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Everything posted by stony

  1. Nevermind i didnt see this pic. looks like it was just the angle of the pic.
  2. Did you get measurements on where the holes go? it may just be the angle but it seems like they are a tad too fAr rwd. They look good regarless.
  3. Same here, Never was able to get it down the track and go fast enough without breaking something. i started with a minitub but decided with the ultimate round tube backhalve with a 8.8 rearend. I decided i might as well go all the way instead of half way then want all the way later
  4. If your using other then stock turbos its not and issue. even with the zr200 mounts you have to grind them allot or reroute the Cooling/oil line on the stock turbos.
  5. Yes i believe i saw a conversation a while ago about having to trim here and there on those mounts to get them to work.
  6. alexideways< Please post this in the classifieds and then it ok to post a link to that classified ad. teh forums are not setup to sell stuff directly thanks Stony
  7. AKWIKS, You need to post this in the classifieds. you can post a link in here to it but thats it. the classifieds is setup for selling stuff not directly in the forums thanks Stony
  8. is your 260 gutted? mine was and it wieghed 2700 without me in it with a rb26 weight distro was 51 front 49 rear. Once its done with the chassis im hoping it wil be below 2500
  9. well that is for sure a long nose r-200 and when the r32 gtr first came out it had a short nose housing. if that is really out of a gtr it would have been the hakosuka or ken mary gtr if they even had r-200's, and therefore would be a really rare piece and extremly expensive. It is not a late model gtr LSD. they are all shortnose r-200's There was a post somewhere on here in the drivetrain section from maybe 5 years ago that had pics and explained the differences between the LSD and Open diff and how to identify them. but i cant find it.
  10. Mine was a 260 i had the ears that had to be cut off and made smaller. if you use the r33 5 speed this has to be done. if you use the rb20 ( not recomended) you dont have to cut the ears. As for throttle i used the throttle cable from the z31 i got the mounts from, and had my gas pedal modified for the cable. It conviently clipped into the hole into the firewall to:> My writeup was done on my personal experience with my late modle 260 which is basicallly the same as the 280, so everything i did should be the same in the 280.
  11. the adapter maintains the orignal slate according to ATI. they wouldnt un*** why they require an ATI converter, so the question still stands. Why does ati require you buy their converter with this adapter?
  12. oh yea just so you know these are reman injectors not new. i bought a set of 1000cc injectors from him a while back and didnt get a flow sheet. i dont think im gonna use them till i get them flow checked. all the part numbers are different on the body, they are all denso injectors but for sure not new.
  13. unless there are a series of RB motor im not aware of, they are all topfeed injectors. including the rb25. the pic on teh autcion looks like topfeed injectors to me maybe im missing something. if it works on the rb20 it will fit the rb25 and rb26 and vice versa. a very popular bolt on mod in japan is the rb26 to rb20, they are plenty especially if your just running the rb25 turbo.
  14. So you had it hooked up to the stock sender on the tranny? if so a writeup is warranted before you sell!!!!!!
  15. If this is not posted in the classifieds please do so. the forums are for discussion and not to sell parts. This thread is locked as i can allready see where its going. Sorry Stony Good luck with the sale that an awesome deal fro someone!!!!!
  16. Brad... i knowticed your speedo was working.. how'd ya do that :>
  17. Mine is a r32 block and i just did mine this weekend. punched the plug out, pulled out the dipstick and swaped them. I recall reading somewhere someone saying that the r33 blocks may not have had the holes drilled and plugged.
  18. That motor is in this car? can you say traction problems!!!!!!!
  19. A question came up this weekend about the ATI adapter. Does it maintain the stock rb slate with the gm auto attached??? or does it stand it striaght up. Im thinking it will maintain the slant but you never know. i will be calling them first thing this morning to find out but thought id ask anyways. I asked above but no answer yet so i will ask again. Anyone have any info on why ATI says you can only use there converter with this adapter?
  20. So that sound is the above pictured engine????? It sounds badass... got a pic of what the car looks like? cause the sound dosnt match the way that motor looks. i figured it was kinda old but the pic looks real old and the revs that thing is doing sounds more modern. at any rate nice post.
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