Okay, went out yesterday and hooked the ECU into the car.
I now have an RPM signal in Megatune. The interesting thing - When I had the stim board hooked up to the ECU at Trumpet's house, I wasn't getting any values from the TPS at all. I spent about an hour testing the board for bad capacitors, etc, but everythign checked out when I used a proper meter.
I got it on the car, and when I pressed the pedal my AFR gauge went really rich. Let the pedal up and it went back to 14.7. "That's weird" I thought. I went to calibrate TPS and voila! I have values! I hvae no idea what happened. I switched the gauge from AFR to TPS and now I have the Throttle Position function working.
I need some help on my settings - I am getting Fuel and the dizzy is sending signal to the board at least to read RPM in MegaTune, but I don't have spark after the coil. We got a "weak" spark [as described by my roommate] from the coil to the dizzy [pulled off the coil wire], but there was no spark at the cylinders.
I need to go read read and read some more abotu the MS I V3.0 Extra Code with 83 CAS dizzy settings, I'm pretty sure something is just messed up in my spark settings.
If anyone feels like chiming in that would be nice
I am running Mikeatrpi's tables and he is using a welded points dizzy, I am using a 83 CAS dizzy, I believe that is the most notable difference of our setups.
*edit* Forrest told me to open up the dizzy and check to see if I have a rotor in there. Didn't think to open it :/