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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Vespas are 2-stroke? I thought they were 4 cycle.
  2. we're probably skirting the edge pretty closely at this point...I'm sure somebody'll let us know...
  3. It'll be just like the road warrior...I've already got my spiked shoulder pads and bat with a doll's head on the end in a closet from when the world didn't end on Y2K, so I should be good and prepared to go out and fight for leftover gasoline when that day comes... *edit* don't forget that we'll be talking in internet slang, too! Say things like "Dang Rtard, you just got Pwnd!....n0ob...
  4. It would be great if Darwin would step in, but right now we are in Murphy's iron grip..."If some moron will buy it, some further moron WILL make it available for sale..."
  5. that's going to be the kicker right there. find a car you can buy for under a grand, restore to saleable condition for under $2000, and then turn around for around 4-5k to start. I would also think you would be much better off finding a buyer before the car, then you don't end up sitting on it for any lenth of time. Maybe you could convince this friend to let you just build him the car of HIS choice, and use that as some word of mouth?
  6. listing was removed or is no longer avialable, it tells me. What was the story with that one?
  7. Tim, a non-bypass regulator can never get lower than the base fuel system pressure, right or not right? I've been trying to figure this out for awhile now...
  8. reminds me of the tuxedo t-shirt, or the one with the bikini girl's torso on it that fat chicks can wear... Well, here is the ULTIMATE in pointless vehicle mods, even more pointless than the dangling nut sack you can hang from your trailer hitch:http://www.pierceyourride.com
  9. Right on. I knew it wasn't 114.3, but I wasn't sure what the number actually was. So that lug spacing is specific to the old mustangs? That's kind of a bummer. Do you have a wheel choice in mind, doc?
  10. Nice MSA type III airdam...that looks so much better on a car than it does in any of their photos. Do you have the skirts as well, or is that another type? In my opinion, the MSA type III skirts are the best looking option going right now. The only thing I'd rather pay actual money for is the Monza Mystery Widebody... on a side note: Topless, do you still want better pics of the skirts on my car, or was that second set good enough? *edit* A6T, is that "a 68 VW" in the background? looks like a Ghia.
  11. I'd actually heard that it can't be done, If you do find a way, be sure and let us know...It seems like all the makers of outdoor power equipment would rather turbo/supercharge 4 stroke enignes...seeing as how they have no problem doing that, I would HAVE to think that if it were feasable, SOMEBODY would have released an OEM turbo quad/jet-ski/snowmobile by now...
  12. Me niether, your battery sounds like a great deal. I'd have bought that one if I had seen it, Optima was the only thing going around here unless I wanted to mail order something. I don't like to do that because warranty becomes problematic when you can't just walk into a store and get loud to make sure your situation is resolved...
  13. No, I don't think so. I tried to put a spare from my altima which is 5X114.3 on a sky to see if I could "appropriate" some take off 18" wheels, and it didn't work because the holes were too wide.
  14. yeah, the article is about EFI now that you mention it...my fault!
  15. Actually, from reading the megamanual, MS seems especially PRONE to being affected by something like an emp. It mentions wearing a grounding wristband and working with a grounded work table and the like to reduce electrostatic damage to the components. I'm not sure you could do much to be the only car that doesn't get fried when the aliens invade (like the EFI dodge Caravan that Tom Cruise drove in War of the Worlds instead of his points equipped early mustang he chose not to drive). According to that movie, so long as your starter is disconnected when the pulse hits, you should be fine...
  16. So far it's a localized outbreak...but in this small digital world we inhabit, these things have been known to spread like wildfire...
  17. Paz8, Grumpy will need a group 75 side post, or a dual terminal battery, does your brand come in side post/dual post? I've never heard of them, but it sounds pretty good, and is about $30 cheaper than your average optima red top (as long as that $67 price tag is available away from the factory store).
  18. That's kind of what I was getting at too.
  19. You can't always get pictures from people's albums though, not everyone maintains their album with up to date photos, or they may not even have any photos in there at all.
  20. Well, you have to admit, this WAS very similar to the "what's one thing that makes your car different" thread, except so far it's all about me, instead of all these other guys...
  21. That's just weird...sorry to hear about your blacklisting, everything I know about megasquirt I learned from MobytheVan on Hybridz and my friend Sam at work (I usually refer to him as the 330whp Saturn guy), so I can't really relate to your www.msefi.com woes...
  22. NICE engine bay! How does that air box work, do you have a scoop of some kind on the hood?
  23. Not really, but I'll bring my camera to work (where I'm working on the car) and get a better one tomorrow. Here are some pre-zzzap! pictures that might give you a better idea what they look like: this one is not as good, it wasn't really intended to show the skirts (but it does show my custom [hah!] hockey masked power bulge and hood vent replacements), but it's all I've got right now:
  24. So how does being banned work, can you not even view the site at all, or are you just banned from posting?
  25. There is a detailed explanation with part numbers on this website, but I haven't tried to do it myself. It looks an awful lot like the MSD regulator. http://www.dune-buggy.com/turbo/fuelsystem.htm
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