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Everything posted by BrandonsZ

  1. Don't try to compair anyhthing to a Geo, they aren't made for handeling. Example, I took a 25mph turn going 20 in an early 1990's metro and it plowed right into the bushes then spun 180. WTF? But I did rent a buick once that did a full 360 on dry blacktop at 20mph. I was so flabergasted I had to get out and check the suspension, tires and drivtrain. I was taking a turn in a neighborhood at 20mph and "did I just turn 360?" Luckily there was nobody around.
  2. 1. is there power to the coil? (12V) if yes 2. does the coil wire carry current (hook a timing light to it, turn it over) Try to get just the coil wire to spark. (if no skip to 4) if yes 3. replace cap and rotor (new ones), check for spark at the plugs if no 4. does the rotor spin? (take off the cap and watch it while turning over) if yes 5. replace the ignition module again, spark? If no, your computer may be bad, but check all connections and remove and sand and retorque your engine ground before doing anything else.
  3. You might have a broken or worn throwout bearing or fork. How old is the tranny, what type oil is in it?
  4. I had this same problem with a Honda Prelude in 2001 when they first started requireint the NOX testing and they lowered all the maximums, I got results that were actually better than I got in 99, but anyway, I replaced the O2 sensor, Cat, IACV, cleaned the injectors, full tuneup, egr valve, some vacuum things and $1500 later I had about a 10% improvement. Then I added low octain gas with alcohol, it didn't do anything, couldn't figure out why (probably too many computer controls counteracting the cheat). Had no power. Then I took it to a mechanic who had a smog tester and said, get it to work. $350 later he said, come and get it, he got it 25% improved which was just barely passing. He turned the exhaust cam back a few degrees to keep more exhaust in the cylinders. Lost like 10% of my power. Then I took it to get it smogged per his instructions: 1. On a rainy day 2. Drive it on surface streets and rev it up, but don't drive it hard. 3. Leave it running while waiting for the service. Passed just barely. Then it started sucking a quart every 300 miles so I donated it to charity and bought a Z that is exempt. Hope this helps.
  5. I don't like the rims, they don't match the car at all. But beautiful!!!
  6. Those two had seen better days before any recent rains. I'm a little concerned about the custom hood on the one, does it open like that with a hinge? and what about the engine, Is that those "green" engines I have been hearing about, it runs on photosynthesis right?
  7. They butchered that crappy ford Truck and made an even crappier replica truck? "So billy Bob, what do you feel like doing this weekend?" "I don't know Sceeter, let's pull a joke on Cooter and turn his Ranger into a real steaming pile." "Cool! but first let's drink Gasoline so we are really F'ed up and go nuts on that truck."
  8. BrandonsZ

    Gas Milage

    http://www.mini2.com/technical/cooper.php How could such a little peice of sh#$.. ahem quality engineering weigh 1150kilos!!! 2500lbs!!! Maybe I'm getting too excited, but isn't them things tiny as heck? And still it only gets mid 30's for gas mileage! I know someone who has one, there's nothing to it. Unless they are putting weights on the car so it'll handle better?
  9. I want to sue my keyboard manufacturer because my fingers are getting callused from all this typing!!! It's more of a mental anguish than physical pain. Or how about the manufacturer of this monitor because my eyes get strained when I stair at it all day. Or this freekin desk, it's too hard on my elbows. Or this chair, my back is not perfectly situated 'cause I'm too tall *discrimination*. Or how about the fact that my keyboard, monitor, speakers and computer are all the same color? *racism* I want to see more diversity in perfiral manufacturing! Wait a minute these are all made in China... I can't sue what I can't sopena... DAMN I can't find a freekin thing in this room that IS made in the USA!!! Wait let me poke my eye out with this pencil and calim it attacked me.
  10. BrandonsZ

