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Everything posted by MusPuppis

  1. Ok, I dont usually post ebay crap I find in my random wanderings but I couldnt pass this up.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-FAIRLADY-ROADSTER_W0QQitemZ4596377105QQcategoryZ6188QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem .. No ****? Really? Sorry, I know I'm taking it out of context, but its made me laugh outloud when I read the way he worded it. haha.
  2. Yeah, you need to use EFI rated fuel line. They cost alot compared to carb'd fuel line and regular hoses but their alot stronger.
  3. That seems to be the trend on Ebay these days. Sell something low and charge an ASSANINE price for shipping. Its bullshit and we all know it. I recently did some ebaying and sold an upper and lower intake from my trucks old non roller 5.0 and a power rack for old Mustangs. Both items weighed in around 30-35pds and the power rack, due to the shape and such required a pretty hefty box. Both items cost under 25$ to ship. One went to Montana (from Ky) one to Chicago or somesuch. Shipped through UPS ground. I also shipped an amp to a military address and it didnt cost a dime more than a normal address, though UPS wouldnt ship it. It still only ended up costing me like 12$ for a 15pd or so amp. They try to rationalize the prices being so idiotic due to "handling" but I dont buy that line one bit. I ship things regularly and it takes all of 2 minutes on the average to "handle" the damn thing down to the UPS store and drop it off. The whole process takes 15 minutes start to finish. Sorry, /end rant. Just annoys the hell out of me that Ebay sellers pull this crap.
  4. Hm.. That would actually explain the smell. I wasnt able to place the odor till you said that.. Smells alot like tranny fluid.
  5. Thats what I thought when I first saw it, and maybe I'm wrong and thats what it actually is, but in reality its a dark brown color, like oil, not the orange-ish that it appears as in the pics (flash caught it I guess) and not the same texture as anti-freeze is normally. I'll report back when I get a look at the oil.
  6. I have no idea. The car was serviced (I think..) about 3 months back at the Ford dealership it was purchased from. Its not rusty water though. Ive dealt with that before and it wasnt like this at all.
  7. MusPuppis

