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Everything posted by Ivan280zt

  1. Chase hey man thanks for GREAT info that will save me lots of pain lol you know i was just looking at picture of your car on cardomain last night and i was like "man i can swear that i have seen picture of this z on hybridz somwhere" silly me but you know whats cool your car is the first one on car domain under 240z and mine is first one under 260z heheheh hybridz representing . Ivan
  2. Scottie hey man whats going on i did't know that u have Carrera are u holding on us u lucky dog i dont know whats the deal with Garrett's email but i do know that he is in Florida with his family for holidays if you need to reach him i can give you his cell # just let me know and i can pm it to you. later bud. Ivan
  3. HBskinheadZ can u please tell me how much do they cost and whats the turn around time? i have also went to his web page and i did't found any phone numbers i would really like to give him call if i could only find his # . Ivan
  4. ok i found some info and here is the picture to go with it http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/449966 so its looks like ross did make them so we need to let him know that there is more interest in z31 cv's so that way he might start making them. Ivan
  5. Phil1934 i have also emailed ross so i am waiting for response (no big hurry here) and i belive that u need something like 22mm for that nut but i am not really sure its been a while since i have taken one off. Fl327 yes i know about s130 cv's but i already have ones from z31 and they "look" much nicer and stronger on other hand did't stony use z31 cv's? and are u saying that i can go and take s130 cv's take them apart and mate the outer section to z31 cv's ? btw custom is way out of price range but would be very nice to have . Ivan
  6. Ok here is whats going on. while back i got killer deal on 89 300zx (z31) lsd rear end with almost brand new cv's now i know that ross c makes adaptors for 280zx cv's but i have picture of z31 adaptors and now i am wondering if anyone knows anybody that makes them as well. guys any help is more that welcome. Thanks Ivan
  7. Yo thanks alot man that makes perfect sense now i forgot that they have flaot at that rpm Ivan
  8. Yo, man that was freaking fast so do you think (or know) that afther market cam for p90a would still have 4 deg advance then the same exact cam for p90. does this make sense to you? Ivan
  9. just wondering if cams are same in both heads for example if i got motor with p90a head and then got nice cam for it could i use that same cam in p90 head? thanks Ivan
  10. Sparky, wow that was fast lol i only have to work few hours tomorow so i will go and find those places and check them out. if anyone has any more sugestions sp please let me know. thanks Ivan
  11. Hey guys i am having hard time finding a cherry picker (so i can get my engine out) locally to be honest i really dont know any people around here so i am wondering if anyone knows where i can rent one (like auto zone...???) this guy i know told me that UHAUL rents them but i just dont want to make fool out of myself by going to the store and then sales rep looking at me like i have lost my mind . any sugestions are more than welcome. Ivan
  12. on their web site it dont say nothing about turbo cams this is all it said: DATSUN Z SERIES SOHC 6 (1971-1980) 12V or am i on the wrong page? Ivan
  13. His name is James (240z Turbo) and he is running twin mitsubishi 16g's. here is link to his page http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~jthagard/ Ivan
  14. you know what just when i am thinking that i have no life people like that come out and remind me that i am just fine the way i am hahahahah that a DILBERT!!!!!! Ivan
  15. Hey thats why i am here for man j/k Jameas i cant wait to see you finally bust some 10's at reynolds next year that alone will make my trip worth coming from chicago well maybe seeing scotty do those top fuel burnouts wont hurt either ROAD TRIP!!!!! Ivan
  16. I am with Mike please scan the pictures!!! Ivan
  17. Datsunboy, i think that your spedo was off just a bit you should be right about 62mph with your combo but that does depend on what tires you had on there too so its very much possible. here is the link. http://www.geocities.com/z_design_studio/transmission.html Ivan
  18. Phil, wooo hooo your car rocks my world man thats one sick ride you have coming there my friend and that color is way too sweet damn good work there . Ivan
  19. 250z, hey man sorry for hijacknig the thread but i just noticed that your name is Ivan so i am just wondering if your are originally from NZ or are you from Europe. reason that i am asking is because i have long lost friend thats moved to either Australia or New Z. but hey its just long shot. Thanks Ivan
  20. SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAMMMMMMMMMMMM http://www.srtforums.com/forums/showthread/t-23124.html http://www.mwir.net/v2/forums/index.php?showtopic=9066 for the second one u have to register (its free) Ivan
  21. i know this guy that has turbo probe he is NOT as bad but bad enough and then when i was asking him what was he thinking (of that mess but in friendly tone) he gets made at me like wtf is up with that???!!! Ivan
  22. My wish list: get bad luck to finally stop I MEAN CMON enough is enough!!! get decent job pay off what i owe oh yeah nice duster so i can take off 50 pounds of dust off my car so i can remind myself how z looks and finally get to see my family and friends for chirstmass which wont hapen this year because of first two wishes . thats about it for this year. Ivan
  23. mike yeha i know about cky thats where jackass came from. on begginging of that video (table riding) that gay is saying that they are getting ready for olympic sp games lol and then that old ass song kicks in "where did u come from where did u go..." at that point i just busted laughing my butt off that sure did bring some old memories back from home. Ivan
  24. Mine was always smoking just a little bit and i think that was normal but the night that i blew a headgasket thats when it just started sending freaking indian smoke signals lol mine was even coming out from that vent that goes to the block oh yeah it was bad.... Ivan
  25. this is the crazy thing i assure yall that there is no jackass influance (series) on this. people in my country do crazy shit like that and its no big deal and now they said that they will have a two hour movie out in week or two thats just plain nuts but i still want to see that guy on scooter again . Ivan
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