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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Carb backfire is usually a timing issue, is it not? Also, if you are talking about the original 2.4 liter beint from a 240z, that should have had a mechanical pump I believe, so you are probably dealing with an aftermarket pump of some type. Do you have a fuel pressure guage to test for pressure? The Z carbs only needed like 6 psi, I don't think that in the absence of forced induction you'd need too much more than that even on a 4 barrell...
  2. I mentioned this once before but the game Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 for the PS2 has a pixel by pixel paint program that allows you to change the reflectivity of the paint from primer to candy as well as draw your own graphics with a mouse pointer type interface, and was only $19.95 new, so should be available used for under $15 now. It features all generations of the z car (after you unlock them) from the S30 to present...
  3. I had a 6btm that I bought turn out to be bad right out of the box. Also I got a 6al used and it turned out to be bad, but you can't really pass judgement on them if the part was used...
  4. Are you going to vinyl that stripe, or mask it and paint it? It would probably look hot with a camo stripe (join the dark side), but that's just my opinion...
  5. That doesn't sound good at all....kind of like somebody changed your oil with a handfull of nickels...I really don't have any advice though, hope you can figure it out. It doesn't sound very regular, like a valve event should, it sounds most to me like something is bouncing around. I'd say pull the pan (all thirty of the pan bolts) and check it out...Also see if you can get the clutch inspection plate off and see if anything happened in there, I saw a guy's pressure plate lose a spline once and it sounded kind of like that...
  6. Interesting fuel delivery system too.
  7. I've got 205/60's on them, but I'm pretty sure they'll take more...
  8. You want some wider than stock 14" wheels Olie? I've got these: that I'll sell you for cheap.
  9. So does she have that hot irish accent? I met a vietnamese girl from texas once, and that was so distracting to hear her voice sounding like Scarlett O'hara from the side, and then turning to look and seeing Ms. Saigon...I say rock it till the wheels fall off guy, but just so you know:
  10. If the chrome/stainless were glossy black, that would look serious. Flat black on yellow, not so much for me. I'm not into silver wheels either, but for curiosity's sake, what wheels are you using? That might help to decide for us.
  11. Spoken like a true captain in the drift armada. Our motto: "rattle cans are cheap, and we've got nothing better to do with our time." Soon as I get a logo made up, I'll post it up so you can shoot it on there somewhere and represent to the fullest.
  12. I'm telling you, if you do the police car, you have to put "panty inspector" on the badge instead of "police inspector" or whatever. And you'd have to make the colors different, so you could do like Kawasaki Green on White instead of black or blue on white. Then there would be no mistaking it not being a real police cruiser.
  13. Well, too much diet cola could give mice cancer in the lab, so that's kind of evil...I think you should put "I'm like the diet cola of evil" in your sig... I would like to make a fiberglass dash too one of these days, all these are pretty sweet. (how was that for pretending to be on topic?)
  14. Hey Chewie, why don't we start a new thread about the BRE camo? I'm sure we'd get a few people up in arms about that one. Nobody has any strong feelings about the zzzap! scheme, but I'll bet you raise some eyebrows with this one...
  15. Z-tard you totally blew it! 669 posts is pretty cool and all, but 666 was way hard...
  16. Might as well do the whole top in orange now I guess. I've got some great ideas for a Z31 paint job, too bad I don't have one...
  17. I've always liked those wheels, very tasteful addition if you ask me.
  18. The original elanore was an all yellow 1974 mustang, I guess that's the shelby reproduction like from the Nick Cage GI60S? Hair splitting aside, I like that color a lot. I think it's going to look serious once it's all back together.
  19. I can relate to the car that looks better in pictures, my camo zzzap! has always photographed better than it actually looked. I'd have to say that from the pictures, your car looks very good, and the color is very unique. I would use a dark colored wheel, and possibly some black accents to make it jump out (mirrors, power bulge, if you are doing flares, maybe the tail light panel, that kind of thing).
  20. It should be possible to engineer a BETTER downpipe, but I really doubt you would be happy with no downpipe (read:no EXHAUST SYSTEM) at all from a fume/noise standpoint. There should be performance exhausts available from companies on the net, and you can always make your own if you are handy. Summit sells oxygen sensor dummy plugs to delete O2 sensors from your car, so you could look into that if you wanted to go that route, but O2 sensors are involved in making sure your A/F R is accurate so it may not be the best idea to fiddle with them.
  21. OTM, the SVO, T-coupe, and XR4-Ti all had the ford 2.3 turbo 4 cylinder. I always thought the super coupe was a v-6, but in the "supercharging a z-31" thread I had gotten the impression that it was a v-8 for some reason. I second the legend, they are spectaculary durable and comfortable, and I think acura shot themselves in the foot by dropping the names off of all their cars to do the euro style alphanumerics. Something about a car with a real name just give it character, good or bad. I hesitate to recommend you go for a car 20+ years old if you are looking for a daily driver though.
  22. My vote is for typo.
  23. Plus you'd have middle aged guys speeding up to see if you were a hot chick, and then getting dissappointed when you weren't (edit: or maybe you are? I don't have any idea so don't be offended either way). I've observed that behaviour, but never engaged in it....I certainly don't profile car owners by the type of vehicle they are driving...
  24. OTM, the super coupe was the supercharged v-8, you're thinking of the turbo coupe that was contemporary with the 2.3 turbo mustang svo and the merkur xr4ti. Hey wheelman, I'd steer clear of the fiero if you don't want to end up with the blazing inferno on your hands. I've heard those cars have a bad reputation for catching fire inexplicably... You could always get a subaru and do the trunk mounted turbo upgrade.
  25. Oh, I can go take some sexy sitting in the rain at dusk photos right now, I kind of thought that this thread's days were over, so I was going to let it go quietly into the night...Hey wingnutt, go check out my myspace page for some hot transformers action: www.myspace.com/ninjadatsun. But yes, I was very aware that the Transformers live action movie was in the works. Also there is a live action Neon Genesis Evangelion movie being made by some people afiliated with the Lord of the Rings movies which (if the promo art is anything to go by) will be pretty spectacular.
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