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Kevin Shasteen

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Everything posted by Kevin Shasteen

  1. Product Liability is definately a legitmate concern. You need to pose this question to your engine builder. Prior to posing this question you need to realize that: 1) You need to understand that the product in the "Product Liability" has a possible three way split as far as liability goes. The parts are products of the mfg's, while the built engine is a product of the engine builder, and you as the end user fall under the principle of "an Assumption of Risk". Assumption of Risk can be translated to mean you are asking your engine builder to build a performance engine with the sole purpose of some form of racing in mind...AKA: Excessive Engine RPMs. 2) the "Evidence" has already been compromised as it has been torn down by the engine builder w/out representatives from Speed Pro...hence your possible Product Liability Claim has also been "Spoliated" if the failure was a defective piston...(Spoliated is $20 word for meaning that some item's defect is compromised to the point a legal complaint's investigation could not proove that those two pistons came from your engine). I understand from your point of view that you would argue, "Why would that be a concern..I NEVER LIE" Granted your intentions are good - yet for a legal Product Liability claim to be made...and if the pistons were defective, you would have to proove that those two pistons came from your engine. You have to proove this because there were no Speed Pro reps on the scene when that engine was being torn down. Speed Pro's posturing, and the court's posturing, would be from the stand point that "People do Lie and Peopld do file fraudulent claims". So, the burden of proof is currently in your court. If the pistons were defective, then Speed Pro would be on the hook. Because spoliation is a question at this point: you would have to get sworn affidavits from your engine builder stating that he removed those pistons from that engine. The affidavit would have deeper teeth if your engine builder also had witnesses that saw him remove those pistons from your engines...and they too would need to sign sworn affidavits. 3) In the event the engine builder is at fault you would still need to prove this. Many issues are in question such as how much time has expired from the time the engine was built to the moment you began driving as well as the obvious - what was actually the cause & origin of the failure. This requires an unbias expert to confirm the "Cause & Origin". Tests such as a mettalurgist would not be out of question either. 4) What is the relationship between you and your engine builder? Any claim you make against that shop would in no doubt prejudice your relationship. 5) Involving a Specialist usually means some sort of Mechanical Engineer, Metallurgist, and the expensive test that a Metallurgist would perform. All this involves time and money. From the cheapest "less profesional" C&A reports would be in the range of $400-$1200.00 not to mention 30 days to 90 days. 6) If you are comtemplating a Product Liability claim against his shop's insurance then you need to protect the damaged parts ASAP. You need to get your engine and its parts in an area whereby no more spoliation will take place. If the damaged engine has already been rebuilt then your claim is pretty much ZERO. The best thing to do is to present your engine builder with your concerns. Obviously, as one of his customers - you expect your engine, for which you paid hard earned money, to have a long and lasting life...keepgin in mind the "Assumption of Risk" that comes w/a performance engine. Attempting to handle disputes amongst yourselves is what the courts call "Exhausting your Administrative Abilities" and will insist you do this prior to taking this to court. As youre engine builder for a discount on the rebuilt engine - due to the fact he and you have never seen anything like this before. Tell him you would like for his and your relationship to continue and that you dont feel you should pay for the said damamges w/out some kind of consideration. Negotiations are only limited to your imagination. A good settlement is where both parties feel they had to give up something (this is equity) and is fair. After saying all that I would also say that I have seen a piston's top ring land fail. In my teen & early twenties - I and my dad had a few Internationals. I rebuilt three of them and found out something interesting. Intern'l altered their coolant passages in 1973 due to overheating problems which brought about cracked cyl.heads and egg shaped pistons. The interesting thing about the overheating prob's, besides the cracked cyl.heads, is that the piston's whose ring lands would fail would always be the pistons at the front or rear of the block...never the inner pistons. Intern'l increased the length of the coolant passage on the ends of the block and heads to solve the problem. Two of the Intern'l engines I rebuilt had pistons whose top ring lands that were damaged. One engine was the improved block while the other enigne was the old style block. I remember driving the P/Up w/a broken ring land...it caused a hyper-static lock to the airflow of the engine as it pushed air and oil up to the air breather through the egr system. Once the air filter saturated w/oil it would cause the carb to stumble...eventually causing the engine to stall. This also usuall occurred after the choke opened up and the air-fuel ratio leaned out. Kevin,
  2. We've always had Great Danes simply because it is an inherant gene which gives them a very docile temperment towards children as well as Strangers/Children that happen to wonder on to the property the Great Dane considers - their turf. My experience with Great Danes has taught me that they seem to have this "ensight" into determining if a stranger is there to harm or not harm...and it is this discretion I like about the Great Dane: not to mention they are such a large dog w/an almost human like personality. I've always considered the Great Dane as a "thinking dog"...as in the fact they think about what they do prior to doing it as opposed to being reactionary like most watch-dogs. Great Danes are very cool dogs...and the Marmaduke cartoon mimics the real dog's personality to a tee. I agree about the Dog's Trainer as the one who is at fault for a poorly or not trained at all dog that attacks even tho their owners proclaim "I dont know why it acted that way, its never done that before". Most owners never give their dog any training at all. Owners that live in the city who are forced into keeping their dog locked up in a back yard will cause that dog to go stir crazy (boredom). Sorry Scotty for the attack on your wife...nothing could be scarrier than to know a member of your family was in an injurious situation that was out of their control. IMHO, that dog that attacked your wife was stir crazy from being locked up in the back yard - when your wife came jogging by...with the dog owner's master in sight: the dog was overly sensative due to its stir crazy state of mind which caused its defenses to be triggered. Where if that dog owner had properly trained the dog to heal on command - the attack on your wife could have been prevented. As far as the initial post of this thread - I agree about the beastiality point made in a previous post. Most animals who are not mistreated will not turn on their master...and if they do turn on their master they dont go for the genitals, they go for the leg, foot, hand, or arm. I had a friend whose dad was double degree black belt in the martial arts. My friend advised me that his dad had prevented dog attacks to others (just happenstance that he was in the area) by confronting the dog and then Keeya'g (sp? - the same sound a karate dude makes when he attempts to break a board) as loud and authoritatively as possible. The noise of the yell/command and the confronting of the dog confuses the dog. I've never tried this so who knows if my friend was telling the truth or blowing smoke? