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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. www.race-cars.com strikes again...
  2. If you go to those links, you'll see an interesting phenomenon that I've noticed: Pantera owners LOVE open road racing...there are more panteras in one place than I would have thought possible, and furthermore, they are actually there to DRIVE FAST!
  3. That's the one, I believe they came with a V-4 Yes a V-4, not an I-4 engine. Those pictures were from the Big Bend Open Road Race, and the RoadRunner Open Road Race (www.bborr.com and www.rrorr.com). Pretty crazy body kit they've got there. Good job, wickedwild!
  4. It's been awhile since we've seen a good mystery car, so can anybody identify this: Here's a hint, it's NOT a z...
  5. Alright chewie, today's the day....let'g get it on!
  6. I've joked with Jon about his wikipedia habit before, just making light of the situation. I guess if Garrett, who was actually on the show, said that the way they say it works is the way it works, my wikipedia theory might be correct at least in this situation. "wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that ANYONE can edit..."
  7. I think that's the ONLY way to build a proper sleeper. The only thing that could have made it better is if it was a 4-door, since they have 0 desirability for hot rod purposes.
  8. I'm not too fond of it. Are you planning to use that msa type III kit? If so, that stripe layout doesn't do anything for the new lines of the car. I always wanted somebody to do this: to an early Z-car...
  9. there was some fun stuff happening on this thread: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111961&highlight=s30 and also this thread: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112218&highlight=s30 where you might find some good outline drawings you could use.
  10. Hey Chelle, that Lambo is the business! I'm all over those wrap around louvers...I always wanted a countach with a front spoiler growing up, but now that I'm a bit older, I'd prefer a Miura.
  11. Yeah, for the record, I was talking about the guy from the link, not auxiliary....
  12. I'm really curious about the back story and the subsequent banning as well, I missed all that drama (being one of the two people on the forum that weren't in the pinks thread) and would love to get some info.
  13. Yeah, I wanted Oni's SO bad, but I couldn't find any in my price range. I opted for the Impul RS-III's which are slightly more rare around here, and pretty cool just the same.
  14. Wow, now I'm really bummed I missed it altogether. I was watching So You Think You Can Dance with my wife, and I was trying to catch it on commercial, but wasn't able to see much at all.
  15. yeah, i'm one of the two...sort of missed the boat on that one...
  16. what are you going to use for a throttle linkage? It might be better to try and find the larger 2" jaguar carbs and just stick with two. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Jaguar-XKE-S1-SU-Triple-Carbs-with-4-2-Intake-Nice_W0QQitemZ150008465151QQihZ005QQcategoryZ6763QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CARBURETORS-Jaguar-XJ-12-Cylinder-2-SU-Side-draft_W0QQitemZ230005643109QQihZ013QQcategoryZ33550QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. that picture was also part of the "neo-510" project over on freshalloy.com. Somebody besides the main designer on the thread posted it because they didn't like the way the project was going if I recall. The concensus was that it didn't look anything like a 510, which is about how I feel about it.
  18. Don't know if I already missed the bus on this one, but you should pull the cooling fan off too, it's not that hard to do, and gives you a few more inches of leeway.
  19. There is a difference in the castings of the turbo blocks, and if you search it on this site, you'll find some interesting information. It has to do with the webbing Nissan chose to add between the cylinders of the turbo block to promote cooling under the higher temperatures caused by the non-intercooled factory turbo. As for what this guy has, you have a late model head in a car it didn't come attatched to, and I suspect that whoever did that probably just changed the head out during a head gasket swap.
  20. Yeah that looks about right. The way this guy was describing it to me, it made it sound like the front left shared fluid with the back right, and vice versa, and there was some sort of valve in the center of the car that controlled the damping. He was going into detail about how he changed some o-ring that was not supposed to be serviceable on it, and it solved his crappy handling problem. Looking at that picture, it doesn't really look like that's at all how it works, but I've never messed with one in person...
  21. I suspect any ancient british car is going to be fun to work on (and by fun I mean frustrating, time consuming, and expensive). Do you know if those had that same crazy hydraulic suspension like the MG's had? My buddy's uncle is restoring an MGB GT, and it makes me glad that I'm not every time I see it.
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