If you haven’t been to Japan or built an import motor then your advice is Hearsay!!!!!!.
Matt’s Advice is gold if you ask me. The only kind of break-in advice I had ever heard from anyone in Japan (lived there for 11 years) that builds motors (pros) was to change the oil in certain increments. Nothing about keeping it at this rpm for a certain amount of time yada yada.
What kind of import motors have you built and "run in" I'd be interested in your background.
One of the complaints I have had about this RB forum is that there is allot of speculation and allot of young kids putting in there 2 cents when they don’t know what the hell they are talking about (please know one take offense). I can assure you though if it comes out Matt’s mouth you can take it to the bank. Rb motors are relatively new on US soil and not too many people know allot about them. People like Matt, and some other’s I can’t think of right now are what makes this forum such a good resource.
I will get off my soap box now sorry for the rant.
BTW GTR--J you do whatever makes you feel comfortable. And congrats on your purchase. Let us know how it goes.