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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. Hey MSA sells them their like 4 bucks a piece plus shipping. I bought 4 because I plan on selling the 2 left over poly and rubber bushings for like a "set" to help get a bit of money back. Probably not much if anythough
  2. Yeah it looks pretty cool compared to 2 hunks of metal bolted together.
  3. Also after removing my covers all those plastic clips broke. then when i replaced the covers with just the bolt everything is fine it doesn't rattle or anything so don't be worried if you break them.
  4. It sounds very very stock... You can just barely hear anything with the windows down and normal driving (I don't drive over 3k RPM) and with the windows up it reminds me of my cheep "stock" muffler that i had gotten a while back. I can't really record it for you to get a good idea because I have an exhaust leak where my cat used to be.
  5. haha well I re looked and didn't see anything so I think he was talking about actual threads. Anyways the MSA bushings I got have a number on them and it's the same number that is on the original bushings... the shape is a bit different but pretty much the same size. Also with the original bushings I didn't have any threads to work with either.
  6. Sorry it's for a ZX. I looked for threads on it but didn't see any but I'll search again.
  7. Okay, from what I read you want poly on the front and rubber on the back. BUT what I was trying to do was replace old rubber with new rubber. and there was no way I could have Washer - Retainer - Bushing - Bracket - Bushing - Retainer - washer and still have thread on the end. What I ended up doing was putting the old worn bushings back on and with a couple of C clamps I compressed them back in enough to get the retainer and nut (no washer) on which I then tightened enough to get the back 2 mounting bolts in with the help of a screw driver though one of the bolt holes for leverage then after those 2 bolts got in I un did the nut again and put the washer back on. so basically I wasted like 2 hours taking the rod apart and putting it back together with the old bushings. I don't know how I am going to get the new ones on.
  8. Okay so I got my bushings and and I followed the steps in the haynes manuel for removing the rod and bushings and now I'm stuck with a problem. I can either put the rod on with the back bushings and not mount it or I can mount it and not get the bushings on. How do I compress the bushings while their in so I can mount the rear part of the rod ?
  9. I use synthetic on my car. My dad originally put Valvoline 10/40 but I switched to Mobile 1 10/30 and it ran much better from what I could tell... could just be all in my head.
  10. I'm pretty sure the block is the same. But just a side note, is it really hard to pass visual with a turbo engine in a car that could have come turbo had you gotten a different package... It's not like your trying to hide something that doesn't belong. just put turbo badges on lol. or do they cross reference the VIN ?
  11. Okay so I got my first dash board crack today!!! I am so angry is there any way to repair it. I saw a thread saying to get a dash cap but I've not seen pictures yet. I park in the sun, but I have a fabric dash sun shade that I put on so I figured it would help but I guess not.
  12. Hmm I don't need it but I seem to remember some guy with a bullet hole in his might want to search for that and PM him or something.
  13. That's pretty awesome. My dream is to drive a RHD car. But i don't think that is going to happen at all. Anyways. What my plans would have been would be to buy that and I would have for that little money and swap out all the cool rhd parts into a decent US 280zx. just my opinion, but cool find.
  14. nbesheer

    new magnaflow

    Well my plans were to get a full 2 1/4 exhaust on my car but I decided that at this point in time It would be best for me not to spend a lot of money. (College) and so I figured I would save money now and get a 2 1/4 exhaust with no header because I was planing a turbo swap later on. Then I was thinking well I really need a car I can drive more people in or a motorcycle so I just got a magnaflow offset strait though muffler. (Sorry for the life story) so I got the muffler and single walled angle cut chrome tip installed for $140, not sure if that is too much or a good deal but what ever. Anyways it's pretty damn quiet. But I'm still excited and I'm glad it's not loud because sometimes it gets annoying.
  15. Do you have an after market speedometer ? Because if you change it then the CC won't work.
  16. I just read in another thread that the charcoal canister collects fuel vapors from the gas tank and burns it. But when I open my gas cap every Friday to fill up I hear a wooshing of air I'm not sure if it's air going in or air coming out. Is this normal ?
  17. I don't know off hand or online, I have a book at work but the term to search for would be "Cross reference'' that might help your searching a bit. Ill edit if I find anything. EDIT try this http://www.pureoil.com/ProductFinder.aspx?action=IG It takes what ever part number your looking for and puts it in to Purolator part numbers I tried 2 filters M3614 and PZ41 and it brought them up.
  18. Maybe could you check the compression ratio ? The NA's had higher CR because of the flat pistons and Turbos had lower CR because of the dished.
  19. Okay summit is out of Prothane Poly bushings for my car and I need some (PN: 14-2003) and I've sourced Ebay which is $125 and these two companies Jegs $92 https://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10002_533089_-1_?langId=-1&krypto=oHcoFwk%2b8I%2foHM9NSM5laP8A0cGFnhmNDGz1VdQSg1rbFFaZQ15GkWD%2bVRxaYgtuSMqr9TMBNJgY%0ayaD9SICegHYt4ncSRkdnPFDDtD2ceLN3o4WzzAnoaO58FKUmvzd8M1Xm9Rx3F3MKf8LE%2b%2bVDDDwv%0audcvGjO8b5GbbXidfyUOtDcmH2fZrQZ9aKv78LF2UqEwfGRqS9RyIrv62EQaO8uyeoLwxiQpMscr%0arjcuQq%2bma1Eg%2borlvwGSu4FegWgM&ddkey=OrderItemAdd And DSO $96 http://www.ajusa.com/cgi-bin/stores/details?vendor_code=PTP&ajr_part_number=PTP%2014-2003&source=lookup&session_id=11c9774bbed5c94725e466961d6ffd44 I don't really care from a price stand point but from a service stand point what would be a better company to buy from ? I heard Jegs here and there but am not familiar with either.
  20. That irritates me too when people lean on my car. I once caught a kid sitting on my head light bucket. also I will check cotter pins, although I would assume that something would have happened by now.
  21. I don't mind people looking under my car like at shows and stuff or when I am there it's just I wasn't there. and I don't really know the neighborhood. But everything seems to be fine all ready and I don't know if I need a kill switch anymore anyways because the car is so damn hard to start now.
  22. Have you driven your friends matrix. Eh if thats the same 1.8 thats in the rolla then bah. that thing doesn't even move out of it's own way. maybe with a stick but no way with auto. And isn't that FWD as opposed to RWD ?
  23. That's kinda creepy. Are these rusty rocker panels wearing skirts ?
  24. Just a thought. On my 83' 280zx there are 2 wires that connect to the tranny that I had unplugged on accident which caused my lights not to work. These wires were on the passenger side. and were unplugged when I changed my battery wires.
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