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Everything posted by Vintage

  1. I hate this mentality that seems more and more common nowadays that older engine designs cant make good power. The L28ET could push 250 horses too, for way cheaper than you could even swap in an SR20. Not to mention, a 250 horse L28ET will make bags more torque than a 250 horse SR20. If you want to race uphill, torque is very important. Not to take anything away from an SR20 or any other modern engine, of course, they all have their pros and cons, just dont knock the L28 till you know alittle bit about it is all.
  2. Aside from the hyd lifters/cam, the P90A is just like the P90, in regards to champer size/shape, and port size/shape.
  3. If your wanting any real power out of your NA motor, I would look into doing more than alittle headwork. I suggest looking for some of Braaps or 1 fast Z's posts about L6 headwork.
  4. Your car should have around 130 horses if its in good shape and tune. For a hundred bucks, the most I can see you doing is putting a better intake pipe and filter on.
  5. Actually, the 84T was the first Z with 5 lugs, all 84-85 NAs had 4, 5s were standard on turbos and became standard for all in 86.
  6. It had locking belts but they snapped on impact. Im thinking about picking up my buddies 64 comet and dropping my motor in it,then daily drive it till my turbo 75 is done.
  7. My daily driver was a '76 Ford Maverick, 250-6cyl, C4 auto. Then the good lord decided I didn't want it anymore. Came over the crest of a hill in the morning on my way to school, got blinded by the sun, couldnt see the logging truck untill I was so close he blocked out the sun, hit him doing about 45. The stud where the steering wheel bolts on cut a jagged hole through my chin and broke a bottom tooth square in half. My buddies chin hit the dash(you can see the dent) and broke his jaw in 3 places, not to mention the log that came through and almost hit him. Now I drive an 89 Celica 5 speed.
  8. Hard to say without a picture of the combustion chamber, but it could either be an N42 or P90(A)
  9. I have to ask, what, if any, would the benifits of DBW be? It seems like just something else to go wrong. My mothers tC is DBW, and the gas pedal is horribly irresponsive. Just wondering if it has an upside.
  10. He's not talking about an L28
  11. Myself and my father cut the frontend off an '87 turbo with a battery powered dewalt sawzall. Sliced straight through the bumper reinforcement bar, frame rails and just about anything else in the way.
  12. Absolutely gorgeous color, nice choice. It really draws the eye into all the little details and bodylines on the car.
  13. I have a a metal set of locking louvers on my '75, were on it when I bought it. One lock is messed up and I dont have the key, though.
  14. Well, its a cakewalk if its empty, not quite as easy if its got a decent amount of gas in it. Dropping it should be pretty easy with gas in it, putting it back up without help is the problem. I would recommend siphoning most of the gas out before you start. Oh yeah, its also a good idea to support it with a jack if you drop it with gas in it.
  15. The KA24 5speed is essentially the same as the Z31 VG30E 5speed, except the KA tranny has stronger internals. In our '86, my father and I got a KA trans for 100 bucks and swapped the internals into our our Z31 tranny.
  16. Look at Aziza Zs car, he has done the swap in his 280. From what I've observed and what he's said, it should be pretty straighforward.
  17. Part of your initial confusion resulted from the difference in the way the 70-78 cars were rated and the 79-83 cars were rated. Although the L28E in the 75-78 Z was rated for 170 horse, the average stock L28E pulls around 120-125 from what I've seen. The rating on the ZXs is much closer to reality due to a mandated change in rating methods.
  18. Except that you cant get even an MSA Gnose now, any Gnose brings good money.
  19. Been a member for quite awhile now, and dont think I've ever shown yall my car. She's a '75 coupe I got bone stock for 1800 bucks. Run fine when I got it save for a cracked AFM boot. 600 dollars in new brake stuff and 400 dollars for 2 280zx parters later - She will be running an 87T ecu mated to an 86 na harness, throttle body and MAF.
  20. Anyone seen these new Axis wheels? The ones called 'Banzai.' Come in 15x8 (with a 0 offset for AE86 an S30s) and 17x8/9 which they say has offsets for staggered fitment on a 240Z. http://wheelstudio.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/1_3?osCsid=831aa6470d288f3c00c8e5e8d26f0367
  21. The vents right behind the quarter window, they have an emblem that pops into place on them. Edit: You can literally see it in every picture on this page ^
  22. Unfortunately, I'm 99% sure you cant use the manual console with the automatic baseplate. You can use the automatic console with a shift boot for the manual, but not the other way around.
  23. I'd bet most of the extra torque you felt was due to the backpressure created by the muffler, he's running a muffler(well, glasspack), so I'd think he'd be fine in that regard.
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