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner) Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  3. I havent read the link Larry gave, but the pressure cap on the coolant system assists the coolant system in altering the boiling point of the medium under pressure. The boiling point of the coolant is increased when put under pressure. When coolant is put under pressure, each psi will alter the boiling point 3 degrees. So if your car has a 16 lbs cap then, providing your system is w/out leaks, it will have altered the boiling point 16 x 3 = 48 degrees. The cap is not the only outer force that alters the boiling point. Altitude also effects pressure. Every 1000 ft change in elevation alters the boiling point by 1 psi...which effects the coolant system by 3 degrees. So if you begin a road trip at sea level w/a 16 lbs cap and travel to Denver Co (approx 6000ft higher) you will have lowered your cap's efficiency by 6 psi...which translates into a deduction of 18 degrees in which the boiling point of your coolant system has been lowered. ...and this is why many bottom dwellers experience over heating prob's when they decide to vacation to the mountains. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  4. The following was my attempt at making sence of the mysteries of how a performance engine works and why. I believe the biggest mistake we hot rodders can make is the fact that many of us never realize there is a distinction between certain levels of performance...and as a result of not knowing these distinctions, we end up mismatching components and this leads to an inefficient engine at that specific level of performance. Another point to the distinctive levels of performance is that each level has its own RPM range where in the peak Tq/Hp will occur. It appears there is and always will be on going questions about which displacement, cyl.heads, scr to dcr-duration, and peak tq/hp rpms is best for an engine. The quick answer is that there isnt a quick answer unless you first ask yourself a few questions. Each one of those variables are inter-related and can not be addressed separate from one another: this is the "which came first - the chicken or the egg" scenario that confuses most beginners. At first glance it appears to be a circular approach but once you understand each variable on their own will you see that they are not that difficult. This is the approach I have formed after much reading and analyzing more engine builds & dyno runs than I can count. Questions you have to ask before even touching a wrench: What is: 1) The intended purpose of the Engine-Car combo? 2) Cylinder Pressures required to reach a specific level of Performance 3) RPM in which the required Cylinder Pressure (Tq) is needed 4) RPM in which Peak Port Pressure (HP) occurs 4) Metallurgy of Block/Cylinder Heads 5) Cylinder Head Intake Port Volume Sizing 6) Intake / Exhaust Valve Size & Lift 7) Intake / Exhaust Port cfm Airflow (E/I Ratio...or E/I%) 8) Cylinder Head Combustion Chamber Volume 9) Engine to Cylinder Head Compatibility (DUH!) 10 Intake Manifold that will compliment Peak Tq/HP RPMs The different levels of performance that appear to be separat from one another IMHO, are: 1) Pure Street Engine: Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous 2) Pure Street Engine: Normally Aspirated 3) H/O Street - Mild Race Engine 4) Weekend Warrior - Moderate Race Engine 5) Dedicated Race - Normally Aspirated Engine 6) Dedicated Race: Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous Next is the cylinder pressure measured as BMEP (Brake Mean Effective Pressure). Peak BMEP occurs simultaneously with Peak Tq while peak Port Pressure occurs simultaneously with Peak HP. Here are the typical distinctions in Peak BMEP: 1) 185-220 psi = Pure Street Engine: Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous 2) 130-150 psi = Pure Street Engine: Normally Aspirated 3) 150-165 psi = H/O Street-Mild Race Engine 4) 165-185 psi = Weekend Warrior-Moderate Race Engine 5) 185-210 psi = Dedicated Race: Normally Aspirated 6) 185-300 psi = Dedicated Race: Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous To calculate BMEP you can use this equation: (HP x 792,000) / (Engine Displacment x HP RPM) = BMEP Regarding Cylinder Heads the E/I% is important to ensure the exchange of airflow from the intake to the exhaust is not choked or hindered. To obtain the E/I% simply divide the Intake Port's cfm Airflow into the Exhaust Port's cfm Airflow. Something I call the IP/CV% involves dividing the Cylinder Volume of one cylinder into the Cylinder Head's Intake Port Volume...which also gives us a percentage. This IP/CV ratio can be further applied to the different levels of performance already given earlier. This IP/CV ratio will keep you from ever installing cylinder head's whose Intake Ports are too large for the level of performance you have intended for your Engine-Car Combo. The IP/CV ratio requires the end user to convert both the Cyl.Head Intake Port Volume and Cylinder Volume into the same measurement. Usually Cylinder Volume, in the states is Cubic Inches, while the Cylinder Head's Ports will be in a cc measurment. Here are the distinctive levels of IP/CV% that I have found repetative in the engine build ups and dyno runs I've researched. IP/CV Ratio & Levels Of Performance Desired 1) .24-.27 IP/CV%: Pure Street Engine: Turbo, Supercharged, Nitrous 2) .20-.24 IP/CV%: Pure Street Engine: Normally Aspirated 3) .25-.27 IP/CV%: H/O Street-Mild Race Engine 4) .28-.30 IP/CV%: Weekend Warrior-Moderate Race Engine 5) .30-.33 IP/CV%: Dedicated Race: Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous 6) .35-.38 IP/CV%: Dedicated Race: Normally Aspirated Because we are dealing with ratios (Compression Ratios, Cylinder Displacement to Cyl.Head Combustion Chambers, and the DCR to SCR relationship), we must understand that each level of performance per IP/CV% will have a Low Scale to High Scale...so how do you know which one you should use? Simple. For smaller displacement engines you will utilize the smaller IP/CV% numbers. For the larger displacement engines you can utilize the larger IP/CV% numbers. Example: If you had a 283 SBC and wanted a "Pure Stree Engine: Normally Aspirated" then you would utilize the .20 to .22 IP/CV% numbers whereas if you had a 560 BBC and wanted a "Pure Street Engine: Normally Aspirated" with that engine displacement, then you would utilize the .23 to .24 IP/CV% numbers when choosing a Cylinder Head's Intake Port Volume that best matches that distinctive level of performance. This brings up another question: how do you know what is considered a small displacement -vs- a large displacement? It appears this approach, after you have crunched the numbers, will