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Everything posted by BWRex

  1. I like the look of those Acura skirts...But I really like those 'hurricane' rims on Careless's Z....Nice work to all!I agree,keep 'em comin!
  2. It would be one thing if the Corvette had a body kit on it at least,but emblems,yellow paint,and a cheesyass steering wheel makes me laugh hyserically.I wonder if the owner wasted the $$$ and dropped the orig. powerplant and threw in a Ferrari engine too.Either way,I wonder if this guy knows that the 'TOTAL TOOL' tattoo he must have on his forehead doesn't wash off.......
  3. I don't care for it too much either.The mounting to the floorpan is,o, I don't know,somewhat cheesy.On the other hand,it wouldn't be in the manual if it didn't work.There are a few members here that fabbed their own trans mounts for various transmissions,that IMO,are stronger looking,prettier,and more accomodating for things like dual exaust.Try searching,members galleries,etc.The information you seek is here,it sometimes takes alittle while to dig it up.Good luck,and post the trans mount you decide to go with!
  4. All I'll add,is this 'regular Joe' did some extensive research on this critical suspension component,used a 'veteran' HybridZ member's tried and true method of constructing these,purchased the necessary materials from a reputable race shop,and had a 30 year steel and welding business owner TIG them for me.For a total of around $140.00,not including powdercoating.This is one part of the suspension that is for one,stronger than the original design,and two,am confident will not break.I'm not saying your product is inferior by any means,All I'm saying is,there are a few options in regaurds to adjustable LCA's,and if you take the time to research and resource,you'll come out with a durable,relatively inexpensive part.
  5. IMO,if you're into teaching yourself to weld,start with the MIG on body panels and the like.Call around your local steel/welding shops.Bring in the LCA's,some photos,and a detailed description of what you want done.I think I paid $60 for their TIG services for the LCA's.Can't hurt to look into......
  6. Nice, but pricey.Save your cash,get in good with a decent TIG welder,source the parts,(A1Racing,Chassisshop.com,etc.)and use your orig.LCA's.There are, as you well know,quite a few write-ups on this.I know mine are just as solid those,but for a fraction of that $450........
  7. You can probably source some of those parts at Chassisshop.com,(threaded tubes,clevis,etc.)and fab the ball joint housing....
  8. The threads inside the strut tubes aren't very deep.If you section even "1/4 too short,you're done.Gland nuts maybe make 2 turns in,if your lucky.IMO,one weld(TIG)on a sectioned strut tube is enough.Using a glandnut w/ longer threads,is the only reasonable way to fix the blunder.Were they worth the $200?No freakin' way.Unless you put a monetary value on the piece of mind I'll have that I'll never have to second guess that area if the suspension ever.Call around your local machine shops,or better yet,stop in with a strut,maybe some diagrams or photos,and see what they can do,if you're contemplating that route.Can't hurt to look into it,andchances are you'll find a much better deal than myself.
  9. Kick butt.The problem is you can't watch just one! They're truly inspiring and entertaining as well.Keep up the good work!
  10. Use the search function,check out the members galleries,there's a shot of mine in the handfull of pics I've got.I used Chassisshop.com myself for the clevis parts,nice stuff.240hoke has a write up on it on his site,can't be too much different incorporating it for a 280.....Again,search......and search some more....
  11. Well,I'm glad I'm not the only one to section too short! On my second pair too!The first pair I thought I'd take them to a race shop to get TIG welded.(posted about that a while ago)They F-ed them up.Sourced a second pair,used a chop saw,and cut them short.Ended up having a machine shop fab up a set of gland nuts with extra threads for the low,low,ripoff of 200.00 for 2!!! They're pretty and extremely beefy,but you'll never see them,and I'm going to use a pipecutter and measure 3 times before I do the rears........
  12. ghost flames would be sick on a that black Z......
  13. Thanks for making me go to the garage and work on my Z....... Looks nice!
  14. That battery tray does look remarkably clean(a true Z prone rust area),and a heck of alot more there than mine! Depending on what you're doing to the Z,(daily driver,total resto,srip it and race it,etc.)I'd look into getting the entire car dipped or media blasted.I've been blasting mine in sections w/ a portable that seems to work pretty good.All in all from the photos,it seems you've got a pretty solid one......bastard! Good find!
  15. Looking good!Typical rust prone areas,looks pretty straight...nice find.I've been sandblasting sections and using Rust Bullet as well,good product,adheres well.Keep it up!
  16. Make a spot for it in your garage,and make a spot for it in your wallet! Good find!I'm seriously digging that '70's green....No joke.Is that the original color?
  17. That's not a trailer....That's where the in-laws,nagging girlfriend,and the 'you're going too fast' backseat drivers ride.
  18. When can me and my Z(I should say garage scattered with Z parts!)move in?J/K! Nice spread. Not to hyjack,but I noticed your Z with the fuel cell photos and was wondering if you've got any info on your cell,fuel pump,delivery system,etc.Also,any photos from underneath showing your cell framework possibly?Digging the cap location as well.Nice job!PM me if you've got a minute,thanks! Brett
  19. Too funny! All I'll add is paybacks are a beeotch!
  20. BWRex


    I feel so bad for neglecting my Z this summer,but it just wouldn't be fair to the Checkmate.......
  21. Very cool Austin,I'm glad you didn't end up painting the CF hood!Looks killer. For all you HybridZ newbies,this Z is one of most badass of them out there.The outside of it looks hot,but the components you don't see in those photos makes it even more impressive.Props! I posted about your front suspension setup(adj. LCA's,T/C's,etc.running similar setup)a while back,and was wondering how it was all working out for you.You didn't have the road time on it back then,so If possible let me know.Pro's,con's,opinions? Once again,looks sweeeeet!
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