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Everything posted by BWRex

  1. I was thinking of a microfiche in a service manual of some kind, or a parts list,or even a photo of a member who has their's out at this time,or a spare part maybe..Thanks!
  2. I repainted the arms and brackets under the cowl,and am in the process of re assembling and lubricating.The bracket that connects to the motor is connected to the first arm and therin lies the confusion.The bracket to the first arm connects with a plate,spring,2 washers,a 2 piece bushing that is keyed so they fit together,and a c-clip.It doesn't seem like I installed these pieces correctly.Does anyone have a pic of this connection?Or the order in which they are assembled?
  3. The 3rd gen. TPI engines are tucked in there pretty good,but not impossible to work on.The 700r4 trans is practically indestructable.With some minor engine work,a shift kit and a couple bolt ons,they can make some decent low to midrange power.You're gonna need it, because those Fbodies are heavy...3750 lbs is alot of steel to get going....
  4. Classic Industries and GM Performance have a decent inventory for parts...Spent $THOUSANDS$ with the '87 GTA...Man I miss my F body too.From that to a Jeep Grand Cherokee...
  5. Trust me gi,you have to wait your turn before you drool over that Z!
  6. Having the strut tubes sectioned isn't that expensive as stated above,if you find a professional,reputable TIG welder,And give him DETAILED instructions with photos on the work being done.I had a local race shop botch my originals,and had to source a second set,and another professional TIG welder,just because the first guy couldn't follow my simple,yet thourough directions and photos,just a complete nightmare.(the second set of strut tubes turned out great!)I'm certain the search function will give you a plethora of info pertaining to your questions on this.
  7. Can't outrun the Motorola!Nice driving though,for a crook.
  8. nice!:2thumbs:seriously digging those hurricane wheels...
  9. I don't know how all you guys forgot the one-eyed,pipe smoking,spinach eating sailor,but the old Popeye is mine.Not the episodes with him in the white suit,but the older ones with him in the blue and red suit.If you ever get the chance to catch one of the older episodes,it's guaranteed you'll laugh your ass off.
  10. As a past owner of an '87 GTA w/ the 5.7 TPI,IMO,it's one of the coolest looking engines to stuff in a Z.Dan Juday popped in a 305 W/ the TPI and just looks sweet.So as far as appearance,way cool.Performance,well,the bone stock 5.7 was rated at around 225-245 hp way back in 87-89,plenty of tire erasing low end,but not a high revver.Either way,no matter what powerplant you choose,$$$=horsepower.There are plenty performance parts for these 5.7's,as well as for the LT,and LS,so I think it just boils down to personal preference.Good luck w/ the build,and keep the handful of us with the oldschool TPI's updated on your progress.
  11. $500.00?!?! I'll give you 10x that! Welcome to HybridZ!
  12. Haselhoff was the judge on the right that looked like he soiled himself.Total tool.Chick was hot.good vid.
  13. Now that's an excellent post.I also agree that the Sticky on brake options is an invaluable,and a must read reference.The opinions on these configurations from our members on their own Z's is what's going to sway me one way or the other with the decision on my braking system.Keep the posts coming!
  14. I was waiting to see how that Z was going to look w/ some paint on it,especially in the area of your fuel filler location,and it looks as killer as I thought it would.Nice work:2thumbs:
  15. I agree.I'd like to get back on topic and hear from others on their brake setups,and their opinions on some of these upgrades being minimial,or substancial.From better pads on a stock setup,to 6 piston Wilwoods,to braided lines,to larger master cylinders,the Z owners personal 'pros & cons' or 'performance rating' on their own brake setups is the information I'm hoping to get out of this thread....
  16. I'll reply the same as I did to a previous thread,and I'll say it again....... I'd rather see someone bringing a Z back from the dead,then having a junkyard car crusher squeeze the life out of it............
  17. I agree w/ forrest.I think carolinaZ thought he was posting on classiczcars.com.....Has anyone had their Z running for awhile w/ the Rhinoliner/Herculiner enginebay?Still concerned about engine heat breaking these coatings down.Any thoughts?
  18. I'm just looking for a protective,textured look,but a little smoother so I can use a sponge to clean it without having it ripped to shreads if I ever wanted to wipe down the engine bay.Also the heat.Herculiner is a poly-based paint w/ rubber granules added.The surface is hard but plyable when cured,but headers give off an awful lot of heat.......
  19. I did my engine bay by;new sheet metal patches,sandblasting,2 coats naval jelly (per instructions),2 coats Rust Bullet,2 coats Herculiner,and am seriously thinking of blasting it off and starting from scratch:banghead: .I was going for a 'textured look',but the surface is way too rough,attracts dirt like a magnet,impossible to keep clean,and am concerned about heat (esp.around the headers)turning my Z into a toxic fireball.I was thinking a coat of Lizard Skin over the Herculiner,hoping to protect from the heat,and possibly smoothing the surface as well.One things for sure...My Z's engine bay isn't gonna rust as long as I'm on this planet.....
  20. Pretty cool....looks like my shed with wheels....
  21. I don't know,but I've still got my L24(L24015029),auto trans,driveshaft,etc.in my garage that just keeps taking up space moving from corner to corner to corner....(hint,hint:rolleyes: ...anyone interested?...)
  22. You're not kidding.Rare indeed.Still looking myself.Good find!
  23. (no offense)You'll find the info you need.I wouldn't mind if there was a sticky of some kind showing different Z part manufacturers,suppliers,retailers,fabricators,etc.....until then...
  24. My bad.....SHO-Z's Z!Digging the rims.....
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