include anything 454 cubic inches or less as a smaller displacement (I know a 454 is a Big Block - this is just how the numbers work out..so dont kill the messenger please). Here is the 1st equation you will utilize when calculating the IP/CV%. It involves converting Cubic Inches into a cc measurement: (Eng. Displacement / #of Cylinders) x 16.387 = Cyl.Displacement cc Here are the three possible equations you will utilize when calculating which IP/CV% is best for your engine and desired level of performance: 1) Required Eng.Displacement = ((Port Volume cc / IP/CV%) / 16.387) x #of Cylinders 2) Required IP/CV% = Intake Port cc / ((Eng.Displacement / #of Cyl's) x 16.387) 3) Required Intake Port cc = ((Eng.Displacement / #of Cyl's) x 16.387) x IP/CV% *NOTE: How you know which IP/CV% equation to use will depend on which variable in your engine build you already have. In other words, if you already have a short block "Bore x Stroke" then you would already know your Engine Displacement. This requires you to choose which level of performance your Engine-Car Combo is going to operate in: then you would use the 3nd formula. If you had a set of Cylinder Heads and know what their Port Volume cc measurment is but didnt have an engine you would choose a distinctive level of performance your Engine-Car combo would operate in and then use the 1st formula. Now if you already had a short block and cyl.head(s) and wanted to know which level this combination would best operate in then you would utilize the 2nd formula. This list is what I believe completes the different levels of performance: 1) Pure Street Engine: Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous a) Pre-Boost and Pre-Nitrous BMEP = 100-130 psi Post-Boost and Post-Nitrous BMEP = 165-185 psi c) Any Boost higher than 6-7 lbs is no lnger in the "Pure Street" Category d) Smooth idle in the 600-750 rpm range e) Intake Manifold Pressure at idle 18-21 (in.hg.) f) 2500-4500 rpm = Peak Torque range g) 4500-5500 rpm = Peak HP range i) .20-.24 IP/CV% j) 7.50:1 - 8.5:1 SCR k) 8.25:1 - 8.5:1 DCR l) Cam Profile Required: Each power adder has itso own approach to making power, therefore it is in your best interest to consult the experts before settling on one profile over another. 2) Pure Street Engine: Normally Aspirated a) BMEP Cylinder Pressures = 130-150 Smooth Idle 600-750 rpm range c) Intake Manifold Pressure 18-21 (in.hg) d) 2500-3500 = Peak Tq range e) 4500-5200 = Peak HP range f) .20-.24 IP/CV% g) 8.75:1 - 9.25:1 SCR range h) 8.25:1 - 8.50:1 DCR range Cam Profile Required: i) Duration in the 240*-250* (Seat to Seat) range) j) Valve Lift in the .400-.425" range k) LSA in the 114-120* range l) Overlap at 35* or less 3) H/O Street - Mild Race Engine a) BMEP cylinder pressures = 155-165 psi Semi-Smooth to Choppy idle in the 700-850 range c) Intake Manifold Pressure at idle 15-18 (in.hg) d) 3000-4500 = Peak Tq rpm range e) 5000-6000 = Peak HP rpm range f) .25-.27 IP/CV% g) 9.25:1 - 9.75:1 SCR h) 8.25:1 - 7.50:1 DCR Cam Profile Required i) Duration in the 260*-270* range j) Valve Lift in the .440-.470" range k) LSA in the 110*-114* range l) Overlap in the 34*-55* range IV) Weekend Warrior-Moderate Race Engine a) BMEP cylinder pressure 165-185 psi Choppy to Wavy idle in the 850-1000 rpm range c) Intake Manifold Pressure in the 6-12 (in.hg) range d) 3500-4500 = Peak Tq rpm range e) 5000-6500 = Peak HP rpm range f) .28-.30 IP/CV% g) 9.75:1 - 11.0:1 SCR range h) 7.50:1 - 7.00:1 DCR range Cam Profile Required i) Duration in the 280*-290* range j) Valve Lift in the .480"-560" range k) LSA in the 108*-114* range l) Overlap in the 50*-76* range 5) Dedicated Racer (Sportsman Drag or Pro-AutoX) a) BMEP Cyl,Pressures 185-210 (Normally Aspirated) BMEP Cyl.Pressures 240-300+ (Turbo, SuperCharged, or Nitrous) c) Sporadic Choppy Idle at 1000+ rpms (idle is not an issue in this class) d) Intake Manifold Pressures (no data for me to form an opinion with) e) 5500+ = Peak Torque range f) 7000+ = Peak HP rpm range g) .30-.33 IP/CV% for Normally Aspirated Race Engines h) .35-.38 IP/CV% for Turbo, SuperCharged, Nitrous Race Engines i) 12.5:1 SCR or higher j) 8.8:1 - 9.1:1 DCR Cam Profile Requied k) Duration in the 290*-325* range l) Lift in the .540"-.870" range m) LSA in the 106*-114* range n) Overlap in the 75*-110* range 6) Top Fuel Dragsters NOTE: I have no data to offer an opinion on this kind of an engine-car combo Valve Sizing As far as Intake and Exhaust Valve Sizing goes, the difference in sizes depends on the size of the BORE of that engine's cylinder and the different level of performance: such as Small Bore and Mild Performance or Small Bore and Moderate or Maximum Performance...same goes with the Larger Bore-you will still have to determine if the performance of a larger bore is Mild, Moderate, or Maximum. For a smaller bore engine or a mild performance engine you can multiply .505 to the bore of that cylinder to determine its Intake Valve Size while multiplying .41 times that bore to obtain its Exhaust Valve Size. For larger bores or engines whose performance will be maximum you can utilize the same principle but instead of the .505 & .41 you will need to use the .53 & .43 constants. Hope this helps to keep you within your proper level of performance. Adhering to this list will ensure you never over-cam your engine or mismatch your Cyl.Head's Intake Ports to the level of performance you desire with the displacement you have chosen: within the rpm range needed. One word of advice when crunching the numbers based upon an engine build up/dyno run you are reading in some magazine...I have discovered that those who write magaizine articles and attempt to build an engine for that article dont always know what they are doing and will at times over-build that engine with cylinder heads whose Intake Ports are actually too large for their intended purpose & SCR-DCR ratios. So, only mimic the engine builds where the engine was build by some pro...to which the magazine writers then chronicled. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  5. Hey, now there is someone who has their priorities straight. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  6. I was deleting old files and came across this site - I forgot I had saved it. http://www.jedimaster.net/ This includes the original and all the 100+ clone videos of Ghyslain - the 15 year old kid from Quebec who video taped himself mimic'g a Star Wars battle of himself while utilizing his trusty golf ball retriever light saber as his weapon of choice...too which his buds uploaded the vid to the internet & Ghyslain has then become the most downloaded file in 2003. Anyway, just thought I would post this site as I dont remember if this site was passed along when the original Ghyslain video made its way around. My favorite were the Star Wars, Benny Hill, Matrix Agents and a many more. