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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. Good save! Anyone remember the thread that got sent to the tool shed about whether or not to carry around a fire extinguisher in the car? Apparently its probably a safe thing to do on our old cars. haha
  2. Did you not have a boost gauge? haha Well now you know everything else is working good.
  3. I have a set for sale they are 280zx turbo CVs so the have 6 bolts which are grouped into 3 groups of 2. I'm selling mine for $80 shipped but a member told me you can get them for like $170 something new at autozone but no garuntee on that.
  4. Yeah, the fuel tank is kind of ugly. Anything to make the back end look less like a 4X4. haha
  5. You'll also need to post some numbers that show it actually improves performance. Although many will still be intersted cause it's pretty. Haha
  6. I'll hopefully make a functional one for my car when it's on the road. I just plan on having each blade swivel so it can fold upward if I go over a bump or up a driveway. That way it can be close as John describes. I don't see the g8 looking good on a z. Just make a fake one that yourself if you don't care about function.
  7. Hey sorry guys, Ive been busy with helping set everything up... wedding is in a couple hours. Sadly I wont have any time to see anything, and I have no transportation... Maybe on a later trip down to visit them Ill have a little more time to see you guys, who knows I may even drive the Z down if its done! haha
  8. Looks awesome. Whered you get the materials?
  9. Alright your wideband will show air fuel ratios not boost. A wideband is an O2 sensor, not a boost gauge. He probably meant 14 on the wideband NOT 14 psi. If it stayed lower than 14 that means you were likely running close to stoich or a little rich which is alot better than lean. I'm just going to be strait forward. Before you do ANY work on this car you really really need to learn more about your car. For your own sake you need to sit down for a few weeks and read, read, read. Understand what every part on your engine does first, you need to know that at the least.
  10. What is this supposed to work with? All s30s with stock air/heat controls? Where do the vents come out?
  11. I'm confused as well about which spoiler your wanting to put on... But I will say I have a 3 piece camaro spoiler and itvidnt even close to fitting a z. It would be a TON of work.
  12. Are you talking about overhauling the car or the engine? I assume the engine. What all so you include it overhaul? How is it tempermental? If it runs great some of the time and bad at some times your likely looking at support system problems. Fuel, spark etc. You might wasting your time "overhauling" it.
  13. Anyone live in the area? I'm staying at the homewood suites. I dont have my own transportation but if someone was driving in that area I'd love to see a Z.
  14. Was there fluid in the MC while the car was down? Did you have to fill it back up after the engine rebuild?
  15. You dont like them?? haha I assume its making the exhaust rich enough that it cant easily ignite?
  16. What is it tuned to? I really think you need to do some more learning/research. My advice is to lower the boost way down and get it running on stock boost levels. Learn how your engine and turbo engines in general work and then start to turn up the boost. Also Ive noticed most of your posts are very hard to read. If you take a little more time when you write something, spell things correctly, just use proper english in general, youll get more help. To be honest youll also be treated in a much more mature manner since other members will see you as mature. Just a heads up.
  17. Im sure everyone is curious on a price as well as more info on the headers dimensions/fit.
  18. Im not a megsquirt genius but it shouldnt matter if its an SDS injector harness should it? As long as the proper wires were going to each injector it should still work right?
  19. Ive heard of short screamer pipes on the wastegate but nothing at all.... Thatll get loud, hot and dirty... Looks pretty and is good craftsmanship but I wouldnt drive it and I assuredly wouldnt drive it offroad.
  20. I have the sandwich plate off an 81 turbo. How's 20 shipped?
  21. It's a narrowband. Won't show a number. I'd try to redo your mbc setup. Get your signal from the outlet on the turbo. Also you saic the wastegate moves freely? Is that just the flapper valve with the actuator disconnected or are you talking about valve and actuator still connected moves freely?
  22. Need an optical dizzy for megasquirt swap. Let me know what you have. Thanks
  23. I found one off of an 81 turbo in my garage. How's 30 shipped? I can ship this afternoon.
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