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Everything posted by BLOZ UP

  1. So should we pay LEOs to pull someone over and judge if they are capable of talking on their cell phones while driving? How do you test for this? How do you make a reliable test for this?
  2. That's not exactly what I posted: "It's like writing a paper". As in a term paper. As in, when you text you have devote a lot more attention to typing and reading than just talking to someone over the phone. You have to look at the phone to text. At least I would. And earlier up I also said that it boils down to lack of education. You're preaching to the choir. Even if you can, the vast majority of people can't! I've said this elsewhere, we already have a catch all for this: Reckless Driving. Driving while staring at your phone, or with your eyes closed or whatever is "legal" (in most areas, anyway), but incredibly stupid. Reckless. But it's harder to prove and it's harder to enforce. This is how it's always been. Welcome to the US. Isn't this the endgame of all automobile world? To make things safer and safer and harder for the user to screw up so that in the end, idiots can crash at higher speeds and survive to procreate? Working on autonomous cars at the moment so hopefully daily commutes will be pretty much accident free. Except for the whole skynet thing.
  3. I've got 3 or 4 OE Z31 coils and ignitors, just need to swing by the Z yard and get a couple more. I think they might be overkill, like 10 pounds in coils. And all the ignitors have heat sinks. Win!
  4. I was so hoping your latest post was a "I have X ready to go, first come first serve", and I was going to WIN.
  5. I'd have to drill it out and retap, but I will measure first. When I say curve, I mean y = 0x^2 + bx + C
  6. They are just starting to catch on here. Like getoffmyinternet mentioned, it's the fact that there's no physical presence of the person you are talking to that causes your brain to devote a lot of attention on the conversation. Yet the laws totally disregard that. It should be illegal, period. And texting is far worse. It's like writing a paper while driving. But the gears of law move slowly and rarely use actual scientific research in the output. When they do it's usually just when political agendas and the science coincide.
  7. Yeah, that's true. It's the effect of being isolated in your own little castle, thinking that no one can really do anything to you so you behave selfishly. There've been a few studies on it somewhere. But yes, for most normal drivers there seems to be a complete lack of ability to be able to plan ahead. It's always "which lane is going faster right now". I try to coast in one gear during stop and go traffic. This usually means that I leave 10+ car lengths in front of me, so that the stop-and-go of the cars in front has a "buffer" of sorts, and I can just cruise along. This is usually futile as there's a mad dash to "fill in" the empty space, for whatever reason. And people will literally floor it in there and then slam on their brakes--and be right back in the same situation. Then of course, the one thing that really baffles me, are the people behind me who honk. I can only assume they honk because they want me to "stop and go" instead of just maintaining a nearly constant speed, so that people won't get in the lane. What it boils down to is a lack of proper education given on the DMV's part. There is a very noticeable drop in these symptoms in other countries I have visited. Don't get me started on cell phone usage and driving. What with it's effects that are largely worse than DUI.
  8. You can be pulled over for going 1mph over. It's just a matter of how much the officer cares to spend time. The faster you go the more they care. Or the worse you drive. That, and older cars (pre-2004 or so), for the most part, have innacurate speedos. My 2001 Pathfinder for example, is ~5mph at 60mph. So if the speed limit is 65, And I go "70", I'm really going at or under the speed limit. What I can't stand is the obsession over "speeding", when it's not paying attention and/or following too close that cause the majority of accidents. Maybe it's different for everyone else, but I RARELY hear about anyone getting pulled over for following too close, but I see it more than I see speeding.
  9. So, how many "vintage" racers had a heart attack while "vintage" racing?
  10. The curve for the temperature sensor for the gauge? I found the one for the CHTS/ECU sensor. I did not see one for the dash gauge. They are separate sensors.
  11. No, I don't feel anything. So I'll take my $400 XXR wheels over SSRs any day. Now if I could find SSRs I liked within my budget, then I would ****** them up. I just give wheels a low budget because I don't care that much on how authentic they are. I'd rather spend the money I save on a nice turbo. Some people seem obsessed about what wheels are on what car. As long as it doesn't look incredibly retarded, I don't care. I like flooring it not looking at wheels.
  12. Thanks, but I'm looking for the dash gauge sensor's values. I'll suppose it's not so hard to measure anyway. I'm trying to get the stock gauge to work with a VG30ET, and I'm willing to bet the curves are similar.
  13. Anyone have the resistance vs temperature values for the L28's temperature gauge thermistor? I just need 3 pairs.
  14. Just wondering. Not a huge deal. The normal cap works just as well. Any ETA on the wheels?
  15. I see what you did there. Matt, what are the chances of you also making a distributor cap as well? Although, I've been thinking about adding a "spinner" to replace the rotor. That is, "my rotor keeps spinning every time my engine stops". It'd be pretty fly, right?
  16. IAT for megasquirt installed. Last of the intercooler piping for now. Have no idea where my 2" silicone joiners are. Too many build threads. Go here if you want to see more: http://www.cowtownzc...pic.php?f=7&t=8
  17. I fail to see the connection between you breaking a state law and America heading down the toilet because of that.
  18. Never done a L28E->T swap. I've got experience with megasquirt and NA to Turbo swaps with Z31s. The S30s are much easier from what I've read. As in, no swapping crossmembers or engine mounts.
  19. I need a straight HVAC cable that goes from the control panel (temperature knob) to the heater cock. I think it's different for the years, this is the long one that goes waaaay up in the dash next to the heater core, off a 1977 280Z.
  20. Sounds like you may have had malware that made all your profile's documents hidden and/or system files. Turn on view hidden and system files from the folder options from Explorer, see if anything turns up. You should also be able to right-click on your documents/desktop/whatever folder and go to properties to view the size. If it's more than a few KB than there's something in there that's hidden. And you should do a checkdisk ASAP to attempt to move stuff of bad sectors, if there are a significant number. Typically your hard disk makes nasty noises when it tries to re-read sectors over and over again.
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