Ok I apparently need some serious help here. The ignition settings are killing me. I have an adjustable timing light so it helps to see where things are at. The only way I can get the thing to start and stay running is to open the throttle plate as much as I can with the adjustment screw and set the Trigger Advance at 40*. It's a very high idle and the car warms up quick, but the plugs are black and sooty. When I put the adjustable on and MS is saying to set at ~23* I can get my timing mark back to 0 by turning the adjustable to 57*. Ok so the way I see it, it wants 23*, roughly, so if I set the trigger advance from 40* to 74* {(57* - 23*) + 40* = 74*} It should work right? Negative. Nada zip zilch. As soon as I change my Trigger Advance it stumbles and dies. Ideas? Is my thinking accurate? I'm no mathematician, but I'm not horrible at math. Maybe I'm just looking at this wrong.