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  7. oh boy, do I click on the submit button or not...click - too late. My message has been entered. Mike...you do matter, I matter, and everyone around us matters. Only when evil and its minions that perpatrate evil acts convince you that you dont matter, has evil won the battle. This requires us to admit that evil is real and that its pawns are really carrying out evil acts. There will always be a constant struggle against Evil -vs- Rightousness. None of us are perfect but we must stride to be righteous thru God: only when we accept the fact that evil (not just terrorits in turbins) really do exist and a lot of them are found in politics wearing $1000 suits: will current events ever begin to make some kind of since. I believe we had a man of the people w/dirt under his nails. Remember Ross Perot? In spite of what you thought about him he did promise if elected he would not accept $1 for payment as President. I didnt agree w/everything he espoused - but he did appear to be the best of the three running. Also, remember when the poles indicated that Ross Perot would overwelmingly be elected? Remember the private meeting between Perot, Bush Sr., and Clinton? I remember it as I was watching it live on satelite. There were no reporters, cameras, or recorders allowed in the building where Perot, Bush Sr., and Clinton were meeting. Then Perot exited the building and the cameras immediatle were shoved in his face inquiring to the subject matter of the meeting. Ross Perot was ghostly - pale white and only said, "No Comment" as he walked on by. This was the same Ross Perot that up to that moment if a camera were present he and his charts were talking. Also remember that shortly after that time Ross dropped out of the race - even tho it was obvious he was favored to win! Then by the time he decied to come back in to the race - he had lost favor so basically all he could do was rob votes from either of the other two candidates with no real hope of winning. Sometime after the elections Perot admitted, on the air, that he was threatened by the other party's henchmen - in that if he continued, running for president, that they (whomever "they" are) were going to humilate his daughter during her wedding. These henchmen only do what they are ordered to do and were not acting w/o orders. Vicarious Liability implicates one or both of the other two candidates. SO, what can we learn from this? We learned that Bush Sr., the ex-CIA Director/Oil tycoon and Clinton/Bilderberger "Rhoad Schollar w/secret society affiliations" - the goon from Mena that had a following of cocain thugs, sex scandals, back stabbing money deals, and a trail of mysterious deaths of his closest friends....thru their henchmen, dod threaten Ross Perot - according to Ross Perot that is. It appears to me that the two parties will not allow a real "Man of the People" to gain the popular vote. If and when this possibility does begin to manifest - they (again whomever 'they' are) will not allow it. I dont beleive the system can be fix'd, it is broke due to "the love of money" which according to Christ of the bible, "is the root of all evil". I truly believe it is the individual that makes the difference and not the party. I also believe that those who control the creation of money are the ones in control of the greedy politicians. Lincoln brought about the greenbacks that were issued w/o the Central Banks interests. Interest is debt that can never be paid back in a debt based system: this is why our National Debt will never be paid back...and Lincoln was shot for this. BTW: Lincoln's shooter was affiliated w/a secret society. Kennedy was not only going to disband the CIA but his admin was also issuing Paper notes w/o the Central Bank's interests...and he was shot. Interesting note is that after LBJ's being sworn into office - following Kennedy's assisination, LBJ's first act was to recall all those Non-Interest bearing notes that Kennedy's admit authorized into the market. I wonder who was pulling LBJ's strings? The individual does make a difference: yet it doesnt appear the money creators are going to allow the system to be altered. Mike, You have been blessed by God to be in the position to tickle the ears of those that form policy regardless of what policy is in question. This is a blessing if and when you have that chance. If you want answers then you are admitting to yourself that the status quo is not the answer. I dont know from what perspective you made your intial comments so I'm kind've all over the board here. Christ said to look for truth and you will find truth and that truth will set you free. Individuals and Politicians that give their allegiance to the secret societies have compromised their duty to themselves and to America. If you dont understand the danger of these secret societies or understand the danger of interest/usery (which goes all the way back to Babylon) then you will never understand how politics are directed thru said societies...and everything in politics will remain confusing. I never could make since of the world's current events until I personally admitted to myself that "Evil" is real and does exists and that all my attempts at understanding politics always lead me back to the creation of money & its interest. "Evil" is not simply someone who snatches purses from some old lady on the street. According to Christ, "Satan is a roaming lion seeking that which he may steel, kill, or destroy." How many of us/our families are being plagued w/debt? I'm not going to tell you how to believe but I will tell you that things made a whole lot more since to me once I began looking at events from the fact that evil does exists and that evil will never openly admit to you or I, face to face, that "Hey, I'm evil, and this is what I'm going to do!" IMHO, evil does exists, yet the good of God will supercede evil if we (all of us...especially the governments of the nations) bend their proud knees. If we Americans, who always say proudly - "God bless America", mean while we Americans go out of our way to rebuke everything that God is suppose to stand for... why would God bless America? It would appear to me that the behaviour of the majority of folks in America rebuke God's instructions, and that this would actually bring about a curse on America...if God really exists(?) that is. IMHO he does. Until we make this admittion IMHO - things will not make any since. Until then all I can say is to educate yourself on both sides of the issues, regardless of what you think and dont merely accept some soundbite from the media that is never substantiated...and do so with the slant of recongnizing an evil act -vs- one of propriety. The Constitution does not give us anything - it is a document that restricts the Public officials in how they can come in contact w/the private sector. Govt spends almost all of its time trying to find ways around that restictive document in an attempt to tresspass against the very folks it was suppose to protect. This IMHO is the reason for the constant conflict in politics. America is not simply an experiment...it is a very real state blessed by God providing we, the people, and its politicians adhere to God's instructions. This requires us first to admit that a God does exists and is the rule of thumb by which all good is measured. When gov't attempts to pass new law (the rule of law) I would always ask the question, "Is it going to tresspass on the private sector?" If the answer is yes then it is wrong (evil) since their only duty/responsibility is to protect the freedom/liberties of the people. If the answer is no - then it is a just law. The bible talks about a global one world and it appears that some politicians lick their chops when they have the possibility in handing us over to the UN. Anyway - understanding and admitting that the majority of politicians are openly attempting to hand America over to the UN from which a One World confederation of whatever kind will rule - is taking place; was the first step in my truly understanding politics. The secret societies and the politicians that join them are not America's friends. There are those who only join said societies to gain in economics, or to gain politically, or to gain religiously: regardless of the slant the end result is some manner of Command & Control over the masses of their nation. Politics is a forum of compromise. You (you as in any of us, especially the gov't) will never be right when they first accept a principle based in compromise. Well, there is the world according to Garp (Kevin): hope this made since to someone out there. