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Everything posted by Boobala

  1. This man speaks the truth. AX8 Brickyard:
  2. Actually, the Earth is hollow.
  3. Boobala

    Ariel Atom

    Do you mean something like the T-Rex. Video
  4. Boobala

    Ariel Atom

    USA left hand drive version: Price: $35,000.oo to $45,750.oo depending on engine configuration. Brammo Ecotec 2.2 $35,000 145 HP/ 155 Ft./lbs. Brammo Ecotec 2.4 $38,000 171 HP/ 163 Ft./lbs. Brammo Ecotec 2.0 SC $40,000 171 HP/ 163 Ft./lbs. Honda K20 $40,250 USDM K20z3 200-225HP Honda K20 SC $45,750 290-300HP High res. video (40mb) Low res. video (17mb) More info here.
  5. The Ferrari Formula 1 cars sport titanium/carbon fiber gearboxes. Not a Carbon Fiber engine (yet), but a successful blend of metal and composite.
  6. This is not car related, but cool none the less... Rube Goldberg type "Incredible Machines."
  7. Well if you got the cash you can get a M40A3 (Marine Sniper Rifle) clone here... http://www.freudscustomrifles.com/ Or, for less cash get a Remington Model 700. (Which the M40A3 is based) Info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remington_700 Model 700 for Law Enforcement: http://www.remingtonle.com/rifles/700p.htm I don't think the general public can get these... http://www.remingtonmilitary.com/
  8. Of course when you're done with the hard work of mowing the lawn you're going to be thirsty.
  9. Now all I need is a robot to rake the leaves in the fall and I'm golden.
  10. Well you are wrong my friend. $24.99 will get all the Brembo you will ever need!
  11. Nice paint job, but is it me, an optical illusion, or are those stripes on the hood not centered properly. They look shifted about 1/2" to 3/4" to the car's right. For $2500, I 'd have them re-shoot 'em.
  12. I hear that soda-blasting will do the job, and it won't warp panels. It's also nice because it can be done in your driveway.
  13. I like everything except the tail-lights. They look too small or not tall enough, and the shape of them seems to conflict with the shape of the surround. Otherwise the workmanship is amazing. It looks factory.
  14. Here's another example of the shaved bumper with the round tail-lights. This time in three different flavors; Black, Blue, and Carbon Fiber:
  15. This was the donner car/photo: Which came from here: http://www.zparts.com/showcase/taillight_showcase/index.html
  16. Here's a couple of photoshops for those of you that dislike the Z's tail-lights: What'd ya think?
  17. pdinnell got it right as well: Looking at all these Z's with shaved rear bumpers has pretty much convinced me to do it to mine.
  18. That's awesome. I love it despite the yellow paint.
  19. I went there in the fall of 1991. Awesome, almost surreal. If you've never been there, you need to make plans. I can think of no place that compares.
  20. Mind you that this is a matter of personal taste, but I think the above three go too far in the shaved rear-end look. This, I think, is a tastefull example of a shaved rear-end... as is this...
  21. May 19-21. Registration ends April 21. http://www.zdayzevents.com/
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