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Everything posted by Cruez

  1. Cruez


    Thats just plain cool
  2. What year ZX?? How much for the front suspension.. ?? struts, springs, calipers, rotors etc... I might do the ZX swap on the 510.
  3. Maybe the little 510 can come visit sometime . Thats along the lines that I was thinking about though... some type of coating to put over the existing floors without scraping the existing one off. I figured an extra coat of something to protect from rust would pay for itself in the long run and I wanted to do it before putting in the insulation / new carpet etc... I started scraping the crappily sprayed paint job yesterday....
  4. Not exactly a Z question, but on the 510 wagon that I just got... there is no rust in or on the car but I want to further protect it from rust.. What would you suggest I do for the interior when I pull all of the stuff out of it? anything ?.. besides the overspray that will come from the car gets painted. What about the factory tar pads.?? leave them ?
  5. We went to the Arches on the way to Moab, but didn't actually see them because we were told it was a 2 mile hike to see them. If you are going I 70, be sure to go to the Colorado National Monument in Fruita, its only a mile or so off the interstate and has specatular views. Yes sir... I might actually have a picture similar to that
  6. That guy is a little on the edge I believe... (the camaro owner)
  7. NICE !! That outta be a nice piece to use.
  8. Well, I am soooo glad that the guy that I bought it from was straight up... There is absolutely NO rust in this car... not even the battery tray.. Unless you want to call surface rust anything.. where the paint has flaked off in 2 spots, one the nose and a spot on the upper fender.. 220 grit sandpaper would erase it.. ...and its never been wrecked... I couldn't ask for better for a base to start with.. Even the frame rails are perfectly straight... not even a single mark from a jack.. The interior needs to be redone, and the paint with some minor dings... other than that.. it is sweet... I can't believe I actually went through with the trip Still don't know what or when to do anything in the engine department... I'll worry about that when the rest of the car is done.. a VG30-DETT sure would look nice in there also .. Its definately going to be a sweet ride when its complete... hopefully fairly soon, I hate dragging things on forever... I have a paint scheme already in my head, so I can picture the finished project already. I talked to the body shop today, to get a feel on how to stage the painting. Those 13" wheels will be the first to go.
  9. Forgot the golden grahams... snacked on sour cream an onion pringles and energy drinks. Here are a few pics..
  10. I'll try to get some pics on later this eveing... I haven't even unpacked... too tired.
  11. Hey guys.... made it back. The car ran perfect the whole trip... the only problem we had was the starter solenoid started acting up halfway through the drive home (and it was a new starter ) .. no biggie though.. The seller picked us up around 7:00 am Saturday morning and we went to get a muffler and exhaust put on and some supplies, etc. and we didn't get to leave Salt Lake City until 2:00 PM or so. We make a couple side excursions along the way and we didn't get to Denver until around 2:00 am. Darrell, I would have gave you a call when we go to Denver but it was a little late. The part of the trip between Utah up to the eastern side of Denver is very beautiful. You guys were right about Kansas.... that state was the worst to go through... hot, dry, long, and pretty much sceneless.... unless you like vast fields. We were on the road pretty much from 2:00 pm on Saturday until 6:00 PM Monday. We stopped in Denver for a few hours of sleep since it was next to impossible on the plane. The first leg we drove from Salt Lake to Denver, slept and drove from Denver to home... the second leg was about 30 hours of straight driving... until I got to the house..... and it was pretty tiring.
  12. I second the glass beading.... at low pressure. even glass will pit the metal at #60 psi.
  13. Well guys... the tension is building... The plane leaves tomorrow evening. We will be arriving in Salt Lake City around 2:15 AM Saturday morning.. We hope to start the drive back to North Carolina around lunchtime or so. The current owner says the exhaust has a leak so I think I will have a pipe and muffler put on before starting out.. (don't want to be sucking fumes for 2000 miles ) For those that don't know the reasoning behind this trip, I am buying a '71 Datsun 510 station wagon. You don't see them over here on the eastern side of the US... It costs around 800 or so to have it shipped... so I figured we could get some cheap plane tickets and make an adventure out of the drive back across the US. I have faith in the little car... and the owner seems to be trustworthy.... at least over the phone.
  14. Damn... I wonder what RPM's he is running up to ??
  15. That's why I'm flying out to Utah Friday to pick up a 510 to bring back to North Carolina... pretty rare on this side of the U.S.
  16. ahh.. you have a valid point.... I was only thinking about the actual tire grip itself... Water and dirt definately wouldn't help any...
  17. Isn't a burnout fairly useless on normal street tires??
  18. hmm.. Only thing I could think of is some type of pipe expander that is small enough to fit in the primaries in from the collector... something like this http://www.google.com/url?sa=L&ai=BH89JBMB7RKXrO5D8aK660fwB6aiZEuHD3KIC0Y320gqA4gkIABABGAE4AEiEOVC4otnHBZgB33OqAQQyR01MyAEBlQIXTRoK&q=http://adfarm.mediaplex.com/ad/ck/711-33995-2056-0%3Ftype%3Dsearch%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fsearch.ebay.com%252Fsearch%252Fsearch.dll%253Fquery%253Dexhaust%2520expander%2526newu%253D1%2526sosortproperty%253D3%2526sosortorder%253D1%2526xpufu%253Dx%26keyword%3Dexhaust%2520expander It might help with the majority of the problem... not going to be perfect though..
  19. I have noticed when I tried to do a couple small parts with that primer.. it takes forever to dry.... and it still is crappy...
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