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  8. I've had the exact same sentiments for the last 15 years. Dont even get me going My vote seems to be turning into one of "No Confidence". I believe Elmer Fud would do a better job than anyone currently on the ballot: at least he could speak better than the one we currently have. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  9. I feel your pain! ..., a little piece of advice: if some non-military contracted personal try to convince you to mistreat some prisoners and they also have cameras...DONT DO IT! Sorry to hear about the non-V8Z test drive..bummer Kevin,
  10. Pete, I believe your equation is incomplete as you left out a few variables. Your equation should look more like this: Young girls + cell phones + Curling Irons + Cosmetic Make-up + CD or Tape Cassette scramble = Traffic Jams I cant believe we make it to work everyday w/o more accidents than we already have. Kevin,
  11. John, that book on the Cold war looks like an intriguing book: good find! For those who would like a quick look into the minds of the for-fathers regarding the Constitution and the Rule of Law referencing the duties of the law of nations (the nation state) -vs- the law of nature (common man) and how the two should or should not intermingle. This book is, "The Law of Nations" by Emmerich de Vattel. Vattel's book was read by many of the founders of America's constitution. It is a great look into the minds of the great thinkers regarding what freedom was intended to be. Here is a link to that entire book: http://www.consitution.org/vattel/vattel.htm For those who would like some a good site that offers insight to the Constitution you may want to check out: http://www.constitution.org/ Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  12. Their agendas differ until unity is required..., Just like NAFTA...oops- I mean WTO which we all were told was going to HELP America. Remember just 10 years ago when the people of all states were calling their congressional reps and telling them to SAY NO to NAFTA? What happened then, did the congressional rep's listen to their constituents? Heck no! NAFTA was passed and the economical situation has been "Swooshing" as Ross Perot said it would ever since to the other side of the border. Ross Perot had it right and everyone laughed at him. Oh yea, let us not forget the Oil Embargo years. Remember we were told that there was an oil shortage and hence would have to stop relying on our own oil and begin buying foreign oil...because it was cheaper! Well I dont think we need to say anything on how this cheaper oil price "HASN'T" found its way to the pump from day one! Dont forget the latest agenda: The Totalization Treaty of Mexico which is half way to the president's desk for signing. If signed will give total acess to Social Security benefits to any Mexican citizen that files for it in the states. Well I'm sure once it passes that it will help boost our economy! Certainly will, good American Fruit being grown there. You will know a tree by the fruit it bears...currently Washington DC doesnt and hasnt for a long long time bear bear American fruit. George Bush when he was running for President was asked by a reporter about his "Christian Conservative Convictions" -vs- his dad's agenda regarding NWO (remember Bush Sr's speeches? He couldnt stop saying NWO in just about every one of his speeches), and Bush Jr. responded, "MAKE NO MISTAKE, I AM A GLOBALISTS!" Globalism is not American...it is anti-American. But we can continue to wave our Plastic Chinese made American Flags because after all that is what a Patriot does. George Bush, again when he was running for President was asked about the UN. The reporter asked if he would be willing to move the UN to Jerusalem. George Jr. immediately said, "I would most certainly push to move the UN to Jerusalem, but first we need peace in that region." The agenda to move the UN to Jerusalem is also not a new one, it has been around for about 200 years or so. All you have to do is read the documentation the globalist themselve print. Read it...dont poo-pa it simply because it is "Oliver Stone material". George Bush alone is not the problem: anyone who tells you it is okay to sell out America is the problem. I was listening to some Senator a few years back and he said a pretty wild thing. He said there are two types of people that run for office, those that wish to fight for America and then those that wish to eradicate America. For him to say this publically was pretty bold. There are agendas indeed. I still feel we as Americans are entering into an era that isnt going to be so forgiving regarding our libeties and freedoms. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  13. John I know you are not poking fun at me and you dont have to apologize for making any comment regardless of its content. If you read that paragraph again where the word Jacobin is utilized - you will notice it to be a reference to "Radicals" which is not a reference to "intelectuals" rather a reference to extemism - hence Terrorists. It was an extreme verbal slam. Websters Dictionary: Twentieth Century 1975 Unabridged edition Terrorist = 1) a person who practices terrorism, 2) a person or agent of the revolutionary tribunal during the French Reign of Terror, a member of various extreme revolutionary societies in Russia The very word "Terrorist" arose from the "Reign of Terror" which the history books have adamantly recorded. The word Terrorist was coined in 1795 following the French Revolution. Prior to the French Revolution Terrorists, in France, were known as "Jacobins"! Do a word study and you will see. Terrorists never see themselves as criminals or outlaws but as Political Activists. About a hundred years after the French Revolution terrorist got relabeled as anarchists, nihilists, and communist. John, you may be right as I'm not above being wrong - yet that is the intent I took the writer to mean..if I'm wrong, well then I'm wrong - but I dont think that I am. Oliver Stone Movies (?), exactly what do you think Oliver Stone's movies are based on? Truth is stranger than fiction...but then you would have to identify truth to be able to separate it from fiction! