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Everything posted by Boobala

  1. Seems like a good time for bump. Does anybody have any more installed day and night pictures? I'm paticuallary intrested in the the reverse-glo type. Have the issues with the Voltmeter been fixed?
  2. Could this section be modified so that items are sorted by "Most Recent" by default rather than "Most Views?" I find that most of the "Most Views" items are are ready sold and/or the seller has stopped responding to questions. Thanks
  3. The site looks fine to me, but just in case... General Information and sales: sales@ztherapy.com Technical help or questions: tech@ztherapy.com Events or Information: info@ztherapy.com Customer Support: (503) 587-9800 Sales: (503) 587-9800 Fax: (503)-587-9801 ZTherapy Induction Systems 4427 Roselawn Dr NE Salem, Oregon 97305
  4. Unless those are some really, really nice SU's (at $140 I kind'a doubt it) send them to Z-Therapy for a complete, better than new, rebuild.
  5. Looks to me like a good opportunity for an enterprising vendor (Arizona Z-Car, Modern Motorsports, MSA, Etc...) to begin importing some of this stuff.
  6. Turns out that none of the pics are from Katrina. It seems to be just a bogus email that's going around. My co-worker got them from his father, and I thought he said his father took them. Nice pics anyway. Here's a pic of the tail-end of storm that hit here in Arkansas last year. I know this one, 'cause I took the pic.
  7. A co-worker's father took these images in Mississippi as hurricane Katrina passed over the state. (or so, I've been told) Note: These are not pictures of the whole hurricane, but rather thunderstorms generated by the hurricane.
  8. http://gprime.net/video.php/ipodflea
  9. Auction has ended. $33,500.00 (Reserve not met) No sale. I guess homey needs to lower his reserve.
  10. If they made a true hard-top version, I'd buy one.
  11. Before any tools or equipment was moved in.
  12. Hybrid Datsun 510 - US $20,001.00 (Reserve not met)
  13. I don't even listen to aboveground Hip Hop.
  14. Be careful, you might go blind.
  15. Remote Control Hydrofoil "Boats" video. The Plans
  16. But, not anymore... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1975-HONDA-GOLD-WING-FEATURED-IN-MANY-BIKER-MAGS-PLUS_W0QQitemZ4567538506QQcategoryZ50002QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Wow, I was pushing for this 2 years ago. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=73302 Maybe now I can finally get 'em. Thanks to all who ordered!
  18. Not only does that mean RWD, it also means IRS. And to that I say... 'bout time!
  19. Somebody in another forum (SomethingAwful.com) pointed out it for me. I'm just sharing this info with you guys. It's not a GM concept, it's from some joe-schmoe in another car forum.
  20. The pictures above were based on these images of a "Alfa 8C Competizione." The photoshopper should have left the headlights alone, and just removed the pointy Alfa nose, then he would have the best looking "Camaro" every made.
  21. Courtesy Nissan has all the Factory Manual CD-Roms plus a '69-78 Parts catalog DC-Rom... http://www.courtesyparts.com/secondtier_s30.html ...but they aint cheap.
  22. I especially love the the V-6 wheels and the GT-R badge.
  23. 2 years later and we still need 10 more orders. DO IT NOW! Dangit!
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