Damn, getting cold, I really need to kick this in the ass to get it painted.. getting closer!!
I've been taking a lot of vitamins lately, which might explain all the extra energy I've had!?
Today I filled some trim holes on both fenders, cut rusty metal out of both fenders, and both sides of the dog legs and patched one fender with new sheet metal.
The dog legs and other fender will be patched tomorrow. Still need to fabricate seat mounts, and patch the tear in the floor where the seat was mounted before.
I've come to the realization that this shell is far from perfect, and I need to just take a step back and go with a 10 foot rule. If it looks good at 10 feet, I'm happy. lol.
Goal is to get it painted, and drive it once.. lol, then maybe this winter I will build an aluminum dash, like the one Myron built.