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  14. I read it when John posted it in the other forum. It is a good right up - yet IMHO I believe it is one dimensional in that it only sees things "currently" as in our Generation, and from the American's perspective only. As we all know there is always two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. Once paragraph that was interesting was...,"To protect themselves against the taint of anti-Semitism, purveyors of this theory sometimes disingenuously continued to pretend that when they said neoconservatism the did not mean Jew. Yet the theory inescapably rested on all too familiar anti-Semitic canards - principillay that Jews were never reliably loyal to the country in which they lived, and that they were always conspiring behind the scenes, often successfully, to manipulate the world for their own nefarious purposes." I think it is quite [Humerous] that people will always see historical jews as being nefarious and trying to manipulate the world as it is always "the other nations" as being politically motivated w/their own agendas and never "MY" nation that has an agenda to which the citizens of "My" nation rarely see this agenda come to light until decades or centuries later! Do any of you here in America really believe that Washington DC is operating w/out any agendas of their own and that they have fully disclosed their agendas to its citizens? Pppplllleeeeaaaassssee! This war is about much more than "Terrorism". Another paragraph that caught my eye was..., "Here we had a major development that slipped in under the radar of virtually all the pundits and the trend-spotters. How well I remember John Rouche, a political scientist then working in the Johnson White Housee, being quoted by the columnits Jimmy Breslin as having derisively labeled the radicals a bunch of Upper West Side jackal bins. As further investigation disclosed, Roche had actually said Jacobins, a word so unfamiliar to his interviewer that jackal-bins was the best Breslin could do in transcribing his notes. Why would Roche use the word Jacobin? Does anyone know what this word means or do you read this and then think nothing of it? We have to not only know ourselves but we also need to know our oponents before we can make or form legitimate opinions. ...and now, a little trip back in time.., Jacobin is a reference to those who were members of the Jacobin Clubs that espoused Jacobite (Templar) Freemasonry and "Templar" is a reference to the Knights Templar Freemasonry which was founded by the Order of Sion. The Cutting of a huge Elm tree in 1188 A.D. symbolised a permanent separation between the two Orders and a truce whereby each would be allowed to operate independently of each other. History indicates that King Henry II of England and King Phillippe II of France engaged in a bloody battle (rumors indicate the battle was over the vast treasures found when Solomon's Mines were discovered). King Henry II brought the Order of Sion unto his protection, even though the Order of Sion is located in Northern France and to this day remain under the protection of London. The Templars remain in Southern France. This rift caused one Order to loose control of "Jerusalem" (yes - even back then England and France were fighting over control of Jerusalem). The wealth of the alleged treasures from Solomons Mines were hidden by the Templars...so the story goes. One order became English Freemasonry while the other order became French Freemasonry. Meanwhile..., back to the point I was trying to make: the writer that used the term "Jacobins" used this term as a reference to the "Reign of Terror" brought about in 1793 by the members of the Jacobin Clubs which were controlled by Grand Orient Freemasonry. So what you say - and what does that have to do with anything? Well Hitler and his top cabinet members were schooled and edjucated through the Thule Society. Interesting isnt it that George Bush's Grand daddy helped start up the Thule Society in Germany and good old Grand-daddy Bush was also a member to the Skull & Bones Society...the very same secret society that George Bush and Kerry are members to; but I'm sure there's no connection there even though the History Channel recently showed a series on "Nazis and their affiliation w/the Skull & Bones Society"...but I'm sure it is just a bunch of hooey. Every nation of this world has these clubs of one nature or another. Even good ole Arafat of the PLO is a good Shriner (sorry to you good shriners out there, but it is true). I'm sure there are millions who belong to these societies that are actually good folks - its the society itself and the few who take the oaths serious that I dont trust...not the millions who think they are bascially a civic society of some sort. The fight between these secret orders used to be King/Queen -vs- Common Folk in an attempt for the common folk to overcome the tryanny of which the kings/queens ruled the masses unfairly. Who can argue that this political intrigue doesnt exists to this day? According to the books I've read this battle between the common folk and the self proclaimed royalty of yester-years has changed. King's and Queens are no longer an issue with the advent of paper negotiable instruments (paper money). The battle has now turned to a meniacal "Total Control" of labor, resources, and political/military control. If it weren't so serious it would be laughable and make a perfect "bad guy" in some James Bond movie. But we all know this kind of stuff only happens in the movies and not in real life (r-i-g-h-t ). Our stupid politicians whose allegiance is suppose to be to the people to protect the liberties and freedoms of those people belong to all these Spiritual, Political, and Economical secret societies: and they continually sell out America and have been doing so for the last 30 years...as our current President stood before a nation and the world as he announced "Outsourcing is good for America"...what a pathetic stinking liar! This parallels the comments by some Russian...was it Mikhail Gorbachev or someone else I dont remember, "We will take America w/out ever firing a shot!" I see now, globalist will not take over America by military take over - they will do it through economics (IMHO). I'm not trying to put any of you down that belong to some order - that is between you and God or whomever you believe or dont beleive in. Regardless of what you believe or dont believe, this rift between the two orders have been going on for centuries. The hate between the two groups are similar to the hate that followed the USA's Civil War between the North & South. Even though none of us were around during the Civil War you can still find remnants of unsubstantiated prejudice between the people of the North & Southern states. The difference between the common man hating the Norther or Souther states is basedin stupidity while the members to these secret societies take blood othes which is spiritually dangerous as it spirituall marks you and your children and clouds your allegiance to either God, family, or country. I personally believe what we are experiencing now "Current Event-wise" is a culimination of events that have been unwinding for the last two-thousand years. To simply say "Okay Iraqis - here we are; you can pat us on the back for making you free" after all these years of Financing your dictatorial leaders who have oppressed/murdered you and your families....here we are - and you are now free, IMHO is extremely naive! For the last couple thousand years the Middle East has been the object of Imperialistic attacks: not only by Rome, but also by the Germans, English, French, and now us as in USA. Attempting to establish a Palestinian State is also a very old one and not something we Americans came up with. For the last 30 years that I remember, I can recall hearing on the radio or on TV news where billions of dollars were being loaned to some 3rd world Middle East Country for whatever reasoning knowing full well