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Everything posted by mobythevan

  1. The article seemed to say that the inert material would help raise cylinder pressure. I don't know, and the only way I can describe it is like this: (not saying I am convinced one way or the other) Heat is the energy and material (after combustion) is the lever to move the piston. The material is the lever because it expands from the heat. The more material to a certain point will give you a bigger lever to move the piston. If the ~75% of incoming air that is inert was removed from a combustion cycle, how much cylinder pressure would be lost because the heat has less molecules to expand (during/after combustion)? And the flip side, if more inert gas is added does cylinder pressure rise(with no more combustibles added)? Would be neat to have the equipment and time to do experiments like this. I'll have to dig the article back out of the stack.
  2. Definitely pop a heat shield in there by the master cylinder. Just a piece of light gauge steel will help out tremendously. I like the fact that you went with a port EFI intake manifold. Maybe I can see it in person one of these days. Cool.
  3. If someone gives me an RB26DETT or a 2JZ I'll put it in my 1934 pontiac rod that i'm building right now. Its worth a try to get a free engine It had a straight 8 originally, a straight 6 would be cool in there.
  4. oh no, not this arguement again. ay caramba he who makes the most torque at the highest rpm wins, oh, that would be the most horsepower heh heh, hee, hee
  5. This brings up another good point, that more "material" in the cylinder to be heated can allow more energy to be transferred to physical force. There was a good write up in one of the mags a while back talking about the benefits of NOS becasue it put more "material" in the cylinder allowing higher cylinder pressures not just because of the extra chemical reaction but because there was more "material"/molecules to transfer the heat energy to physical energy. Seems like water injection would help in this aspect.
  6. I thought that was the norm in france?
  7. What I saw when I upgrade from stock injectors to 450cc injectors was that the required fuel value changed like it was suppose to, but the table around idle had to be re-tuned becasue the bigger injectors deliver too much fuel at idle because of their minimum open time. If you make it idle by messing with required fuel, then the rest of the VE table has to be re-tuned.
  8. What about the priming pulse that occurs once after ms powers up?
  9. My car never had that problem. I did retain the AAR so it would get more air for cold starts. But it would always start up warm, be a bit rich but idle fine. hmmmm
  10. I also had my timing ramp right to 23 degrees at idle.
  11. This should be fixable using the 024s9 or newer code because after start enrichment looks at coolant temp to determine percentage of enrichment. On older versions like 021u for example the after start enrichment always happens, regardless of coolant temp. You should not have this issue if you use 024s9 or newer and lower your ASE as coolant temp rises. Let me know what you guys figure out since I just spout theoretical fixes and don't have a car to try it out on.
  12. So you would see the change on the boost gauge. At sea level the gauge would show maybe 10psi. At 7000 feet the wastegate control has changed with altitude and the gauge would show around 13psi. I should have made a trip up pikes peak before I sold the car and see how the ball/spring controller behaved.
  13. Both NA and turbo suffer from the same percentage loss at altitude. The difference is that the turbo boost can be turned up to negate the altitude until you run out of the turbos range. That being said do which ever swap happens for you. Whichever engine shows up for a good price first. I fully intended to do a V8 swap, but an L28ET engine dropped in my lap for cheap so I went that direction.
  14. How much of an change do you suppose coating the piston, chamber, valves would help? I know its not in the tuning realm, but while the engine is apart on the next rebuild. Put one of those nice thermal coatings to retain more heat exspansion/velocity in the gases, not lost into the engine itself. Think it would make a notceable difference?
  15. The mods are going to remove everything except the V8 forum--
  16. Great to hear it is running. Did you try turning on dwell control and settings at cranking = 6 running = 2.5 min = 1.5 It would be nice to be able to use the VB921 on the v3 boards.
  17. My garage is detached so she would have to lock me out of both, heh heh
  18. In the large cam scenario you can run megasquirt with a ford mass air flow sensor using the extra code. I forgot about large cams causing problems with MAP based systems. I have become so use to thinking of performance engines being built with a relatively small cam and using supercharger or turbo.
  19. That is alpha-n mode right? You only use the TPS sensor, not map or air flow meter. The only time I would use this is if I was out driving and the MAP sensor failed (maybe bad backfire broke it). Then maybe TPS only would get you by for a few days. You can run mechanical fuel injection also and not have an ECU. Run as many sensors and control as much of your engine as your pocket book will allow. Thanks to Megasquirt no one should be running alpha-N mode.
  20. Well, I just came in from the garage and it is 4 below outside. With the wood stove in the garage it was 75 in there. Man it is nice to have a heated work area. I have been able to get a ton of fab work done in the last three weeks since it started getting colder and dark early. It cost me a bit of time and money up front to install the stove and insulation, but it has really paid off the last two winters. Also helps to have no cable TV and live out in the sticks. Not much to do but work on the car. The wife has even been out there every night holding steel in place so I can weld it easier. I have been building an entire new frame structure for the body of my 34 pontiac. It took about 70 hours just to remove all the old wood before starting the fab of the new steel. I like the way it is coming together. And I thought fixing rust in the 240z was bad. If you want to see more I have been keeping a journal over at hottrodders site, not z stuff but pretty fun http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/journal.php?action=view&journalid=23205
  21. Nice solution with the mallory plug.
  22. I went ahead and ordered the trigger wheel since we have a metal lathe at work. My buddy can machine the spacer to fix the thickness issue. Looks like its EDIS for me.
  23. I was just tossing this idea around for my BBC after watching this thread. I already have to run a spacer for my supercharger belt alignment. The spacer is a standard blower type (6 bolt 2.75" bolt pattern with 2" pilot hole). That is interesting because a guy on ebay already sells a machined 36-1 trigger wheel with a 2" pilot hole. So I would just have to machine down the spacer by the thickness of the trigger wheel and I could easily bolt this on. I have an old opints dizzy to cut off like dmanzo did. It always starts like this, now I have another thing to add to the list.
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