    L28 help

    Doing some searching will drudge up a massive amount of information on the L28, its potential, design, setup's, whatever ya want. Same for body kits and lips and such. Several exist, some look good, some look stupid (imo). A search will pull up many many many threads relating to a huge assortment of them, many with pictures and such so you can get a good idea what they look like on your vehicle. Welcome to the site. It owns.
  8. The above pictures are of some of the antifreeze I ladeled out of the vehicle. It has a bizarre odor. I cant smell any oil, but it doesnt really smell like antifreeze either, heh. If I kinda spin it around in that little cup you can see two distinct liquids, one thinner that will slosh around the edges and the heavier liquid that kinda sits in the middle of the cup. The car is a 95 Taurus w. a 3.0 6 cylinder. Originally the car was being worked on (not by me) because the heater wasnt blowing hot air.. They were replacing the thermostat (*shrug*) but called me down when it was still blowing cold air. Maybe I'm stupid, but if the thermostat wasnt working the damn engine would overheat, it wouldnt run fine with the exception of the heater dieing. Either way.. The car drives fine and at idle it sounds fine. I dont see any smoke and it doesnt feel like it has any loss of power through a bad cylinder or anything. No detectable miss or anything. If you rev it a little bit though (No tach in it, but I'd guess around 3k-ish) you can hear some slosh from the valve covers. The clatter doesnt happen at low RPM though. Regardless this would lead me to beleive that the oil is contaminated. I pulled the dipstick to check the oil level and what little I got off that didnt look, smell or feel odd though. I'm gonna drain some off the pan in a few. Anyway, opinions? I dont really see what else would cause the anti-freeze to look this way.. Its not rust in the system, I've seen that numerous times and this certainly isnt rust. Just seems weird if a gasket is blown that its not smoking or losing power or anything.
  9. Have you checked the voltage at the pump? Could it be possible the signal is weak and grows weaker when the electrical system is under more significant load? That could cause the problems your exhibiting I would think. I guess you've checked all the fuel lines from the tank to the engine for possible leaks? Id also replace the fuel filter - just to be sure.
  10. Ok.. I cant help it.. Way to destroy a pair of perfectly good vehicles. It was cool, but I dunno why they couldnt destroy some old, worn out cars, heh.
  11. I look forward to seeing them when their done. I'll be building my self some subframe connectors to replace the floor rails that were decimated. Going with 2x3 14g square tube steel. This thread is extremely helpful as I uncovered some disturbing holes in my passenger frame rail. Their way up front near the radiator mount and look be have been rust holes at one time. When whoever repaired all the other damage on the car (it was wrecked at some point) it looks like they treated the rust that was there and did a good job.. Then of course they bondo'd over the damage so I didnt find it until I stripped the engine bay down completely =/. I'm still debating what to do about it. The damage is extremely minimal.. Two small holes about 1/4 the the size of my pinky nail.. Even the rest of the area seems solid.. Doesnt seem to be thinned. Not that I can tell anyway. I dunno though, some rail repair may be in my future, if for no other reason than peace of mind. Good to see some options and info. Knowledgable thread. I wonder if it would be worth compiling the info here, on the net in general and in other threads on Hybrid and make a sticky with some FAQ's and general information about front and floor rail repairs.. Seems that ALOT of Z's out there are in need of some love in these areas, lol.
  12. Maybe 1000 pesos? I think most poeple on ebay havent got the slightest clue as to the value of what their selling. They just make **** up and hope someone else out there is as clueless as them and buys it. I see Z parts cars go with hoods better than that or comprable for sub 300$ for the entire friggen car. Go go gadget dumbass.
  13. Thats what I've been doing with my truck, lol. We'll have my Z shell (when I can afford to rent a trailer to get it down there) and my friends '67 Mustang in the back row. The front will be his wife's Cav and my F-150 most of the time. In bad weather we'll swap my truck out into the elements (bleh) and put the little peice of crap Honda Civic we bought for 50$ (no kidding..) so when we get up at 7am for school or work or whatever Blinky (the name I gave the Civic) wont be an ice cube. I hate that Civic but 35mpg for 50$ cant be beat. It was also wrecked up front so the hood is held on by a chain and a wingnut and one headlight was replaced with a Briggs and Straton tractor headlight the previous owner RIVITED to whats left of the fender. Since his wife needs her Cav, his Mustang gets 12mpg and my truck about the same, we needed a little POS gas saver. Blinky gets the job done.
  14. Wholey crap. What kind of power are expecting? That thing sounds violent.
  15. Good point, my stupidity for not taking all the factors into consideration.
  16. Thanks for the replys. I'll just have to leave it here in Lexington for a few weeks then till I can drudge up the money (or make friends with someone that has one, lol) to rent a full sized trailer. I just dropped like 1300$ for the house + about 500 total for the move + first months utilities + other random expenses, lol. I am 100% tapped out right now. Oh well, a month or so wont kill me. A friend of mine has a '67 Mustang I can start taking apart - lol.
  17. Yeah, that garage is slick. We did a test with an F-150.. We pulled it in as far as we could fit it, then marked the back, pulled it out and pulled back in up to the mark and closed the doors. Not only is it a 4 car garage, it'll for 4 standard sized trucks with reasonable elbow room! HA! of course, the rest of the place looks like it was refinished by gradeschoolers, but I totally agree with 73TPIZ, I'd be happy in a tent or the like if the shop was large enough! Hell, if it was large enough and stocked with all the fun goodies I dont have (tig, brake, lathe, lift, plasma ect) I'd sleep in a closet standing up amongst mops and the like, lol.
  18. I'll be moving to a new place on the 17th and will be taking my Z. Hopefully, heh. I have access to a car dollie (sp?) but its not a full trailer or anything. The car will still have the rear wheels on the pavement. My worry is I could damage the car in some way. Twist or tweak the frame.. The floor pans are completely cut out along with the rails. That would weaken (I would assume anyway) the car considerably but I dont know if it could potentially sustain damage. I've tried to find a full trailer but cant locate one and with other moving expenses and the fact we have to rent a massive U-haul + the deposit and rent and such.. I just dont have the money to rent a full trailer. I looked into just loading it into the back of the uhaul but that wont be an option, we have too much crap and need the room. If I cant dollie it down I'll just have to leave it here until I can afford to rent a trailer or something. Anyone know if it would be safe or am I risking damage to my Z? Edit, Thats the section thats cut out. (ignore the red lines..)
  19. 4 car garage. The garage I've been working out of is about the size of a walk-in closet, so the massive amount of room, open and well lit workspace and 10ft ceiling should be a hell of an improvement. You may notice I didnt include pics of the rest of the house.. Thats because its a peice of crap. Its actually a double-wide built on a foundation and made to *look* like a regular house. Now, dont get me wrong, nothing wrong with a double-wide at all but this one seems to have seen some hard living and the folks who renovated the place had a little more motivation than skill or ability. Leading to some astoundingly shoddy repairs. The vinyl flooring looks like the ocean at high tide, lol. I could surf on the waves.. I also dont think they ever heard of mud. Looks like they just painted over every blemish, hole and screw-up on the walls. The backyard smells like cow ****, but I like that. Spent alot of happy days on my Grandfathers farm when I was younger. But, I really dont give a fart. I'm moving there the 17th, along with a friend, his wife and child and my cat. Jeff (my dog) cant come.. he'll stay here and my family will watch him for me until I get back. I'll be attending Somerset Community College's course on Auto Body Repair. Should help me get into doing what I love for a living. We'll be in the house for a year or so. Theres a few things I'll be fixing but for the most part, we're just gonna cover whatever we find ugly or stupid with furniture and decoration. I did take about 65 pictures of the house, inside and out, documenting all the screw-ups and damage. I'm gonna burn the pics to a CD and mail it to myself. Should give a decent way of time-stamping everything so when we do leave the landlady cant try and snipe my deposit claiming we did any of the damage.
  20. Nice nice nice. I have a question though, How did the peices your re-doing fail to begin with? From what I read it sounded like they broke while the Goldenrod was being trailered around? I know nothing of suspension components but that seems a little odd, lol. Just curious.
  21. Very nice work. Some of those welds on the patch lyou removed ook kinda frightening. Looks like something I welded.. Which is the exact reason I wouldnt weld something like that, lol.
  22. I agree about sandblasting. If the rust is substantial and difficult to get to its the only way to go. Another chemical that I've had alot of good luck with is good 'ole Naval Jelly. Thick and snot-like it sticks pretty well. I hit an area with a wirewheel and a tough wirebrush (I use the one I use for prepping metal before welding) then slather it with Naval Jelly, let it sit then wash off. Then I repeat the jelly once more and that usually gets it. The surface will of course have to be painted or treated to prevent rust from returning. That method has worked pretty well for me so far. I had substantial rust areas along the weatherstripping lines and under the rear windows and a few other annoyng areas and stripping it to bare metal then attacking it with the wiresheel, wirebrush and naval jelly really seems to have worked well. I did this months ago and the areas are still in bare metal and showing no signs of re-rusting. Ive heard great things about Ospho as well. POR15 is damn good to.
  23. Damn.. Sounds like an impressive truck. My poor little F-150 is having performance anxiety issues with all these new trucks coming out, lol.
  24. What kind of motor does it have? Power and such. I like the look of em, but I've never seen the interior or really been that close to one. Congrats on getting a damn good deal!
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