the loans would never be paid back. Every president since I have kept up with current events has made one or more of these multi-billion dollar loans. The point is we gave billions to some 3rd world country that had fundamental enemies. When we gave these billions to a specific nation - their enemies at that point marked us as their enemy. Then once we obtained what we wanted or needed from that nation we then thru them aside and went on to the next nation who had then also marked us as their enemy. Imperializing, Christenizing, Democratizing, or Un-terrorizing....under any other name is going to foster enemies when innocent blood is spilled and financed by money that leads back to the lending nation. It appears our chickens have come home to roost. The hate founded in the Middle East goes much farther back in time than the Gulf War or Jimmy Carter's fiasco w/the Hostages taken by Iranians. Even if the Middle East does see "Perceived Peace" it will never be peasceful. I dont have the answer and I dont know what the answer is other than to tell the truth and quit lieing. As long as politicians make their contrived plans behind closed doors to impose their will on others there will always be an enemy hell-bent on retaliation. As I was finishing off the last few ounces of an ice cream container earlier this afternoon I was thinking about this thread. I too believe that anyone (Including Iraqis) should have the right to reach into their fridge and pull out their favorite ice cream container and enjoy it w/out fear that some wacko is going to crash in your door and kill you and your family (referencing what the terrorists might do to someone who challenges their authority). All I'm attempting to get across w/my rant is that whomever says we can not question the motives of politicians and demand full disclosure to any action is "UnAmerican". As far as I know freedom of speech still exists...maybe not for long (hello Homeland Security & the Patriot Acts I and II) but for now it still exists. The road to freedom is a very very bloody one. Who is suppose to pave that road and at what cost? I believe we are entering an era where the perception of all that America is suppose to be is over...poor poor me, and all the other Americans who believe something is very wrong with the status quo. BTW: I enjoyed the initial thread's intent about the democrats and the post that gave equal pot shots at the republicans. Obviously this subject is close to everyone as this thread has been viewed nearly 1500 times, and as we individuals attempt to ponder at what is said...we can still exercise independant thought. Hey, if we can talk about these controversial issues then we must be in..., Yea, I must be in America! 8) Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  15. I just received an email from Mike Collins (owner of the BMW LS1 site) regarding the projected time-line we can expect the kit to begin/completed. Quote: "I will definately be creating a kit but I just dont see it being ready until this winter. I am giving a lot of thought of how to do this. The motor mounts are very custom and would require a core exchange with the crossmember but I have some ideas that might simpligy things. I wont have A/C working this summer either. I know it (A/C) will fit but requires a custom bracket that will b easier to fabricate once the motor is out of the car this fall. Right now I am having way too much fun driving the car so I dont want to start tearing it down just yet." ....having too much fun driving it(?). I can only imagine how much fun that could be! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  16. sorry, it wasnt "Jack" Kelley...it was Pat Kelley. Here is his free DCR Calculator, http://members.uia.net/pkelley2/DynamicCR.html Remember, you have to match your engine-car combo's intent to the rpm range. This requires matching the DCR to SCR relationship to the Intake Port Volumes: if you mis-match components then your engine will not be as efficient as it should be. This requires understanding the peak powers: Tq peaks first (Cylinder Pressure) with HP peaking secondly (Port Pressure). Understanding DCR is the foundation on which your engine is built. If your DCR to SCR foundation is inefficient so to will the performance of that engine throughout the entire rpm range. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  17. Excellant Question! The answer you are looking for is found in the relationship between Airflow Velocity (Port Pressure) and Cylinder Pressure at a specific rpm range. The rpm range can be broad or narrow depending on the intent of the engine-car combo. The quick answer to your question would be to understand the "Dynamic Compession Ratio" basics yet the DCR alone wont get you the peppy neck snapping engine you desire. You will also need to determine what level of performance you expect/desire/need from your engine-car combo. Different Levels of Performance 1) Pure Street - Supercharged, Turbo, Nitrous 2) Pure Street Engine - Normally Aspirated 3) H/O Street Engine 4) Weekend Warrior 5) Dedicated Racer - Supercharged, Turbo, Nitrous 6) Dedicated Racer - Normally Aspirated Each level listed above comes with its own RPM ranges where peak Tq/Hp will surface as well as its own rate at which the intensity of that desired power is reached within the specific RPM range. So the questions you need to ask and grasp are: 1) What is the intention of the engine-car combo 2) What Displacement will I choose 3) What RPM Range is expected with the engine-car combo I have chosen 4) What DCR to SCR relationship gives me the expected RPM range needed 5) What Intake Port Sizing is required to meet the power output expectations within the RPM range my level of performance demands...(this includes the Intake Manifold Runners as well as the Cylnder Head's Intake Ports) Not to toot my own horn but these issues are exactly what I wrote about in my CD-Book I announced a few months ago: htt://hybridz.org/nuke/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewforum&f=2&&topicdays=0&start=225 If this link doesnt work you will find my CD-Book advertisement on the 10th page of the "Non-Tech Forum". If you wish to know what the DCR is and how to match that DCR to your SCR (Static Compression Ratio) then you can check out the book: How To Build Max Performance Chevy Rat Motors: Hot Rodding Big Block Chevys 90's Style By Ed Staffel Published by Cartech 1996 Copyright Look on page 112-113 for the instructions and page 108 for the Crank Angle Chart their example on page 112-113 utilizes to come up with their answers. To come up with your own Crank Angle Chart you can either make your own charts (with the use of trigonometry) or you can buy my CD-Book, or you can go find Jack Kelly's DCR Calculator. I dont have Jack Kelly's DCR Calculator on hand..., ANYONE ELSE HAVE A REFERENCE TO HIS FREE DCR CALCULATOR; please post it so butlersz can begin playing w/the numbers-thanx. