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Everything posted by SUNNY Z

  1. I rock this one. Its going on 6 years old, and probably a hundred passes. I wish I could get piles of timeslips like you, always seems like i'm getting kicked out or the weather is shit.
  2. Thats what my tires look like after a weekend of ripping up the street.
  3. Maybe you're right. Didn't realize this was for stock everything. What are the details on your kit?
  4. Well "lucky" you. I don't care that theyre actually enforcing the rules. There is a lot on the table for them if they let me run faster without proper safety equipment, and something happens. I'm not complaining, its just annoying that I have to find a couple grand to get a cage put in.
  5. Bad, yes, but I'm going to call BS on the record part. There are cars well into the 5s. THAT BEING SAID, That thing moves WELL! Keep it planted and lets see what it'll do.
  6. 7.30's and quicker require a roll bar (6 pt) 6.30's and quicker IIRC require a full cage I hear you there. I have a local forum 1/4 mile shootout to go to in early october that I REALLY dont want to get booted from. ... I've started pricing cages. I'll post more when I know more.
  7. Wellllll, I got kicked out of my local track for not having a cage... Here's a teaser. You can see the second pass (yellow slip) was a pretty good one, should have stayed in it but I had already been warned. Didn't matter, kicked me out anyway! Should have been in the mid to low 6.4x's, and probably around 109 mph. On track for a LOW LOW 10 / high 9 second quarter.
  8. put it in a vice and beat them in with a punch / air hammer / press. I would caution against using a lug nut. I've ruined a couple that way. However, I've also put in more than a few that way with no issues.
  9. LOL! It probably lets more fumes out than in. Not somethiing I've been worried about, and I haven't noticed any change in the amount of fumes (I've always had a lot). Now, after thinking about it, It wouldn't be hard. I'd just put some weather stripping on the back of the license plate to seal around the hole. There is plenty of tension applied by the flip down plate springs.
  10. The 9.5" wheels are a -19 offset. This might help? https://www.google.com/search?q=backspacing+chart&safe=off&rlz=1C1ASUT_enUS459US459&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=h9cAUu7qIaqgyAHS84HAAw&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=600#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=HtmflMPJ1-6UaM%3A%3BMit0ZNpY4B59CM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi72.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fi172%252Fblaine517%252Ftruck%252FWheelOffsetChart.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.355nation.net%252Fforum%252Fwheels-tires%252F4659-wheel-offset-backspacing-chart.html%3B432%3B252
  11. All good. 1/2 car on an 800AWHP Mitsubishi EVO, and lost by a car to a mid 9 second car. Great night all in all, and everyone kept the shiny side up!
  12. Drew up some CAD drawings, sent them to my friend with a waterjet. Here is the result.
  13. I hate canned tunes. Those are for getting the car to run, IMO. Real tuning needs to be done with a wideband, real time.
  14. 99% sure an off the shelf vette or F body kit would work. For sure would work with stocked parts if you pieced one together.
  15. Why is everyone so resistant to centrifugals on this board? I might just have to be a pioneer.....
  16. why would you rebuild a perfectly good running motor at 90K? This aint your dad's SBC. That blower will be a squeeze! You must hate traction to go with something that torquey!
  17. I have taken the time to draw up an over-the-lug style wheel spacer in CAD and am having a friend cut it out today via waterjet. I was just wondering if anyone else had any interest in some wheel spacers, provided my drawings work as designed? I dont know cost yet, but should soon..... Lemme know!
  18. Thats at 7000 (rev limiter). Yes there is a local 1/8 mile which I will try to get to. I can't imagine my trap speed would increase too much over the 125-126 (NA) that it was last year. On the squeeze I'm guessing high high 130's. Time will tell!
  19. I guess I'll post this here even though the other thread is right above right now. Weld Racing Draglites. 15x3.5" 1.5"? backspace 15x8 5.5" backspace rears. 3/8" spacer in the front, 1/2" in the rear. 165 60 15 radials out front, 28x11.50x15 Hoosier QTP's out back Custom TTT uprights (to move the wheels back in the well) TIGHT FIT. And yes, everything clears.
  20. Or you Nancy's could just upgrade your axles and not have to worry about them going on vacation.
  21. From the calculator I ran, it says 126 is the max in 3rd for me with a 28" tire. These should grow around 1", so I should be able to do the quarter in third N/A.
  22. I would also like to report that these tires hook fantastic. Even being 10 years old. A little VHT on the street, and BINGO. Could have made some money last night if anyone wanted to play.
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