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Everything posted by Twoeightnine

  1. Yes I was wondering myself what raised a question of damage? I looked at the photos pretty close and came up with the conclusion. Dont see it! Anyhow he has a really nice motor and drive train there. Thats alot of work folks. If I had an opportunity at the car for a "decent" price, I would hit the interior a bit. But thats a decent car boys.
  2. I noticed that you did not mention pricing. I'll check out the site but did you get any pricing? How does it compare? By the way, nice find, very exciting wheels. Many thanks,
  3. Any updates Doc? Did your property dry up yet?
  4. On my 77, it has two large bolts extending from the rear cross member. A 2 inch wide strap goes from thoes bolts and across the top nose of the diff. Is this a stock mod? If so has any one considered replacing the strap with something more stout? A steel band or such?
  5. You bet. I have an all aluminum dressed 289 "Edelbrock" motor for the Z. Gonna be fun. Cant wait. They should have fun together! SuperCobra4Me...dont let the block go to waste. It's a spunky block when properly dressed.
  6. Yep that a very stern rate. What are you going to do with the car. Pics?
  7. Darn. I hope it repeats. I'm at work. If it does I'll record it. Thanks,
  8. Yes, yes I would. This spring when I get to actually drive it. It will take 500 miles just to get me out of it!
  9. Ah .......you said Ford. I wasn't born near the beginning of the century so I cant speak for the blocks that I have not handled but the last half of the century Chevy used a 305 which is basicly the same dimension as the 350 block with smaller cylinders. One would not want to waste ones time building on a 305 when one would have a grand ol time stroking a 350 instead. Edit: Better yet why exclude the twister. The 327. The Z would love that motor! (Jess dump a tree fitty in er an get er done)
  10. Mike..whats up mister? Did I miss something or are you apple and orangeing your engine sizes. 283 is Chevy. 302 is Ford. And shame on you....you for got the 289!
  11. Red, red, red. The kinda red that says up yours! Statement red.
  12. Yep. Shared tank capacity. I think that was what he meant however. They do draw a lot of current though. Two would probably have to be on separate circuits. How about two pumps servicing a larger tank? HVLP? Dont they require less capacity?
  13. Hey yasin, did you solve the throttle body linkage issue yet. Want to see some pics! (Edit) I just found the pics that you posted. Very nice. Flipped both. Genius. For others. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114708
  14. You can come to Texas and make it rain. As long as you bring that most fine creature with you.
  15. Welcome. Try this.... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112003&highlight=subaru+rack Or this.... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=94272&highlight=subaru+rack Or this... http://www.hybridz.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=35845
  16. 280Z Hinge Latch
  17. 280Z Hinge Release
  18. 280Z Seat Hinge
  19. Yep. I have the Alsil cross member also. He provides two types. Standard and EFI. One is lower than the other by an half inch I believe but dont quote me on it. Shoot him a PM. He also has e-mail and a home page. You can look him up in the members list for the contact information. I will say this, when I got the cross member, I was pleasently surprised at the quality. Very nice.
  20. This should keep you busy.... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=100039&highlight=calculator
  21. I tried a few searches and found some calculators. There are also alot of wheel and tire manufactures that know exactly what they can mount on a stock Z. it's there business. They have calculators too... Happy hunting! http://www.venommotorsports.com/libr...calculator.asp http://www.rsracing.com/tech-wheel.html
  22. Opps...there he is! Thats a trip!
  23. Yep, yep. I saw that one. It's like in Vegas. You get three hundred millionaires in a room, money looses it's value. Ego buy.
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