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  18. Nice post Terry..., I too resisted expressing my complete and entire thoughts on this thread for the exact same reasons you gave. FWIW to anyone who cares: I have found that personally researching an issue prior to forming an opinion is the only way to truly form your own opinion w/o being manipulated by the social engineers. W/o going into a diatribe I would have to say the three best books I've ever read about Politics, Religion, and Economics were 1) The Bible 2) Pawns in the Game, by Commander Williarm Carr 3) The Creature from Jekyl Island, by Edward Griffin Okay, just one more book 4) Scarlet and the Beast, a three Volume set over 1200 pages in all ...another good book, and I dont remember the name -but it was a 300 page book on British Law and British History (Empire Building & Command & Control over the People thru the Rule of Law) which is no longer in print. Anyway - what America has turned into in the last century is the exact opposite of what our for-fathers inteded America to be. If you cant see this then you dont know your history...which means you are doomed to repeat it and we have only ourselves to thank for the mess we are in. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I dont claim to have all the answers...however, I would insist that the books listed above will give insight to those who wish to have another level of understanding on what is going on. Just to tickle the curiosity of those who are interested...Commander Carr's book was written in 1954. In his introduction he claims that World War III will start (not including the Cold War). He claims that World War III will begin with an attack by the Arabs against the USA. Now, if this "War" on Terror: which we are being led to believe was carried out by Arabs and was actually unpredictable...then how is it that Commander Carr predicted how this WWIII would begin over 50 years ago? I would suggest reading his book as well as any other book that offers insight to the status quo we currently find ourselves in these days. One thing I do agree on, and that is - things are only going to get worse for USA before they get better. If you understand politics (globalism) then you will see that things must get worse for USA otherwise globalism cant proceed forward. I'm not saying Globalist carried out 9/11 which eventually brought about the war in the Middle East...where the line is drawn between the actions of golbalist, actual terrorism, and or an God-allowed act, is too fine of a line for me to draw: it is interesting nontheless that we are heading in the direction of the Middle East and it doesnt look like we will be leaving it any too soon. America is the front line between what is left of the perception of freedom and the globalist that wish to sway the sheeople (thesis + antithesis = synthesis) into selling out America. I said it a few days after 9/11 occurred on HybridZ, which preceeded the Norther Coalition's attack on Iraq, and I'll say it again, the paridigms of Politics, Religion, and Economics are colliding and will lead us to Jerusalem. The Globalist wont set up shop in Jerusalem until there is Peace in the Middle East..and there will never be real peace in the Middle East. We are on the slippery slope ride and wont get off until.., well either you know what comes next or you dont. I dont have all the answers but I do know that I will never allow myself to form an oppinion unless I have researched an issue to death as opposed to someone spoon feeding me unsubstantiated allegations regardless of the labels and the demonizing of those labels. .., funny isn't it: I was only going to respond to Terry's comment, simply by agreeing with him; and here I am writing a diatribe. It is a tangled web this world has weaved and we (America) are in the middle of it. Again IMHO, this war is about many more things than simply terror and what took place on 9/11. Dont believe what the Politicians say simply because they say it, dont believe what the Policing Dept's say simply because they say it, and dont believe what your Pastoral leaders say simply because they say it: research, research, research an issue - then form you opinions. If and when you do disagree with someone do so w/o robbing that individual of their humility. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  19. For starters, no pun intended, we need a little more information prior to offering oppinions. What year, make, and model is your car and what if any upgrades have been installed: as in factory engine/aftermarket engine? FYI: when you put your key into the key lock cylinder on the steering column and turn the key - there is an ignition switch attached to the other side of the key lock. This ignition switch, when activated by turning the key lock, will activate a handful of relays which in turn power up their appropriate circuits. One of those circuits is the starting/igntion system which includes a handufl of little goodies that vary depending upon year, make, and model vehicle...so please offer a little more info which would allow anyone reading this thread to make an appropriate and educated suggestion as to what your problem might be. Questions needed answering up front are: 1) Year 2) Make 3) Model 4) Factory Carbureted/Fuel Injection 5) Any modifications added that effect your car's Ignition/Starter system? 6) Automatic/Standard Transmission 7) If a Standard Trans have you tried push starting it? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  20. Am I a bad person if I were to tell you I would like to use the BMW V10's Timing Chain Cover as my pillow? Excellant Pictures...thanx - that engine is a beeeutiful work of art. I'll take two; one to drive and one to put away as an investment...anyone willing to give me a loan - I'm sure I'm good for it: maybe The only thing I dont like about it is the starter locationi. I'ld hate to have to be the one to replace the starter when it goes bad! Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  21. Yes, please enlighten us as to what is required to fit 275's..thanx. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  22. Congrats on the progress. For posterity's sake what would you say the turn around time was between pulling the factory engine, sourcing parts, and up to the moment you fired up the LS1? Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
  23. Recently my A/C Idler Pulley Bearing went south on me. Nissan made the bearing to be removed and replaced w/out having to replace anything else. The problem I found is that Nissan no longer sells the bearing by itself. Instead - they sell the entire assembly "Pulley, Idler Bearing, and Braket" as an assembly for $100; Part#11925-U6000 So I checked out AutoZone and they had a A/C Idler Pully w/bearing that was an almost exact match for $20. The AutoZone Part#45902 was handwritten on the box with a black marker while a sticker on the side of the box also reads #45902 with some other numbers #843938, #3112, and a SEQ 0363. I'm assuming the #45902 is the part# but wanted to give all numbers on the box in case confusion arises for any reason. If you choose to use the AutoZone part be sure and knock out the spacer from the original Nissan Part as the AutoZone part will not work w/o it. The AutoZone part is stamped steel as opposed to Datsun's original part which was a forged steel pulley. The AutoZone pulley's "V" is slightly narrower in depth but has worked fine for me now going on a week's worth of driving. Just thought I would pass the info along in case some of you dont want to spend the higher bucks Nissan is charging. BTW: the Datsun bearing once removed from the pulley looks just like a typcial wheel bearing. So perhaps with a little more research someone might find an actuall wheel bearing with the exact ID" and OD" measurements. Kevin, (Yea,Still an Inliner)
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