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Cody 82 ZXT

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Everything posted by Cody 82 ZXT

  1. One thing is for sure you'll never get cooler than the ambient air without ice or something like that. Also It would seem like you would need to factor in the fact that the radiator cooling the "Water" would only be so efficent and never get the water to as cool as the ambient air anyway. I guess it would eventually but, it would take awhile without a ton of surface area. Anyone see the pictures in Maximun Boost? The cars that are in there have several small radiators in the front and anywhere else they can fit them. Sounds like a leak just waiting to happen. Dosen't have to be but, certainly opens up the possiblities more than it would otherwise. Thats what ya need a water leak infront of a high powered turbo car. Doesn't sound like fun to me.
  2. I really don't have much to add other than the oil-less type are very loud. Can't run them at night because it will wake everyone up.
  3. Those are some crazy prices on the stuff for the 350Z. I could afford the car but, no way I would pay the prices they are asking for some of that stuff.
  4. Not my favorites but, certainly a nice rim for the cash outlay. Have you checked with Tire Rack and Discount Tire Direct and see what they have?
  5. The Fords use coolent but, it's seperate from the engine coolent. It also has a seperate radiator out infront of the main unit.
  6. Check all your grounds. Sounds like something is loose.
  7. What is a ? That just doesn't make sence. Yo, why do you want to run 80 PSI? In the engine that I just got running last night I have plenty of oil pressure with the stock turbo auto pump. 45 psi with 180* oil.
  8. Hey 383, Thanks I was feeling a little trashy since I've been working on my car in the garge at my apartment. Everyone keeps looking in to see whats up and why I spend so much time in there. I ofcourse think they want to steal something but, they are proubly just thinking I wish he would go away. Atleast it's not on the curb. Gotta do what ya gotta do.
  9. I was told that Ross has some good pistons for about 500 for the set. That include rings and pins. Give them a call. I asked about this a few months ago in the turbo/supercharger section. Do a search over there and see.
  10. Sounds intreasting. Keep us posted on how it turns out. What did the DIY o2 system cost you? What do you think about it? I looked into it a few months ago but, never really pursued it much.
  11. Thanks, I thought about that but, couldn't think of how to communicate the tought.
  12. Hey Yo, Send me some pics. when you can. I still haven't gotten mine started yet but, hope to as soon as Christmas is all over with and I have the time.
  13. What about cylinders 3 and 4? They are both in the same tube right? I know that is similar to the stock design but, won't that limit flow in those two cylinders? Looks like it would hold up though. Those are some think flanges. Any one have an educated guess of what difference this header would have over stock ported manifold. It's ovibously going to flow better on the top end but, what about HP?
  14. Thats the best post I think I've ever read. I'm going to send it to my Honda friend who has spent tons of money only to be spanked by my Z every time.
  15. On the factory car it comes from the oil pressure sending unit location. There is just a simple "T" block that gives the oil line and the pressure sending unit oil. If you do a search over in the Turbo/Supercharger section there is some good information about oil line sizes and restricter information.
  16. I guess the first question is what is your budget? What are your power and reliablity goals? The stock stuff can support 300 Hp real easy. 300 HP is a fast car. No, it's not mega HP #'s but, it will get you down the road nicely. You could do that then as you get a good intercooler and exhaust plus the fuel hardware side plus anything else you would need to support 400 or more hp you could be researching and making the best decision for your car. Most of us have upgraded though the years to different levels and expectaions on our car. Are you looking to jump in and go for the big #'s?
  17. Shane Check your mail. By the way I don't remember seeing what your final #'s were with the JWT stuff? Thanks
  18. What abou this one from Arizona Z for 399.00? I've thought about this for the next motor I build but, don't really have any info on it from anyone.
  19. Wow, check out that torque figure from Shanes run. Is that from the SDS setup and the big intercooler? Len, you might try to lower the base F.P. then jump it up using a Boost Dependent F.P.R. I was using a BDFPR with the stock injectors and all the other crap and made a best of 320hp give or take a few. The BDFPR is not the best solution but, it sure is easy on the wallet for the amount of HP you can run. You do have to be careful with the tunning though as weather seems to effect it some. As in the Dallas area it could be 75* one day and 25* the next. You don't go out and jump on it with that big of temp change till you have started at a lower boost pressure and worked your way up. Ofcourse you can just wait for the next day and not touch a thing 'cause the weather will be back to 75*.
  20. Len, Got your letter today.. thanks for all your help. I'll post what I come up with as soon as I start on it. I have to fix the H.G. leak before I get started on anything fun.
  21. I don't remember any coating on it. It's not like it was shiney or anything but, no coating like on the factory H.G. I fixed my '87 Prelude SI today so I would have some thing to drive. I just didn't have it in me to take it all apart again so soon. I'll proubly start later this week and I'll post the results. Is there any brand or type of Copper spray that is better than others?
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