 'Your> eyesight's damn near perfect.'> > And that's how the fight started...> > > ************************************************************************> > My wife was hinting about what she wanted> for our upcoming anniversary.> > She said, 'I want something shiny> that goes from 0 to 200 in about 3 seconds.> > I bought her a scale.> > And that's how the fight started...> > > ************************************************************************> > I asked my wife, 'Where do you want> to go for our anniversary?'> > It warmed my heart to see her face melt> in sweet appreciation.> > 'Somewhere I haven't been in a> long time!' she said.> > So I suggested, 'How about the> kitchen?'> > And that's when the fight started...> > > ************************************************************************> > My wife and I are watching Who Wants To> Be A Millionaire while we were in bed.> > I turned to her and said, 'Do you> want to have sex?'> > 'No,' she answered.> > I then said, 'Is that your final> answer?'> > She didn't even look at me this time,> simply saying 'Yes.'> > So I said, 'Then I'd like to> phone a friend.':shock:> > And that's when the fight started...> > > ************************************************************************> > I tried to talk my wife into buying a> case of Miller Light for $14.95.> > Instead, she bought a jar of cold cream> for $7.95.> > I told her the beer would make her look> better at night than the cold cream.> > And that's when the fight started...> > > ************************************************************************> > I took my wife to a restaurant. The> waiter, for some reason, took my order first.> > 'I'll have the strip steak,> medium rare, please.'> > He said, 'Aren't you worried> about the mad cow?'> > 'Nah, she can order for herself.'> > And that's when the fight started...
  2. Cheaper to just keep refilling;) Odd that it can loose so much from the top, Hummmm.
  3. Dose the 77 have the sensor on the resavouir? Low fuild level?
  4. Good for you! The 240 is much larger, visably noticable. So I have to ask, was the disk pointing in the right direction? Just had to ask.
  5. WOW! That also explains alot of things to me. THanks for sharing, hope others see this!
  6. Ok, I may need some edumaction here. If my fly wheel is balenced, its balenced, right? On a side note my pressure plate did get balenced, five holes through the chassie. Alos me needed a unberstnable reason, not for me but for my kin folk (son). He is young, 4 , I can still use this....teehee.
  7. Looking forward to the pics as well, welcome aboard.
  8. Nope. Go to parts wanted here and see if someone has a turbo flywheel lieing around. That is how I go mine, from Z-ya, in and running this weekend in my N/a. Just make sure you get the 2plus2 or turbo clutch. BTW, mabey not the best but I put in a beck arnly from smucks auto.
  9. Ahhhh crap, is all I can say. Keep us informed. Good luck.
  10. When it gose click, you should see an big draw. I am a little suprised as well that it is locked up. My guess would be that it was sitting cuse someone sized the engine and let it sit. (If it is locked up)
  11. Yep, 15mm dose not seem like much, but put them up to each other and it is a large difference. I was surprised,
  12. The flywheel and pressure plate that I just had done, will not have to re-balenced afterwards. Ya the pressure plate will have to go, then I will have to pull the fly just to do another plate. Anyhooo, I want to say internal balence, and yesterday I got mine in and running. I have not posted results yet due to loud exught that had to be cut to get the tranny out. I will get it welded up this weekend, in the mean time an old ford guy told me to cut up an old beer can and use that to bring the pipes back together and wrap it with wire. Yes I will post a pic, cuse it is funny, and it worked! Probley in non tech stuff.
  13. ^^You are not looking at running anymore than stock hp? I just put a turbo flywheel and clutch in my na. Some day I will have more hp, but for now I still like lighting them up, and my wife is still learning;)
  14. Heard that on the news today, good God, some gonna have to pay for it........ Good time to be poor! Here is 20 billion,,,, Oh and btw, you need to spend more money on stuff americans really don't like,, Just dose not jive.
  15. Happy brithday!! May you live to see another 90yrs!!
  16. Another curious thing is that you could never reach the speed of light, since as you approach the speed of light, your apparent mass increases. Since you're heavier, you'll have to apply more power to approach it, which will again make you heavier. It would take an infinite amount power, so you can never reach it. Ya but math states you can divide down a distance in half, infinitly, in which case you can never pass any given point, sigh. This effect has some verification here with some of your guys projects. Teehee.
  17. Ethier put it on the rear windshield and check for it in the rear view mirror, or, glue something on there so it can be checked by side veiw mirror. Or put it on the frount windshield, or hood. ZX you can put it on the top, due to t-tops.
  18. Just remember, your dollar is worth more here now. Funny never thought I'd see that day. If you got a buck or two, I'd be buying here, were in a deflationary state right now. So for you everything would be like 30-40% off at standard price.
  19. Just part of what roger said. Pedels, hydrolics, bypass the switch, center consol, and some have seemed to get lucky with the drive line fitting. Oh and a spacer at the crank. And you will need the to put a n/a clutch and pressure plate on it, due to the contact patch is 225mm on na vs the 240 on turbo. Try to see if someone has the turbo or 2plus2 flywheel, then you can get the oem clutch from nissian. Essentially this is a bolt up deal with some details.
  20. For him to have beaten a mustange, I dought he is stock. To guess, he needs to give more info.
  21. I like your write up. Can you enlighten us more on your engine, (mods)? Also color of smoke and smell. That is a pretty tough engine to just break mechnicly, how many miles, conpression numbers,ect.
  22. Nope all is good. I was just posting for future readers. My past may help someone else, and they can actually see instead of just read.
  23. It will be just fine. Never have I've heard of any issues here. Unless you have to worry about emmissions, however, a good running car without emmision crap (another tech term), will pass with flying colors on the sniff test.
  24. Space is zero vaccuum, there is nothing there as far as gasses go. There are other planets, solar systems and much much more. Our planet revolves around the sun whose gravity keeps us right here where we are. Mabey no gases but, dark matter may be someday classified as a fuild. In witch case space would be more like an ocean. Also there is no best in HybridZ, and there is no perfect in science. The perfect is the assumtion in order to have something unprovable. Ever see something in motion for eternity? The laws of physics are only "un-unprovable" at this time.
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