I usually don't name my vehicles, but a few have achieved a name one way or the other. I did a search and didn't find any threads pertaining to "how did you name your car?" so I thought I'd find out. That and I'll share with you what's transpired lately.
While working on the '84 Peterbilt, doing and out of frame rebuild in the frame, (don't ask, but it happened), we discovered a stripped head bolt in the block. Of course it had to be the very back one next to the firewall. Probably been like that for awhile.
Now cummins NTC engines use an 11/16" diameter fine thread (18 pitch) head bolt that torques to 310 lb-ft, so the thread engagement is over one inch. The blind hole is some 2 inches deep. So, we decided to try helicoil but couldn't get one, then timesert, same thing. So (bingo, light comes on), since installing either would require drilling to a larger size then installing a thread repair, why not just drill and tap to 3/4". So, a trip to a junk 3406E cat motor laying in the back 40 with a rod through the block, and removing a head bolt that is 3/4" x 18 pitch and alittle longer, off we go. We drilled it, tapped it straight, drilled the head and installed the "CAT" head bolt. Since we ruined a head gasket, a new one was acquired and low and behold it was "hecho en Mexico" so the truck now has the name "El Gato" or "The Cat".
The z doesn't have a name yet and I call the Monte, just "The Monte". I had an old blue and white chevy that we called "old blue", and another green chevy 4 door that was the "Green Bomb".
So, how did your vehicle get it's name?