Yeah, that's true. It's the effect of being isolated in your own little castle, thinking that no one can really do anything to you so you behave selfishly. There've been a few studies on it somewhere.
But yes, for most normal drivers there seems to be a complete lack of ability to be able to plan ahead. It's always "which lane is going faster right now". I try to coast in one gear during stop and go traffic. This usually means that I leave 10+ car lengths in front of me, so that the stop-and-go of the cars in front has a "buffer" of sorts, and I can just cruise along. This is usually futile as there's a mad dash to "fill in" the empty space, for whatever reason. And people will literally floor it in there and then slam on their brakes--and be right back in the same situation. Then of course, the one thing that really baffles me, are the people behind me who honk. I can only assume they honk because they want me to "stop and go" instead of just maintaining a nearly constant speed, so that people won't get in the lane.
What it boils down to is a lack of proper education given on the DMV's part. There is a very noticeable drop in these symptoms in other countries I have visited.
Don't get me started on cell phone usage and driving. What with it's effects that are largely worse than DUI.