On a side note..... A true story.....Years ago I had Greenpeace rep stop by my house one day. She actually was a world wide rep very high up as I too saw her on tv sometime later. After letting her inside my home (big mistake) she gave me the greenpeace guilt trip of how I and everyone else was poluting everything. After her half hour long speech basicaly demanded money from me for her cause. She was hot. I just wanted a date but it was getting way beyond that.
Finally she was just so pissed I would not give in so she said "what the hell are you going to do about greenpeace." I said you want greenpeace, I'll give you greenpeace beotch. Opened up my garage door and showed her my destroyed 1989 green kawasaki KX250 dirt bike covered with mud, grass and tree brush from last weekends enduro race topped off with a big shiny first place trophy. She was speechless. Like the worst thing she ever saw. You could feel her rage. I busted out laughing so hard then I kicked her out of my house.
years for racing....thousands of dollars
broken bones along the way, seeing people hurt....painfull and more thousands
putting the greenpeace wacko in her place for good.......Priceless!