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Everything posted by cockerstar

  1. It would definitely help to resize your pics, because I definitely can't see what you're showing us 800x600 usually does just fine
  2. You have my vote, and I'm passing the link along to my buddies in the dorms
  3. None of those things on your list sound like they're throwing away the money and labor you've put into the car so far, with the exception of paint. Sounds like you just want to add some boost and other performance goodies to what you've already built so far! I vote you gather everything you'll need to do the things you want, and do them over a peroid of time. Do them right, and do them to the level of craftsmanship that you'll be happy with. In that time (even if it may be a few years) you'll be able to consider many many things for the paint and possible body work options. While you modify even more you might do things, like seam welding and frame strengthening (bear with me here, not completely sure what you've done so far off the top of my head ) that you would have regretted not doing if you jumped into a repaint now. You have an excellent car thus far, and everyone knows that with your skill and level of dedication that you're only going to make it better. It really sounds like you're realizing that no matter how much we work on our Zs, they're never going to be done in our minds, no matter what we do to them. We're always going to want something that's drives better, goes faster, is more comfortable, and looks better while doing it. For us, it's a labor of love. We enjoy working on our cars almost as much as we enjoy driving them, and for that sole reason, we'll never stop doing either if we can help it. Some call it a disease. Others call it an addiction. I call it me.
  4. I have a grille, and quoted shipping to someone who was previously interested in it at $14 to Houston, iirc. PM my if you're interested
  5. ohhhh I didn't get the play on refering to crankcase pressure as backpressure! I see your joke now I completely knew Tony was making some kind of joke though. I do believe that's the shortest, most non-technical post I've ever seen out of you Tony
  6. Pretty sure he decided to keep them He took the his LSD off the market. A cv conversion would be best, but the stubs will get me on the road!
  7. Just like the title says, I want to buy a set of r200 stub axles or a cv conversion kit. I have a CLSD r200 and an r2oo mustache bar, and need everything else to bolt it into my '71. Post here and then PM me with what you have, including pics and an asking price. Thanks, Ryan
  8. Not necessarily, even with a pressure in the exhaust, say 1.5psi, the atomspheric pressure will be lower causing flow and the gas will have velocity. The flow over the orfice will still cause suction (see Bernoulli Principle), but it wouldn't be as much suction compared to a system with a higher pressure difference between the atmosphere and the cylinder (ie. no pressure in the pipe) causing a higher egv. So, I would have to say that actual backpressure has no bearing on the system, but egv does. However, backpressure and egv are inversely porportional, so an argument could be made that backpressure does play a roll, especially in a situation (if this is possible) where the backpressure was higher than the crankcase pressure, bringing a reversion of exhaust gas into the crankcase.
  9. That is one mean looking Z! Love it!
  10. Well guys, along with converting my car to turbo this summer, I would like to take on the endeavor of making my own custom header. I have a friend with a tubing bender, and I drew the flange pattern up in autocad awhile ago. Just a matter of having it imported into cam and cut. Essentially I'd like to get a few flanges cut and then have a shot at it, but it's all going to depend on my progress with the conversion. Slowly gathering parts throughout the year so I won't get slammed with costs like I did last summer. I know it's a ways off, but there's a lot of good info here, so I'll give it the good ol' "college try" in a few months Maybe it will be something that people like and can be used as a template. Who knows?
  11. ahhhh I figured there would be something specific you needed help with. If you're in 10th grade and have a test coming up, I'd assume your teacher gave you guys a study guide. Use it. Also, this is probably after a specific number of chapters in your book, so do the chapter review assignments. They're there for a reason and really do help.
  12. I've really gotta start reading thread dates before acting. I just dug through ~$20 worth of quarters looking a 1971! Then I saw you found one. Then I saw that this thread was more than two years old. I did find a 67, a 68, and a 69 though. Along with a 65, a 72, and a 74.
  13. I Post up your questions here and I'll see what I can do to help.
  14. It's pretty straightforward as far as meeting all of the requirements. It's just the way the program is laid out. It looks like my third year here is going to be straight chem and physics classes! There's a huge range of what you can do as a chemical engineer. From what I understand you can work in a lab and do designing/improving on the molecular level, or you can be designing systems to implement lab processes into industry (classical example being going from the synthesis of aspirin to a factory where aspirin tablets are produced).
  15. Well, I have finalized my basic idea for the project. Fully electronically controlled potato cannon that shoots at ~800psi. Construction should be all steel, and the base will pivot 360 degrees, and I'm planning on ~100 degrees of horizontal adjustment. Should be able to use an n64 controller (or similar) to lob a potato at least a quarter of a mile when it's all done I'll be posting another thread in here with progress pics and then a final video. A build thread, if you will. While at PLU I'll get my BA in Chemistry and then I'll transfer to another engineering school to get my BS in Chemical Engineering. It's 3 years here at PLU and 2 at whichever other school I choose to attend. With the first 3 years you can either pick up your BA in chem or your BA in physics. I chose chem because I want to be a chemical engineer. The transfer is open to nearly any school I want, but I have guaranteed admission to Columbia University in Manhattan, and Washington University in St. Louis if I maintain a 3.0 GPA. Right now I am considering transferring to UW because it's so close and the campus is great (not to mention that their programs are amazing), but having a BS from Columbia would surrrreeee look nice! The transfer is still 2 or 3 years away (I might be able to pull this all of as a 2-2 program if I bust my ass), so I'm really trying to keep all of my options open. What are you majoring in again Derek?
  16. I'm a freshman too This is for my intro to engineering class. The H2 generator sounds pretty awesome though!
  17. Dohhh! >.< Sorry. I misread your post and thought you wanted to bend an A style shifter to fit through the opening in the trans tunnel. I was quite perplexed to say the least
  18. Read the instructions with the ARP flywheel bolts. The ones for my SBC flexplate specifically stated to NOT use them and in cases where the bolts fail and the washers were used ARP will not be held responsible. It also specified to use a moly assembly lube with no loc-tite. Hope this helps!
  19. S1 transmissions being the type A transmission that only came in the series 1 cars, and the S2 being the type B that came in all s30's after that. Do you have the original shifter from the 5 speed? I just swapped a 5 speed into my '71 and the 5 speed shifter just barely clears when in 1st gear; I didn't have to trim my shifter opening at all. However, there is only about 2mm's worth of clearance.
  20. Running meth+water injection? How much boost? Looks really clean
  21. You're going to have to look at a specialty game shop. Places like gamestop don't usually carry systems that old. I think the oldest thing they carry is the original xbox, but I'm not sure. I haven't been in one for ages. edit: I just looked at completed listings and it looks like you can pick up a system for $15-30 and one with a decent amount of games for around $50. http://cgi.ebay.com/Nintendo64-game-system_W0QQitemZ300349634595QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item45ee3bb823&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/Nintendo-64-Game-console-1-Controller_W0QQitemZ220485368969QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item3355f3bc89&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/Nintendo-N64-System-w-14-Games-2-Controllers-EXCELLENT_W0QQitemZ320426508035QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item4a9ae87f03&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/NINTENDO-64-CONSOLE-1-CONTROLER-10-GAMES-W-MARIO-KART_W0QQitemZ110437848445QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item19b69bd57d&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
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