chaosdrifter06, ...Think about it for a minute. You worked so hard as to have your Z rust free, ...Please save it! I'm from Minnesota, we too get the Worst of Nuclear Winters. I know the deal.
Repeating others as to drive home the idea here....
No matter how much washing primer process bs, POR and or "rust proofing" it will NOT be able to keep salted water bath and airborne roadspray from killing it while corroding every part, every zinc plated fastener, everything.... Period! Not like over a few seasons, like one winter it will pop rust again and you will be mad at yourself for doing so. Been there too many times.... You can't get the rust proofing in the areas you need it.
Not to mention if someone hits you on an icy day. Not to mention you will easily be run over in traffic by 30 year newer FWD drive cars and SUVs. You'll be a sitting duck to say the least.
Get in the race, get a winter beater. If it only lasts though one winter, it worth every penny. Even if you have to buy one every winter, worth it. Even if you have to fix the brakes, Worth it.