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Everything posted by denny411

  1. I do know aguy that milled a 78 5spd flywheel to fit a 72 240 crank. He`s been driving it for almost a year know with no problems.
  2. There are two different styles of flywheel holding/turning tools that work well. One has a long arm that extends to catch the flywheel in two spots. it gives more leverage but can slip off. the other is a flat handle about 8" long with two blocks doweld to the side that bind against the ring gear. i`m not sure if the datsun ring gear is deep enough for this tool though. Another option would be to take a piece of steel and bolt it across two of the torque converter bolt holes leaving enough length on one end to stop aganst the frame. keep in mind that you will need something similiar to hold the new flywheel to properly torque it on reinstallation.
  3. The car looks boreing to me. Not much better than a grand am really.
  4. I would have to second the suggestion that your springs may already be reversed.
  5. Ther easiest and only real way is to remove the entire console. The deck is mounted in it. I can`t give any specifics but If you console isn`t already cut out or modified to fit the cd player, you will have some cutting to do. be caefull not to cut too much. It`s alot easier to make the hole bigger than to make it smaller.
  6. denny411


    It depends alot on your local market. In my area, the core buyers are giving anywhere between 40.00 and 60.00 for rebuildable cores. i know of a guy in Ill, that gives 100.00 core towards purchase of one of his rebuilt trannys.
  7. I would say the diff strap is broken causing the diff to nose up on accelleration. The drive shaft and u joints are probably hitting the floor or your e-brake linkage.
  8. The woman on the bottom right seems scared that his wiener might hit her.
  9. We`re not allowed to conceal and carry in Ohio. I probably wouldn`t even if I could though. with two small kids in the house I would prefer to keep loaded weapons as far away as possible. I`m not a big gun fan myself but I do believe it is important to protect our rights to own and carry weapons.
  10. The funniest part of that pic is the looks on the other spectators faces.
  11. I`ve always liked the 403/6.6 They are durable engines with lots of torque. When I was 16 my Mom had a 78 olds delta88 that was a retired sherriffs cruiser. It had a 403 and 400th w/ posi rear. GOOD FUN
  12. Mike, Give her my best wishes. I know what Donna is going through. my 25 yr old brother starts chemo next week.
  13. It`s only a problem if you are useing cheap stands, stands that are too small, or do not have the stands properly positioned. You should also be sure that the weight of the car will not shift if you are pulling the engine and/or transmission.
  14. I routinely put cars and trucks on four jackstands. I have to second the statement to try and push the car from all four corners. If it moves at all, check and adjust the placement of your stands. I stopped by a friends house the other day while I was on my way home from the farm. His 16 yr old son had a car jacked up on gravel with one of cheapest looking floor jacks I`ve ever seen, and was about to crawl under the car when i pulled up. I asked him what he thought he was doing, and told him the story that was posted here awhile back about the young kid crushed under his truck. I happened to have a good floor jack and a pair of 6 ton stands in the truck that I told him he could use IF he put the car in the garage on cement. Being in a hurry is nothing to die for. ALWAYS USE JACK STANDS(on cement, NOT gravel)
  15. I have a 30ton press that has come in very handy. I bought it from an alky that needed some cash. 200.00 and it had only been used one time.
  16. I use it on ll of them. I`m pretty sure they all go through to the water jacket. Even if they don`t, it`s still a good idea to insure that all head bolts are torqued under the same condtions.
  17. Call here for a free catalog. http://www.natauto.com/preview.html they have the best prices on felpro gaskets,trw engine kits, and transmission kits i`ve ever seen. The catalog has almost everything you could think of in it. for example, I bought 25' rolls of steel brake,fuel, and transmission lines for less than 6.00 per roll. Check it out. it`s a toll free number.
  18. i`m interested in the weatherstripping kit as well. if tim doesn`t want it. Also interested in the zx rear disc brakes and the grant wheel. is everything needed for the rear disc conversion included? What style of grnt wheel is it and what are the prices?
  19. This is a link to the NEW helpers list. The old one is not being updated anymore. you enter your own info on the new site. http://hybridz.jimzdat.com/forum/
  20. Here`s my easter present to my fellow Z`ers. http://www.cameltoe.org/womens.html
  21. On my way back from north carolina my truck started to run like crap. I`ve changed plugs,wires,cap,rotor,and coil with no change in performance. I finally decided to go through another engine. I figured it must have a bad valve or burnt piston. tonight while removing the old engine i noticed that the ring on the harmonic balancer had walked back against the timing cover. I assume the problem has been due to this, but I`m still going to swap it out so i can inspect the engine for internal damage. So if anyone has a similar problem down the road. Besure to check your balancer.
  22. It`s a little over the top for my taste, but what do i know about style? I`m just a 35yr old white guy from Ohio.
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