    Gas Milage

    But they don't freekin sell then in CA!!!! BAS TARDS! and a used one costs a lot like new one! Limited supply = Increased cost.
  11. I am tempted to send lead flashing (like lead sheet used as a flashing for roofing) it would be like a couple pounds for a small envelope, but probably get arrested for assault with a deadly weapon (lead poisening) . Or the FBI would probably go knocking on my door. Quietly overpaying my taxes , Mr. X.
  12. BrandonsZ

    Gas Milage

    On the freeway at 62mph (about the average maximum speed I could go on a slight grade or with a headwind) with a 1986 Chevy Sprint (similar to the Geo Metro, but older). It had a 1.0L 3 cylinder yes 3 cylinder suzuki engine. It was a carburated 2bbl with 1 primary and 2 secondary bore. Unofficial 0-60 was 23 seconds. Could not go 65 in 5th unless you were on flat land. But it could go 75 in 4th at 4500rpm But it never got less than 45 MPG for the 75kmi I had it. ~ 1800lbs. What happened to quality engineering such as this?
  13. Pueraria lobata. Kudzi. Extremely aggressive invasive that has grown in Bermuda for over 30 years and has spread alarmingly An eradication program began in March 2004 from public areas such as the Railway Trail. That's a prank that will keep on pranking... Like St. Augustine seeds in the prize flowerbeds. http://plants.usda.gov/cgi_bin/topics.cgi?earl=plant_profile.cgi&symbol=PUMOL
  14. Make sure they acid etch or electropolish, and copper strike before chrome plating steel. Otherwise you'll get pealin' chrome in about 3 years. (disclaimer I know nothing, this info is anecdotal)
  15. dot hey think Americans are dumb and have no abilit to spell or make complete sentences and don't spell chekc annythungnthey write? What's whorng with these people?
  16. The sick thing about SMOG now is that they tune the car for lowest possible smog. This does not coincide with highest efficiency and definitely not highest power. Mid 20's is possible with a Chevy body an acquaintance of mine did just that and it was otherwise stock. It had a 350 and 4 speed auto trans. He disconnected all the smog stuff, changed the chip and tuned it for efficiency. It was a Silverado 2WD. It was registered out of state of course, the bastard!
  17. Or he might just take everything in a midnight raid and sell it off and claim a loss on Homeowners. Get a Lawyer and find reciepts, pictures, evidence of ownership and a court order to obtain your property. Well if you don't have a lawyer and it's under $5000 you could serve them with papers for small claims court. It's in the court's hands now anyway, and someone will probably make up reciepts for your stuff, and you'll never see it again, so get that ole ball moving and fight for your junk.
  18. This is Herbie on DRUGS!!!
  19. Sure those garages are nice, well appointed, functional, and spacious, but where's the heart? Where's the playboy calendars, crude attempts at fixing the drywall and oil staines that make a garage special and something we've all grown to love in our garages? Come on I didn't even see a trash can that would second as a makeshift sawhorse.
  20. He did the same freek'in thing I am going to do with the hood latch!!! I thought, why not put it off center instead of going through all the trouble that JTR suggests? Just to have a rotor cap that is hard as heck to get at?
  21. It did look a little ratty inside but the body work looked ok. Did you notice the spot of rust? Sucks, I got one of those just below the rear hatch window seal.
  22. In most cases you can be a quart high or a quart low and your engine will still be ok. Of course if you are a quart low and decide to pull a .9G turn at 120MPH you could starve the engine if your oil pump is on the opposing side of the turn. Too high? Well, if you are a 1/2 quart too high, I wouldn't worry bout it, but you know they get paid by the quart right? I took my Chevy Sprint to Jiffy lube in Tok, AK one day when I was vacationing up there and I told them "olny 3.5 quarts of oil" They said, ok and then I see the bill "5 quarts". I check the car and it's like 1/2 between full and add. I said, "Why did you charge 5 quarts and only add 3? They said "we HAVE to charge for 5 quarts." I said ok, give me two quarts to take with me, they then reached behind the counter pulled out two quarts and said, That'll be $12.50. Needless to say I changed my oil on the side of the freeway with a tire jack after that.
  23. Get one on contingency so they'll get your property back and lawyers fees.
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