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Cody 82 ZXT

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Everything posted by Cody 82 ZXT

  1. My setup is very easy. You just plug on headlight socket into a plug and it does the rest for you after pluging in the sockets and getting battery and ground wired in. If I were going to do my own system I would just use the wires from the switch as signal wires and use seperate relys for high and low beam. Pull the signal from the switch.
  2. I've never seen anything like this. Does anyone have any pictures? Just curiuos about it.
  3. I have the painless kit. The price is to high but, the quality is good and 100% gauranteed. Having said that I'll tell ya that I bought mine several years ago before there were other aftermarket kits.
  4. Good advise in the above post but, I want to mention that I've had the black link look and test good but, not work right. If there is any question just replace it. Do not use plain wire you want to use fuseable link wire. It can be found in most parts shops. Stay with the black size wire and resist the temtation to go one size larger. Your electrical system will thank you for it.
  5. Funny Picture Number: 231 I like this one...
  6. I changed over to studs for the exhaust side and they seem to hold tight longer then the bolts do. I always use anti-sieze inthe head. To parnoid that they will break off.
  7. I have mine at the turbo. Seems the most accurate to me.
  8. Funny, I wouldn't have thought that.
  9. Z-Gad I guess your post hit as I was writing mine. Honestly that would be a big investment for a car like mine to go from a T-3 style housing and change several things over. No dought it's a great deal but, I'm not sure now. Count me in the intreasted file but, at the bottom depending on what it would cost to change all the other parts.
  10. Remind me to have you sell the Prelude when time comes. Sweet Deal.
  11. I would be intreasted in one that fits doesn't need further work and flows well. I know this may be asking for to much but, some sort of testing to show the improvements would be nice also.
  12. I saw that the other day. It's crazy how he can do the pefect doughnuts around the cones and the thing at the end is just scary in a real car.
  13. You'd have to be pretty far down on your luck to chose that as a job.
  14. Maybe you tell them you hit a bridge embankment???? Think they would go for it?
  15. The windsheild? It took me a second to get it but, Ha Ha that was a good one.
  16. Curious as to what your oil temps are doing while the car is heating up? Is the oil getting hot and then heating up the water?
  17. Hey Mike, I bought my bearings, rings, timing kit and had my head done by these guys. The prices were right and the quality is not bad. Not exactly Nismo stuff here but, the price reflects that. Go with a Nissan gasket kit if you can thier stuff is not very good. http://www.jisengine.com/index.htm
  18. That's funny, Can you just imagine what was going through there minds in the miliseconds after hitting the pole and the realization that the pole is not gonaa move and is going to destroy the truck and them.
  19. Keep me updated on this. If you look down the page you'll see my transmission woes...
  20. I belive it is but, you could just drop by any testing station and they'll answer the question correctly for you. You proubly already know that though.
  21. What about machining the tailhousing?
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