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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. But I might add, if a cop sees a well tucked away front mount and decides to pull you over for it, what makes you think he wont hear the spool of the large turbo or BOV?
  2. pre 75 is smog exempt, but not legal to have illegal mods, its just easier to get away with, I have seen many many many cars get hoods popped in search of illegal mods. At HIN this year the cops were at the entrance on foot stopping cars at random looking for mods, A friend of mine got 7 fix it tickets at once.
  3. Ive found that teaching a girl to drive a stick can be a very fun experience for both of you, if she has some fun in the car, she wont hate it as much. worked for me. I this girl I was dating to make the tach read 3.5 and let go of the clutch fast, she had no idea what was going to happen, so funny.
  4. Very cool, I was wondering about these for a while, are these the ones you can get from black dragon or another kind?
  5. when you take the cowl off you will be able to see what the cause is for sure.
  6. MK3 intercoolers are already black, somewhat small, and very cheap. liik into it. And yes, you will see more power with an intercooler.
  7. Hey thanks but Ive got a friend with a 280z in town who just finished swapping everything from that car into a 240z and he said I can borrow his hatch. But I do appreciate the offer.
  8. well I dont see what else could have caused it, I could hear it cracking more and more as I stood there:-|
  9. Are you 100% sure it is your ignitor? anyways I would just post a wtb thread on here, I bought one not to long ago for a very fair price.
  10. I have two, sorta, a 77 and a 76 that was towed away by the popo, But I still have the pink for it so I can claim two, lol.
  11. So I get home last night and see a huge chunk of my hatch glass had fallen out and into my car... I was furious thinking that somebody had taken a baseball bat or something similar to my car. then I noticed that the edges of the shattered parts seamed to be bent upwards, and that there was no spider web of cracks, rather, EVERY inch of the glass was in pieces hardly staying in place, and you could hear it cracking more and more as you stood there, the glass formed a wave shape then finaly all fell out. grrrrrrrr. And it wasnt even that cold! maybe close to freezing. anybody else have this problem?
  12. I did this one in the middle of the night with a 30 second exposure and the built in speedlight, I need to get a better flash, would have captured more of the car.
  13. Clifton, a member on here, is making I believe over 400HP on an mk3 intercooler... I have one that I will be using as well but it is not installed yet
  14. a large improvment to the looks of the s130!
  15. 4:51... Im so excited to go over to kevins and fire up the LS1 later today!!!!!
  16. Im a night person anyways, up all night every night.
  17. Im in napa and can help you out, I just finished wiring my swap and got it running a few weeks ago. Ill give you a call in the morning
  18. So here is whats up... Kevin sold the car the ls1 was going into, and decided to put it all in the more complete 240z he already had. Lots of progress has been made, in fact, we will probably be starting the car for the first time this week so watch for updates. Heres some pics. We finished all of the fuel system today... I guess now all there is to do is wire in the ignition system, which looks easy, The carb conversion came with a kit that hooks up and needs to be ran to a switched power. Oh, and that crank pully bolt needs to be torqued down, Like I said, any time this week!!!!
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