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Everything posted by PLATA

  1. PLATA

    Cid 174

    From the album: PLATA ZVETTE

    The coffee/gas AM clan
  2. That is a good feature , but the plastic cover does shrink and looks cheap. We all have choices with the toys we play.
  3. They are money pits, but like good sex, the more............ the more you want
  4. From the horses mouth >>>> http://www.quattroruote.it/notizie/auto-novita/nissan-la-futura-z-fra-leggerezza-e-tradizione
  5. PLATA

    photo 1 (1)

    From the album: PLATA ZVETTE

    Nov 2013. My sexy beast . The addiction in full force.
  6. Ebay has plenty of Z radiators for 150$+or- that have the mounting holes from the get go, no need to cut >>>>>
  7. check this out >>>>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nash-Metropolitan-562-1957-metropolitan-convertible-with-datsun-running-gear-/281206584896?forcerrptr=true&hash=item417937f640&item=281206584896&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
  8. PLATA


    From the album: PLATA ZVETTE

    My herd, 72 Z, 73 Hornet X 007 James Bond movie replica, 2012 VW Beetle Turbo .
  9. PLATA


    From the album: PLATA ZVETTE

    <p>A little bling on my LS1 mill.</p>
  10. You are very talented, lots of detail on this built, amazing Z creation
  11. Clean the engine bay a bit and put these Z emblems
  12. Hope that all turns out well. The dash on my Z is a new OEM installed by the PO a few yrs ago
  13. My steering wheel fit with no problems with this"BOSS" adapter >>>> seems that a claim is in order, the vendor did not send the correct type or send a bad one
  14. ^^^ H2O accumulation , no need for extra rust contaminant
  15. Plenty on the web and car magazines .>>>>>
  16. From the album: PLATA ZVETTE

    <p>My Z as model in a PROTHANE ad</p>
  17. Yes that is my Z >>>> on the Ebay ad http://www.ebay.com/itm/PROTHANE-14-2001-TOTAL-BUSHING-KIT-70-73-Datsun-Nissan-240z-Polyurethane/180806403928?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27%26meid%3D2673040118846914343%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D1011%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D380371195647%26
  18. The skinny OEM steering wheel on the S30 is 15"/ 380mm FWIW
  19. That Z when done will be a KILLER Z
  20. My LS1 is not close to those numbers , I have an Ebay aluminum rad , over a yr now , no issues . In fact she runs on the cold side, average temp 160
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