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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero


    I think that miata needs more of the original chrome trim, but i like the idea alot.
  2. I just got back from seeing it. Snakes on a plane was by far the most enjoyable movie experience I have had in a while. While I understand the apprehension of some, I would say 80% of the fun in that movie was seeing it with a packed audience of people who knew some of the lines and screamed along with it. It was almost like going to a showing of Rocky Horror with the fanatics. While its not a good movie, it is definately a fun and enjoyable one, and I very much suggest you guy see it, preferably with a group of rowdy people.
  3. im up for it, ive got an l28et sitting in the garage. I'm in jersey though.
  4. I have that clunk. As soon as I get on the brake, sometimes i get an initial clunk followed by scary rattling. CLUNK..dun..dun..dun..dun. The diff seems like it could be a little loose, but I''m not sure what kind of play its supposed to have. If the car is off the ground and I put a jack under the front of the diff, it moves maybe a centimeter as I jack it up. but i dont really know how much it is suppoed to move. the front of the diff also seems to be significantly closer to the passenger side of the tunnel than the driver side, but I figured that was normal because the handbrake mechanism is on the drivers side.
  5. That makes me really happy. I love it when people do completely off the wall stuff and put some work into it. That is definately gonna be a mean car.
  6. Your fishing partner Sam is a bit lop-sided there.....bet she has back problems.
  7. UPDATE So yesterday I went to court. When I got there I waited for my turn with the prosecutor. Once I finally got to see her, she looked at my information, and based on my clean record, she offered to bump my ticket from careless driving to obstructing, which is a 55 dollar ticket with no points. Because this was significantly less than what I was expecting to be offered, (unsafe driving, which is 400 or so with no points) I buckled and accepted the offer. As much as I wanted to fight the ticket, it was hard to argue with her offer, and I would have paid more than that in court fees anyway. After I went to see the judge, I was glad not to have been fighting it anyway. The judge seemed to be in a very bad mood. Most notably, when handing down a $400 fine to a young woman, he said,"payment is due by 7 tonite" she responded saying she didnt have it and asked for more time, which, considering he had given other people more time earlier in the day, seemed to be a reasonable request. after a little back and fourth, he ended the conversation by saying "you can make some calls from outside or from a cell" so she walked out to make her calls. After she crossed the barrier between the front and rear of the court she muttered something to herself under her breath, at which point the judge yelled for her to return to the bench. He reprimanded her and slapped an additional $50 to her fine. I know that she should have just kept quite but man that was rough. So anyway, I am happy to be out of there with no points and a reasonable fine.
  8. Nah, its not primer, its bumper flat enamel over satin rustoleum, should be moderately waterproof.
  9. eh its a bit more than a door ding, he pretty well backed into the corner of the car. The inner door frame, pretty strong stuff, struck the fender at maybe 4mph, and stopped the miata. Again, I know I need to replace the metal there, but I just can't do it right now. Looks decent enough and should keep further water out of the area long enough for me to fix it later.
  10. Done, for now. Had to get it clean so i can go to work and be able to drive in the rain this weekend. I'm either gonna get a new shell or cut and replace the whole quarter within the year.
  11. I know. I knew it was there as well, I just can't afford the downtime right now as this is my daily driver and I work.
  12. It's not as bad as it could have been, definately. It just puts me in an awkward spot where I have to do bad repairs. Here are some pics
  13. If you guys are still hanging around after 6 or so give me a call. I am really pissed they are making me work sunday but i have only been working for a week or two and its a good job so I cant complain too much.
  14. that was great. made my day.
  15. ... I yelled as my best friend backed up his father's miata, door open, in his driveway until it made contact with the achilles heel of my car. The end of the drivers side rear quarter, around the taillight, on my car, is made of a careful balance of foam, rust and bondo. The previous owner, obviously forseeing such a situation, decided that breakaway panels were the best way to protect the occupants. After realizing the error he made, my friend slowly pulled the miata forward, revealing a small scratch on the inside of the door. My car, however, has a new vent; easy access incase I decide to test how rich my car is running by inhaling the exhaust...from the drivers seat. Pics to come. I hate to do it, but I need this car to drive to work so I can't do all the rust replacement that I wanted to do right now. It looks like, I am going to have to do a bondo respackle just to get the car air and water tight so I can drive it around. I really hate doing shoddy work, but I simply dont have the time right now. Ahhhhh I want a new, clean shell.
  16. just found out I have to work sunday. Can't go. Sorry guys.
  17. I'm down to help. I am working alot these days but should be able to make it up sometime.
  18. Yea, I'm mainly hoping to come out with no points, because insurance on a 19 year old male in jersey is bad enough as it is.
  19. well there was no active construction site. From what I could tell it was just a very quick and lazy repair of a road or something. In any case there were no signs or anything. I am currently trying to decide whether I should try to have it reduced or to fight it. I realize that it will come down to my word against the cops, so its kinda tough.
  20. So today I installed my new coilovers. I finished around 8pm, ate dinner, took a shower and then went for a bit of a test ride around 10pm. So about a mile from my house, after a very bumpy road, I get a relatively loud squeaky noise from the rear of my car, so i decide to turn around and head home. As the road I was on was not suitable for a u-turn, I make my next right onto a relatively unfamiliar road with the intention of getting back to the road I was on. about 100 feet from the corner I turned at there was a large unmarked construction bump which, due to the fact that it was night and Z headlights aren't the brightest, I hit at 15-20 because I had no idea it was there. Definately faster than I would have driven over it normally, but nothing I would consider illegal. So I make my next right and continue toward where I came from. after making the right, a cop turns onto the street and pulls me over. He takes my papers and heads back to his car, saying nothing other than asking me for my papers. He returns 20 minutes later, ticket in hand. Says "the speed limit here is 25, you were going faster than that" I say " excuse me officer, I really dont believe I was going that fast. That bump took me by surprize but I dont think I was speeding." He says " You were going faster than 25, I could tell. And I saw you driving fast through here earlier this evening." I say "excuse me officer, but I just got my car back on the road I was working on it all day today, I have driven this for about 10 minutes and was just taking it for a test ride. I haven't been here earlier this evening, you can call my father and ask if you dont believe me." He says " I saw you earlier. You're from newark, what are you doing around here (orange, nj)." I say " I live vailsburg, near south orange. I was just testing my car out after having worked on it all day." After that he basically just handed me the ticket and left. The ticket is for careless driving. No price on it and mandatory court date. I really truly believe that I didnt do anything wrong, I wasn't speeding and the fact that the cop thought I was there earlier when I simply was not makes me think i can fight this. My plan was to go to court with my parents, who can vouch that I did not leave the house until a few minutes before I was pulled over, which could discredit the cop's story. What do you guys suggest.
  21. zero(1) - Z , may possibly bring a friend
  22. Yea, I don't know that i can get away from my girl this sunday, as she gets back from a 2 month trip to madrid saturday, but if she is up for the trip i might meet you guys up in pocono to watch.
  23. I'm down, and my Z is finally on the road as well!
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