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Everything posted by JSM

  1. I missed one from our Pick and pull for $350 for the motor and $150 for the T56 tranny! Someone scored BIG time! I was almost in tears.
  2. Is this the only year the R200 and the S30 had the 3.36? What about a 75 2+2?
  3. Where in FL are you? Wheel side would be stub axles, axle side would companion flanges. I have a set (both above) i'll sell for $75 if you come help me pull them. Not mine below, but the nut side is the companion flange, the rest below is stub axle. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/75289-280z-stub-axles-and-9mm-rods/page__p__716925__hl__%2Bstub+%2Baxles__fromsearch__1#entry716925
  4. Sorry, guys, my head pic is fake. I was hoping someone was going to call me on it.
  5. I'd run based on your own research, but to me it depends if you have extra money to throw around. Since your looking at a broke car I assume, you do not, otherwise you would buy a fixed one, unless your really cheap which is okay too. (Not a bash.) I'm in the same boat, but I want a BMW. Finding a clean, well mainted, inexpensive, relaible BWM in the model I want seems to be kind of unreasonable, however, I'm real cheap! Maybe my requirement list is unreasonable. Either way, it's a want, not a need.
  6. I've got a whole R200 3.70 ration non-LSD for $100 plus shipping.
  7. Did you go through this at least? Is the distributor a ZX? Check to see if the module on the side, if it has one, says E12-80. You will be much happier if it is. Almost at the bottom there is a wiring diagram to hook up to a 240z. I'm sure you'll find some other diagrams as well if you search: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html
  8. I've got the block as well but mine is $20 plus shipping. I'll provide a pic if you want.
  9. Well, said bjhines. I do this with Datsun parts, datsun cars, computers, cell phones etc. I couldn't pay for anything Z related without buying and re-selling the above items. What my wife and I love the most is picking trash. We keep so many things and save lots of $$ doing this. We paid for our NYC vacation this summer, from 1 Garage sale and selling items on Craigslist from the trash! This was our November garage sale which paid for all of Christmas for our kids and family. 99.99% of what you see came from the trash!
  10. Congrats Phil! Being that far apart are you gonna slide the Pistions out to at least check the rings?
  11. Thanks Tony. I always enjoy my vocab lessons! Had to look that one up: pe·dan·tic –adjective 1. ostentatious in one's learning. 2. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching. Which led me make sure I understood what I thought ostentatious meant: os·ten·ta·tious  –adjective 1. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser. 2. (of actions, manner, qualities exhibited, etc.) intended to attract notice: Lady Bountiful's ostentatious charity.
  12. By no means am I knocking the 370, but this thread answered all my questions about the forum: http://www.the370z.com/track-autocross-drifting-dragstrip/29571-fast-1-4-mile-uve-seen.html
  13. Derek, got mine today! Thanks, looks better than the picture did.
  14. Only the 81 came with CAS. The 82 and 83 system are the same setup with no CAS.
  15. I hate Gremlins! Possible the ignition problem has always been there and the cold has uncovered it? I know on my old 70, the colder it was the harder it was to start. Of course once going it was great. This was with SU's and no choke cables.
  16. I sent you a few PM's. Is this one from MSA? Pic?
  17. I'm confident if you put an ad up in the "Parts Wanted" section someone will likely come through for you. Figure 25-50 for the pan plus shipping.
  18. Safe estimate. $900-1000 for all the parts purchased form http://www.diyautotune.com/ Dyno tuning $400 and up depending on how well you want it tuned, another $300 to 500 to install it all. Again just estimates.
  19. -P90A head rebuilt by shop ($300-500. Might be more) -Brakes work awesome but they don't catch until the pedal is nearly to the floor ($100-$300) -Lose wires everywhere ($10-500. Kinda vauge so labor can become expensive.) -Stock springs were cut too much and car rubs when going over smaller bumps. ($300-700) -Transmission grinds in 3rd and 4th ($700-1500. If it is a 4 speed, why not upgrade to a 5 speed? You would probably save money buying a good used one.) -When pushing the car hard, the cabin fills with exhaust ($200-500. Really depends on what seals are bad and investigation.) -Gas gauge and spedometer don't work ($200-500) I'm guestimating too. I read this as your not doing the work yourself. If I'm wrong on the labor, prices would be much less. Just my .02. Paypal me $20.00!
  20. Yippie! I got to check on those kick plates for you.
  21. Appears retirement has kept you busy! Wake up... hmmm... what am I going to do to my car today? Post a "heads up" when you go for your maiden voyage at OSW.
  22. Hey Derek, can I pay early? I have $ in my account, but have a bad habit of spending it! Shoot me a total ($28 non-anodized and $5 shipping = $33) and PayPal addy if that's okay. Thanks, Jeff
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