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Everything posted by BrandonsZ

  1. Good one! "Aerodynamics is for those who cannot manufacture good engines" - Enzo Ferrari. I think it sould be our new Z-site motto.
  2. If you are parting out your car to avoid mold sickness, I'll buy your rims. Let me know. What a tragedy.
  3. If you have real bucks to do this, why not machine it out of billet aluminum. If you are casting your own engine with no experiance, this would be the safer and no doubt cheaper route, remember you'll have to come back and machine every important passage and surface anyway. I bet you could cad model it in such a way to give access to all the prots and such, bolt on, press on, everything else, you may need a couple covers to gain access in certain areas, but for a one-off production, you'll spend that much just machining the molds to make the blanks and then you'll have to worry about bubbles, cracks, incomplete fill, voids, and why go through all that. Industrious project though, good luck. I just wonder what you are thinking you can do better than 100 years of engineering and manufacturing design? I mean GEN I sbc has been track tested for 50 years... you could generally get any size and configuration you could desire with as much money as you will spend on fabricating one from scratch, although for a one off show car it would be a bit more prestige. Sorry for the lecture, I just don't understand the reasoning behind this endevor.
  4. Bummer dude, you could get a brand spankin new shortblock or rebuilt longblock .030 over in factory condition for 895! Maybe you should defect to the USA? Say "religeous reasons". Just don't complain that it sucks here sometimes like when you are trapped in superdome in louisianna and the crowd turns third world on your A** . I'm getting me a large caliber handgun and lots of ammo soon!
  5. If a car was like a woman, that B*** is FAT! "Would you back that back up?" "Baby got Back" "Junk in the trunk." "I like 'em thick" NICE!
  6. of course there are "other" ways of obtaining information that would ot necessarily be legal. Just search the internet if you want to take a walk on the dark side. (follow the white rabbit, and make your choice... but choose wisely)
  7. Those freeking big spiders get abdomens as big as a nickle and build huge nests that can strech from the roof line to the ground, I know because the one I walked into last year was that big and I was doing the spider dance for like 15 minutes. I was picking webs out of my hair all freekin day. Dang it. the really scary part was I didn't see where it went, just a faint memory of something that resembled a snail hovering in mid air just before I walked into it.
  8. "Sound Deafening installation"... Yeah, my car a loud too.
  9. Gosh DANG! I say gosh dang... Sometimes wanting really hurts.
  10. I've had a Q-jet and now I have an Avenger, and I found them both to be extremely responsive. I have a carter on my truck, it's a b*** cause it has a manual choke, but it's good as well. In fact I haven't had a carb I didn't like. I also owned a winchester? it was extremely resposive on my 502, but when you floored it it would smell up the car with gas like crazy! It actually sprayed gas all over the air filter it was nuts... sorry this doesn't add much value.
  11. I agree, they are the only ones who know how to exorcise the demons. I can't believe those pictures! Are you sure the BLOB didn't take your car for a joy ride? Did you go swimming and then just skip the towel and use your interior? Dang! Good luck. I'd be very worried about the mold you don't see maybe inside the door panels or carpet. That stuff can make you very sick. I was living on the coast for a while (beach front) and I had this little bungalo apartment and there was no working heater, so you say who cares it only gets down to 55 anyway (about the water temperature in winter), but becuase the place was so close to the water everything always felt damp, and I was sick constantly. Turns out there was mold growing on the walls behind my bed, I should have sued. 5 years later and I have never been that sick since.
  12. I installed some sound deadening mat to the inside of the door panels ~4 sq.ft. of this aluminum backed felt (like strings everywhere looks like old clothes that they took out of a blender mixed with yarn and scapas of plastic) It compresses well and I could reinstall the door panels like stock. It was a nice difference and when I shut the door, it has a nice thud to it now. I stuffed this stuff everywhere under all the panels and trim, under the carpet, and in the back hatch, the car is a lot quieter on the hyway, and the only heat I feel is coming from the stick shift area. I will put some of this crap there soon. If I had a radio I could hear it clearly now.
  13. But you are free to start over assuming you have a different IP address and email, and you claim to be interested in buying a Z.
  14. A Scrpit "Z", all black, and if you later change your mind about Z-cars, you could say it's Zorro. That is if you were a wimp... I think you should tat a full 1970 Fairlady accross your back. The whole car with some flames in background. Any color.
  15. Almost makes me think it's worth buying that car just for the rims and seats! DAMN! Well, I like my car, but it does need rims and seats. ;( That's Crazy! Why would that bastard stop now??? There must be a catch.
  16. I did that once in my Honda... only, I did it with the real steering wheel, too hard, and lost control myself. Luckily I didn't hit anything, but I'm sure it didn't have the same effect on the idiot I wanted to scare that I wanted.
  17. What was I thinking. Totally off. Thanks.
  18. Absolutely rediculous, devistating!
  19. Looks a lot like a ford 9" to me... but the pictures are kinda high contrast and fuzzy. WTF is he thinking?
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