thats for the info braap...i dont mean to side track the conversation since im new with engine flow i thought id put a question out useful is Helmholtz been playing around with it sometime for my school's FSAE program but neva got around to testing there are so many different variations of it that makes me wonder how does one get good information out of it?...also i was just wondering how much better the air flow with a process like the one your going through. i understand that there are other variables that will give different hp/tq readings i was thinking more as a nondimensional number not anything standard...i was just thinking it the engine flows better maybe it can handle more rpm...given that the engine has the correct equpiment...please do comment back if u have the time.
fyi, im just a geek that likes to look at numbers...i blame it on school :-/
i posted the question in the other link too just in case u dont wanna answer it here.