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Everything posted by RB26powered74zcar

  1. Whats the finish called on you powder coat work? Looks kind of like a hammer lite type.
  2. I think I may have a spare rb pick up from my motor. If you can use it, let me know...
  3. Look great. I used my driver side vent for a gauge pod.... lol
  4. I have a matching pair in great cond., if you decide to go that route.
  5. It looks like the valance end pieces may be different between years, or one is bent. One thing is for sure, you aren't dealing with fender differences, just end pieces....
  6. Bart, did they get the behind/under seat area made correctly?
  7. Great thread!! Plus, the post count was on 66six, so I changed that...
  8. I have a complete rear cradle (minus diff/axles). Please put where your located...
  9. Your car looks very nice. The dramatics isn't so bad, heck ya gota add a taste of something different to keep it from being just another boring vid... I have to ask, did you section your struts? I have coil overs and if I went that low, I'd be touching the bump stops on every bump. I just picked up a slightly used set of sectioned 240 struts, with Illumina 5 ways. All I have to do now is get my butt outside and do the swap out.... Again.... Yours look killer!
  10. Shouldn't this kind of stuff be in the Non Tech Forum???
  11. That's a simple question. Yes, why not go ahead and use them, there are minor differences, other than tube da.
  12. Post up some pics, I bet you get some bites.
  13. I think I will follow your lead. Excellant pictorial.... thanks!
  14. I was using the Turbonetics 60-1 on my last motor (forged 3.0 L6) with the tubular manifolds we had a group buy on. I thought it was a pretty mean motor, but never measured it up in any way to be able to say what hp/1/4 time it put out. I really liked the turbo though....
  15. You mean to tell us your not even going to remove the wrapping and see whats under there...?
  16. Couldn't tell from this post.... also, how are we to know what year it's even for? You are going to have to pick up a used pair, it looks like.
  17. Looks like the best your going to get right now is pics copied from this thread http://z31.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8487
  18. http://www.serialnine.com/product_info.php?cPath=104&products_id=47
  19. Looks like a R160 or R180 CLSD to me. If it was making noise, could have just been clutch pack chatter... * Edit: just found this http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=158477 so....
  20. 240zDan, did you ever get the GT-R diff finished up?
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