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Everything posted by capt_furious

  1. Let me hammer another one home here: You need only ONE question mark to indicate inquisitive case. I'm not sure where on earth the tendency for people to put two, three or even five or six question marks after a question came from. It takes LESS effort on the writer's part to type punctuation when done properly. If you wish to add emphasis, follow it with an exclamation point. What is it with that?! See what I did there? Another one I can NOT wrap my mind around, and I've mentioned this before: People Who Type Like This - They Capitalize Every Word That They Write. I've Seen It From Far Too Many People For It To Be An Isolated Thing. It Bugs Me More Than All Caps Or No Caps At All; My Mind Pauses And Starts A New Sentence With Each Capital Letter. It's Incredibly Annoying To Read, And Requires A Shift Key Strike With Evey Word. It's Not Lazy, It's Excessive! That's What I Dont' Get. tHeN tHEre ArE tHe AlTernaTing CaPs cloWNs. You people need to be dragged out into a busy street and shot.
  2. Wrong cases, apostrophe abuse, muddled contractions, lack of punctuation, capitalization... Pet peeves, all of them. Huge irritation: 'You guy's" pronounced 'you guyziz' as a possessive case statement. 's instead of 're in possessive case when referring to plural... their they're there... It's spelled 'SPEECH', not 'speach'. Cars use BRAKES to stop, not breaks...you don't want your car breaking in order to stop. SuspenSion, not suspention. 'For SALE', not 'For sell.' Sell is a verb, sale is a noun. Elimination of 'to be' in a sentence; 'It needs TO BE fixed', not 'It needs fixed'. I swear, I want to beat people senseless with a dictionary and a 4th grade grammar book at times. Look, my writing and speech isn't perfect, but there are set standards and proper forms of communication. Showing people that you care about their ability to understand you is done through attention to detail in your writing and verbal communication. It's called courtesy. The more you deviate from that set standard, the harder it is for others to understand you.
  3. I'm not quite a young'un anymore, but to sum it up: aux made me do it. A few rides in his Z and I was sold. Prior to that, I was a domestic/classic/Mopar purist/nazi. Now? If it's simple, easy to work on / mod, cheap, and reasonable with regard to getting parts, I'm game. Brand names don't add horsepower.
  4. I didn't make it past 10 seconds. You can fix stupid, but it's fatal. She can't be blamed for her stupidity, but you can certainly direct your ire toward the jack#%$ that made the decision to trot her up in front of that panel. If this is the best representative you can muster up for a cause, you should fail. Miserably.
  5. Dang it, now my neck's sore from headbanging.
  6. Does it have to be a truck? I'd agree on a used Subaru RS or WRX. They come in wagon form if you have to convince the wife from a practicality standpoint.
  7. TPS = Throttle Position Sensor. ...just in case you were wondering.
  8. Who do I need to kill to obtain it?
  9. I'm watching the series on Hulu (It's one of the FEW things I remember fondly from the '80s), and I'm about halfway through the first season. Where the heck are all of these powder blue cars coming from? It seems there's at least one in every episode that takes a hard hit for the camera. Was there some government agency using that particular livery that was clearing these babies out cheap at auction? Watch a few of them and you'll see what I mean. There are two just in the opening credits.
  10. A glory hound even in death. Yeah, I went there. The guy erected 50' tall statues of himself in Milan and Vegas and floated another one down the Thames River.
  11. *sigh* Man, I wish Bathurst Globes were available here...those look great!
  12. Hey, never let good taste get in the way of blowing money.
  13. Took her for a long drive this past weekend(had to go to Travis AFB and put in my time), no issues. Even sat in heavy bumper-to-bumper traffic on 80 for about 25 minutes. I think I've got it licked! Another long drive to SF, Fremont and San Jose this weekend, we'll see how she does.
  14. Looks way too high to be any fun in corners. I hate to think of what would happen if you met a full size pickup in a bad way. Neat idea, but kinda stupid at the same time.
  15. It's Youtube. Reading the comments instantly takes 10 points off of your IQ. Posting to them kills 40 points. Both the shooters and the photog are idiots. You NEVER stand downrange from a firearm, no matter how much you trust the person behind the trigger.
  16. I've harvested two 'driving while stupid' citations with the Z. Both could have been easily avoided by not letting my ego get the better of me. LowCarbZ has the right idea, I shouldn't say any more out of the fear of jinxing my now clean driving record.
  17. Sorry, dude. Got home from work ridiculously late last night. How you holding up?
  18. Holy cow! I'm glad you're (relatively) all right! I expected a ruptured appendix from how you described it. Sounds incredibly scary and painful. I'll drop you a line tonight.
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