I would look for your problem inside the bellhousing. I know you didn't want to hear that. You have the right hydralic parts, as you mentioned, and 3/4" to 1" throw on the slave sounds about right. The "pieced together" clutch makes me nervious. Not that the parts are not quality, this may be a real killer clutch once it's working. It's just that you have too many variables there. Mike C's reply sounds the most plausable. I would pull it apart (I know, ) and measure everything and compare it to an off the shelf stock clutch kit.
Don't cut off your bump stop yet. It might seen like a quick fix but think about it, is that extra 1" of master travel really going to translate into enough slave travel to make any difference? Not likely unless the clutch is mostly disingaging now. And from the way you talk it doesn't sound like it.
Bite the bullet and get out the hoist.